The spirit of Borism, Twicism and Dukism is at a dreadful rise on social media
What is wrong with Kolnyang County, Anyidi County, Makuach County, Baidit County, Jalle County, Maar County, Wangulei County, Kongoor County, Weernyol County, Payuel County, Pajut County, and Padiet County? Bor community needs rescue, URGENTLY
By Kur John Aleu, Beijing, China

September 17, 2016 (SSB) — A community which was known of its resilience, persistence, patriotism and as brainpower in the then Sudan and even among the Southern tribes is now getting fragmented both politically and socially from its known prominence, failing a simple task of putting her house in order with the whole of its diverse intellect.
The Giant Greater Bor Community association in the USA is dead, I called it giant because most of her members are presumably educated youth and therefore are expected to show high degree of political maturity and to act as agents of positive change back home.
The spirit of Borism, Twicism and Dukism is at a dreadful rise on social media with laughable egos….. Fair distribution of political seats and administrative units is dead….accusations and counter-accusations on new discovered national political allies probably traceable to Dec 2013 is the order of discussions at tea places. Are we heading toward the right direction? I think No.
How did our great legends, Deng Malual, Ajang Duot and Mabior Ngueny managed to keep the community united during their eras when they were not even educated and didn’t know much about importance of unity and peaceful coexistence. This brings in the question of leadership, could it be leadership problem? Yes I think there is a leadership gap in our community.
Who is a leader? Take from me, a leader is someone who organizes, manages and shows community a right direction toward prosperity, a leader must be wise, extraordinary and decisive, do we have such leaders now in our communities, I think no. instead the above conventional leadership’s values are substituted with Big body size preferably belly stomach because there is a misleading perception now days were fatness is associated with intelligence and education.
Wealthy as a known fact from corrupt sources and by the way thieves are now days the role model, to make things worse there is a way they have made their ways into the minds of villagers and when you attempt to tell them that Mr. so with that belly stomach and smart car can’t make a good a leader then you are like telling a monkey that banana is not sweet.
The recent creation of more counties in Jonglei state and especially in former Bor County has really exposed how naïve, selfish and divisive our decisions makers are. How will I tell my dad who doesn’t know geographical direction in English the name of my county, Bor East…South….North ….Twic west…Anyidi-Makuach County (the most ridiculous of all).
What is wrong with Kolnyang County, Anyidi County, Makuach County, Baidit County, Jalle County, Maar County, Wangulei County, Kongoor County, Weernyol County, Payuel County, Pajut County, and Padiet County? Wouldn’t it be easy and simple? What criteria was used then to divide the then Bor County into Eight counties? I think no one will benefit from such division being planted in our watch.
Ladies and gentlemen I was lucky to work with certain organization in Jonglei state in May 2016 and I managed to move from Bor through Twic East to Duk counties, what I saw with my own eyes needs all of us to unify our energies and confront it together otherwise our community pride will just remain a history.
The devastations of the previous wars are still visible as if they happened yesterday, and some former payams which are now promoted to counties are only identified by trees, it is sad.
This article is therefore a wakeup call to the great sons and daughters of Bor community that our inter-relationship is not politically or administratively bonded but has depth roots in our blood and therefore we shouldn’t allow our social fabrics that were mended by God not even any human being to be broken by politicians who are even politically illiterate.
Let revive our glory and unity by revisiting our leadership criteria at our individual sub-levels, we need people who knows the value of our unity not division-profiteers.
The author, Kur John Aleu, is South Sudanese student at Beijing Jiaotong University in China.
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