PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Appeal to President Kiir: Fire Hon. Abraham Gum Makuac, the Governor of Gogrial State

Open letter to the president of the Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit: We demand the removal of, Abraham Gum Makuac, Governor of Gogrial State

Your Excellency,

28 governors swearing in ceremony in Juba
The swearing in ceremony of 28 governors in Juba, South Sudan, 29 Dec 2015

August 27, 2016 (SSB) — We thank you for the creation of (28) states and for putting to practice the vision of the (SPLM) of taking towns to the people.

In reference to the above subject matter and following:-

The Youth Association leadership of Gogrial County and their entirely members had strongly to makes their voices out due to developing administrative failure by thenewly appointed governor, Abraham Gum Makuac, the newly created state (Gogrial state). Our president, as you are aware of communal conflict in between Apuk Community of former Gogrial East County and Aguok Community of former Gogrial West County had always to lead the priority in selecting for us strong competent leader who work hard to bring political stability, Peace, law and order in the state. The governor of Gogrial State, Gum Makuac has fail us all including your image as the president of the Republic due to the followings.

1) Abraham Gum Makuac (himself) is very weak administratively which was openly seen during the formation of his state government. Gogrial state government was not formed by Abraham Gum. It was formed as directed by some individuals in fulfillment of their interests in the state. For example the appointment of incompetent officials.

Abraham Gum has failed to maintain the security and unity of conflicting communities of Apuk and Aguok since he was appointed as governor. The problem of Apuk and Aguok was contained by then defunct Warrap state government lead by Hon.Akec Tong of which Gum and some of the officials were parcel. Fighting was stopped and compensation were made for people killed in the conflict. Unfortunately, after some months few individuals from Apuk went to Aguok and killed two sons of Sultan Kuec Mayar in cold blood. We all worked hard to convince our people not to take law into their hands but to trust the government to first investigate the killings. The investigation was made and some culprits were found guilty and arrested with the connection but nothing had been done until we heard recently the killing of other three people by the same culprit who killed the first two people last year. This narrative makes us to believe that escape of the culprit from the jail and the new killing is squarely in the hand of governor.

2) Apuk and Aguok peace will not come to an end because of inaction of the administration of Gum in the state. He failed to set up trial for the perpetrators who murdered the two sons of Sultan Kuech Mayar Yel in Aguok from last year  up to now .We have never heard  whether  the family of the deceased was compensated or not.

3) Hon Governor formed a self-seeking government. In May this year the only organization called (MS F) in Gogrial which provided health care to our people pulled out after its contract expired but was to be replaced by (U.P. I). This new organization was forced to withdraw after requesting state authority to use (M.S.F) vehicles for short period until they brought their vehicles. They told (U.P.I) to pay ($700) as rent for car per day or else they should go. This force (U.P.I) to pullout from Gogrial town leaving innocent people to die from treatable diseases while the government officials divided the (M.S.F) vehicles among themselves.

Gogrial state has expelled Universal Premier International from Gogrial town. The same healthcare organization (UPI which was to replace the MSF after its contract ended.

We the sons and daughters of the above association in juba would like to voice our concerns to your leadership and the general public that we will not be longer responsible in case of any violence across the said communities in the state.

Therefore, we would kindly request you to hear our voices of peace so that if anything happens, whoever was involved in that must be held accountable to their words and actions because we so much care about peace within our communities.

Kind regards,

Secretary General –Gogrial County Youth Association-Juba chapter

Cc: MPs representing the area TNLA and state Assembly

Commissioner of Aguok South County

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