PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why are IGAD, Troika and UN fueling more conflict among the people of South Sudan?

By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

August 10, 2016 (SSB) – There is nobody who may be against peace if peace is really coming, and if your neighbour come to your house with language of peace, you can welcome him/her in loving gestures, and hear whatever he/she may be saying to reconcile you with your friends, family members, tribe to tribe, nation to nation, region to region or internationally, that is the art of peace worldwide which I know. But if your neighbour take side against you, I think that peacemaker will no longer be call peacemaker, it is call a troublemaker.  Please study South Sudan peace process, or peace agreement, and the hints of conflict resolution in the Republic of South Sudan.

If the region and UN are genuinely concern for the life of innocent South Sudanese, they would have listen first the standpoint of government and the people when they argued proposal of two armies which resulted in J1 incident. New regional troop’s interventions are on the way to worsen the situation, but they nicknamed as protection forces, and it is still not an absolute solution to South Sudan. UNMISS was mandated to supervised CPA, protect civilians, and humanitarians workers. If it is no longer trusted by both the government, region, and UN, then terminate their contract and let them leave the country and bring in new regional protection forces which you are proposing.

But if the REGION, IGAD, and UN are accumulating huge forces of foreign militants in South Sudan for the well reason they know and which we are seeing in the name of failed leadership in South Sudan, and later on fight the government forces for the regime change which is the millstone, and many other blackmails, then who will accepted it even a dead South Sudan will not accept the deal. Let me tell you the secret, we South Sudanese are tough and don’t tolerated with deals and plans which made in air, under grounds, or with money, we are seeing all things which are dealt and accelerate by those who want leadership in that wrong manner, but it is better to listen before you want worsen it anymore.

I am not an anti-peace nor am I a campaigning agent of war in South Sudan but truth speaks by its nature.  There are evidences and number of regime change laid ahead against South Sudanese people and as a sovereign state in particular. These plans bring negative impacts on civil populations in term of economic crisis, conflict, death, and the planners never mind about grass root levels. It seems like solving it and fuels it in other hand.

In 2014, I posted a message on social media that there is no peace when people were preaching negative and fake peace that God is bringing peace to South Sudan and they were quoting chapters and verses of peace from the Bible. I told them that God hate hypocrites, and those who used to deceive themselves. Peace comes from within and inwardly with evidences of true colours from the wrongdoers, and ask forgiveness, and be contented with whatever that is it for win –win dialogue and peace methodology or whether if there is a pressure somewhere, you feel satisfy and show your full commitment. I advised them that time, no peace.

I reiterated my statement not because I don’t want peace to prevail in the country but I was questioning the framework and analysis of the imposed peace assigned on the 17th and 26 August 2015 by former rebel leader Dr. Riek Machar and President Salva Kiir Mayardit, and the reasons behind the agreement, and I had concluded my own analysis at the very beginning that this peace agreement will bring new war in Juba since IGAD, Troika, UN, and AU applied copy and paste of CPA contents, and contexts in references if the Sudan into South Sudan peace agreement without proper analysis.

On 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th of July 2016, the results of the imposed peace circled the residents of Juba when two giants’ armies fought against each other. This situation happened because the root causes of South Sudan conflict was not  properly addressed, or reasons of Regional and International Community to tear down the country were very well known even the villagers are too acquainted to mingling event of such peace in Africa.

In my last year statement, I told readers that I am not a prophet but what IGAD did is a transfer of war from the jungle into the city of Juba which had happened in J1 palace.  What I know in my own analysis because I used to solve problems and I have experiences on how conflicts and disputes are resolve is that IGAD and their partners are quick agents to solve conflicts but lack ability of maintain peace. It is easier to solve peace but what is important is to maintain peace. To maintain peace, one must look into the root causes of conflict and address the challenges that may cause another conflict, and provide clear ways of maintaining, secure and protect that peace.

The root cause of conflict in South Sudan is very clear.  People want to become president in an old concept (military means) which are no longer being support again in this modern world. Democracy or democratic system is the tool for leadership. In 1990, Dr. Lam, and Dr. Machar rebelled against Dr. John Garang and declared themselves in charge of SPLA/M Leadership, a chronic history which will not easily be put away for centuries. After they have failed, and ran back to Khartoum, and returned again to John Garang in 2002.

