Examine espionage in INGOs, foreign companies, individuals, working in South Sudan
By John Kiboko, Juba, South Sudan

August 2, 2016 (SSB) — From the look of it, from the authoritative way America speaks out on South Sudan, on what they feel should be done for this country – especially their forceful echoing of Dr. Riek’s demand for a third force in the country is alarming and requires a serious thought on the Government side. I say Government because this Government was elected to safeguard the sovereignty of South Sudan.
America appears to be a bully of South Sudan, America seems to say that they can impose on us, even imprison our leaders and whoever dares them, because as Ambassador Samantha Power, US permanent representative to the UNSC points it out in her recent remarks, at a UN Security Council Briefing on Peace-building in Africa in New York: “In 2011, we invested heavily in South Sudan’s future by giving the UN Mission in South Sudan, UNMISS, a mandate to assist the state at all levels with building institutions, fostering economic development, reforming the security sector, and promoting human rights.”
Madam Ambassador, you should be informed that the UNMISS ate your money (African English) or the UNMISS has misappropriated your investment on developing South Sudan’s institutions on other scam projects. The UNMISS has not built any institutions apart from petty workshops – three day, one week workshops, and every South Sudanese can testify to it. You need to consider investigating, or review, or audit, the UNMISS to account for your huge loss, not South Sudan Government or its people.
South Sudanese have not been so critical on what it does with the huge money that the US invested in South Sudan, and now we are bearing the burden of crimes committed by your UNMISS, stealing your money through scam projects. Well, since this money went into the pockets of the UNMISS officials unchecked by South Sudanese people; you have a right to say you “invested” in us.
Okay, if it is true that America invested hugely in South Sudan, America invested in friends. But not just pure friends but political friends and therefore whatever investment South Sudan got from America was also in the interest of America, as South Sudan would block Al-Qaida infiltrating the region to cause havoc in Somalia. Or has that mission, the mission of blocking radical Arabs been accomplished, so now, the deal has expired?
Still, we South Sudanese are friends of America. And in order to live in peace with our friends, it is important to be brutally honest with those friends we love and call friends from the bottom of our heart. This brutal honesty can be displayed when a marked pattern of bad behaviour, from a friend has been gravely noticed. The leaked CIA documents, spanning over a year of systematic communication between and among surrounding countries, on how to make South Sudan a failed state, cannot just be dismissed as lies, all that easily – especially now that mission is clearly manifesting itself before our eyes.
The pubic believes that there is no coordinated lie, but there can always be a coordinated truth in a series of activities to achieve and objective. The fake CIA documents on South Sudan, as the US embassy terms them as lies, fake or false, were a coordinated role; and cannot easily be underestimated by any concern South Sudanese national.
Well, after reading about the leaked documents of CIA (as mentioned earlier, the US Embassy refutes them, saying they were Fake CIA Documents,) it was not surprising for us to know that America, the country that once hoped that they can support South Sudan in order for South Sudan to block Al-shabab, Al-Qaida and all terrorists from entering into the interior of East Africa where they have invested their resources, appears that they see no more use for South Sudan, especially now that Osama Bin-laden is dead. Because South Sudan has become useless and the war of terror is gaining ground else, America is now working day and night to see our country go back to where America found it – suffering.
You can sabotage Government activities and efforts to work for its people and then, making us accepting it, through propaganda, that Government is doing nothing for its suffering people. But we, the people, will not accept to go back to suffering. So, America, please we know that our leaders have failed, as you say, now give us the chance we need to independently evaluate the performance of South Sudan Government.
America is engaging government on all fronts – mostly negating fronts; fronts that keep government busy, that take government away from doing the needful for the people.
The sabotage of American diplomats on South Sudan is there for all to see. For example, and a strong case is that American Government institutions are sponsoring anti-South Sudan Government media institutions, strong case being Radio Tamazuj. Where in the world would a friend establish houses that set fire on the house of a friend? American friendship versus South Sudanese friendship should be a spirit of let us work together as honest friends – to build to perfection the wrecks we put together almost ten years ago.
I write to request our American Government officials, former and active, to desist from demonizing South Sudanese Government, and in the process impoverish the people of South Sudan, through petty humanitarian hand outs which discourage hard work and field tilling. This is bad friendship; America is a country that strongly believes in “Self-reliance” why is America encouraging humanitarianism in South Sudan, instead of encouraging peace and hard work?