These two politicians want to become president of South Sudan in every way possible. Secondly, the same people and new faces want to become patronage of the regime change in the country, which is also not be done in this way or way of force, but need peaceful effort by the citizens through voting, an exercise which would have been took place in 2015.

Although fighting has stopped in South Sudan, regional and international support is seen in tone of the world against South Sudan government by responding to the calls of Dr. Riek Machar, and his groups, FPDs, and individuals dissatisfaction of SPLA creditability as a national army and choose foreign troops intervention or foreign protection forces which was accepted yesterday by the government of South Sudan due to pressures, but still other South Sudanese are calling UN trusteeship for 15 years and later on the government is hand over to them in this era. I wonder as a citizen, are these people really educated! Some documents need checking, because do these people think there is something for free?

And calling upon non owners to come and own ancestral land for their own sake? Prophecies of Dr. John Garang de Mabior are coming to fulfilment and he said, “People accuse me of killing our sons and eating up people farms products for nothing but let me tell you this, our blood will be shed because I hate oppression and marginalization of our people but I will not even enjoy the fruits of this struggle. There are people sleeping comfortable right now; they don’t know the hunger, or the sound of guns. After our job is done that generations will take over; they will cut a large piece of land with pangas and sell it cheaply for the bottle of beer”, (Dr. John Garang, 1990). Just take the word sell it cheaply for the bottle of beer.

This is what those who think they are educated doing in the West. The UNMISS which is here in Juba, and states is everyday rapping women/girls day and night direct and indirect. Understand it exploitation of poor women with money, this is a disaster.

Politically, psychologically, physically, emotionally, culturally, and spiritually it is quiet dangerous, for example in Central Africa Republic last year, they raped a girl of 13 years old, and now thousands of young girls in South Sudan are fantastically raped with loom of agreements by sleeping with them through money little paid in UNMISS IDPs sites which is also unlawful according to UN chapter of the 1948 declarations, pay visited to UNMISS camps around the country and see how children of different race appear in our current history. It is inhuman.

I think these roadmaps are not solutions to South Sudan problems, because what is lying ahead of us again is another worse war or call it definite cooked genocide, because Dr. Riek, Dr. Lam, Pagan Amum, Dr. Adwuok, Dr. Majak, IGAD, UN, Troika, AU, USA, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, and South Africa are all for the regime change in South Sudan which is consequently not evaluated with cares and love of humanity. Until what I see is achieved, there is no peace in South Sudan because rebels are not standing alone. Rebels are with International community, and pressure and amount of pressures are been push on the government to weaken them, and among the severest pressures are arms embargo, sanctions, and intervention of foreign forces, and every day with new strategy.

 Tactics are laid beyond even the assassination of leaders in the government and right example was the recent coup de taut in J1 where president was attacked to be killing him, and the whole nation would have been in mess as it happened in Rwanda in 1994, so that majority Dinka would have hunt others tribes in South Sudan in form of revenge, and people intervene with new leadership, while militias and groups of lawless army occupying corridors of Juba and other towns. This plan was blocked by God and is totally blocked forever.

Dear South Sudanese I am not against the peace but I am telling you what it is in mind and heart, we are all human being, and we cannot be deceive with piece of cake. IGAD is not trusted anymore. God catch thieves and read minds of cleverest, than anybody, this war is assisted by America through UN, IGAD, AU, and Troika. I want to tell you all, whether you believe me or not, there is no peace until either regional or International community with minority of South Sudanese who want the throne of the country defeat the regime change or government defeat all, otherwise let us expect new war again in Juba.

Finally, we have seen reports and counter messages from agents of change, and the main thing I am emphasizing is that although the nation has enemies within the region, and in the world at large, this coming war or planning will be defeated as always as God dispersed ill plans against South Sudan since 1899 – 2016. I am speaking this with cares and love of the nation because we cannot have five presidents at once, nor do we have one president forever but leadership ordain with God blessings and each president at own time lead people whether good or bad.

I am so principle, and discipline citizen since I suffered in the bush for 22 minus 4 years. This is my analysis and I will keep it for reference and preference, as I analysed the danger of two armies in the country and its consequences in March 2016, in my letter to presidency.

The author is a co-founder of National Mental Health Care Organization (NMHCO); He holds Bachelor degree in Social Work and Social Administration from SSCUST, Bachelor of Theology from CLT, Bungoma, Kenya/Kalispell, USA, and a fellow researcher. He can be reach at

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