Princeton Lyman – the former American diplomat in the person of Princeton Lyman, who worked here in South Sudan’s US embassy we realize, has been busy collecting intelligence information on South Sudan, instead of working with the Government, foster good relations with Government, and advice Government on matters of development and how South Sudan may develop positive diplomatic relations with America.
There are a few examples of his undercover dirty works found everywhere in this country. One clear example is that Princeton Lyman established a media institution to be sponsored by the USAID, through funds that come directly from his Directorate of United States Institute of Peace, a government owned entity that is claimed or purported to be independent and non-partisan. Non-partisan, my foot!?
It is clear from its news angling and reporting on issues South Sudan and Sudan that Radio Tamazuj is foreign sponsored news outlet, with its office based in Nairobi, and one-Daniel is a spy stealing information from within Government and people for this Radio Tamazuj. With its usual single sourced, subjective, intelligence news production, Lyman, through Radio Tamazuj is promoting ideas that damage the people’s relations with their Government.
This contradictory behavior of American diplomats is unacceptable. When Lyman came here as a diplomat, was he not working or promoting the ruling American political party? Come on America, we South Sudanese are not fools. We can even say that it is not Lyman but American Government sponsoring The Radio Tamazuj and Daniel – one of the managers at Radio Tamazuj, who is here in Juba, providing Radio Tamazuj with news that investigate South Sudan, performance of Government, civil society and turning them into bad reporting, with the sole objective to change the public mind, so as to effect the Regime Change policy leaked out in the CIA documents – the fake CIA documents.
Radio Tamazuj is not even based in Juba, possibly because the goals and objectives of Radio Tamazuj are not in the interest of South Sudanese people. It is based in Nairobi. Why is Lyman operating his media house from Nairobi? This is the question that is directed To Whom It May Concern.
Nothing is accidental. Princeton Lyman’s article, which calls for a life support through the UN trusteeship, was a policy article on South Sudan; and it is in line with all the arguments that come from all corners of individuals the wannabes who call themselves experts on South Sudan. They are the likes of Clemence Pinaud, who is always busy collecting petty gossips in tea places for her journal articles; Alex de Waal, a scholar who claimed to know a lot about South Sudan’s “elite”, showing how concern he is, from overseas and many more.
No wonder, Lyman thought that his Radio Tamazuj has managed to change the public mind against their own Government, thought that with this achievement of his, South Sudanese will, in the words of Dr. John Garang, drive South Sudan Government officials into the “sea” – even if we are a landlocked country, sea has many connotations. That is why he is now writing a policy paper to be adopted by Obama Administration and the UN is gagged into accepting it. Sorry “Leeman” you will have to fall leeward now. Your Radio Tamazuj media institution with all its negative reports on South Sudan has not managed to break our bonds, as South Sudanese people.
To South Sudan Government officials: Already two coups have failed to topple President Kiir and your Government. What are you doing next? Should you wait on God to deliver you from the hands of your enemies every day and do nothing? As a concerned citizen, I am worried of the sovereignty and integrity of this country, that is, if foreign intruders are allowed to have access to very important national institutions, such as, owning media institutions and report what they like, without any obstacle; taking over the airport so that they can smuggle in what they want, and bring in force to “repel” any resistance. What will we become of all this takes place? It is the work of Government to stop this intrusion in the in the interest of the public.
There are companies here; be aware of companies owned by some foreign people; they come in disguise. A friend of mine said: “my first impression about Warrior Security (WS) was in Wau 2010 when UNICEF Wau zonal office wanted to sign a contract with them to guard the office and dismissed the local employed guards. When I noticed their strange behavior, I did little research I came to know that this company was possibly having links with dangerous organizations in East Africa.
I raised this concern authority but my reservation but was ignored. Now I want to say it again that not only the WS might have a link with the CIA; also some key head of mission of organizations in South Sudan could be CIA employees. I urged our security organs to be very vigilant and keep an eye on them”.
When we see what is going on around us in South Sudan, with TROIKA saying this or that, Embassies saying this or that, Samantha Power urging for this or that at the UNSC, as you will note on 28 July 2016 in New York, you will know that there are conspiracies going on, now headed by the Troika countries and the America, possibly for a regime change in South Sudan. But they cannot do it alone.
They have to rely in the IGAD countries, that has to be bought in order to join the bandwagon; East African countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, Botswana, Rwanda, etc.
My urgency is to you is: Gen. Taban Deng Gai and President Kiir should implement the ARCiSS and embrace peace.
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