PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

CDR Gabriel Jok Riak: One of the most decorated SPLM/A commanders of our liberation struggle

Do you know CDR Gabriel Jok Riak was SPLA Commander who fought as foot soldier in liberation war (1983 -2005)

By David Aoloch Bion, Bor, Jonglei state

September 26, 2016 (SSB) —- CDR Gabriel Jok Riak had planned, commanded, executed and participated as foot soldier in 23 battles of SPLM/SPLA against Sudan government in the liberation war from 1983 to 2005. He was critically wounded three times and slightly wounded four times.

CDR Jok was trained at Bilpam in Jumus Battalion, attended Shield one cadet and went Cuba for military course. He was given fire baptism at the Battles of Jokou and Nasir in 1984 at the rank of CPL and 2nd Lt.

 In 1989, as Captain, he commanded a coy in the battle of Nasir where he was wounded at the leg. In 1991, he commanded a coy in the battle of Payom at Panyagor in Twic East when the SPLA Torit was fighting the SPLA Nasir, at Payom he was wounded at the leg.

 In 1992, as A/CDR, he commanded a Task Force at Khor Hangreb near Nasito when he fought as a foot soldier and was wounded at the kidney.

 In 1994, he commanded an ambush at Jebel Awence, which was broken up by the NIF forces, there he fought as foot soldier .he commanded number of ambushes at Nyabang, Moli Junction, which were all broke up too.  He fought in the battles of Aswa as foot soldier.

In 1995, as Commander, he fought as tank gunner in the battles of Parajok, Magwi, Amee Junction and Jebellein. In 1997, as CDR, he fought as tank gunner in the battles of Yei, Mile 40 Bridge, Tindilo, Mundari Borou, Tali, Tonj, and Yirol.

In 2000, as CDR, he fought in battle of Kapoeta as tank gunner. In 2002, he fought in battle of Torit as tank gunner. Because of his participation in 23 battles, .CDR Jok is one of the ace freedom fighters of SPLA.


Coming to Sentry Report, the report is nothing but a part of wider Regime Change conspiracy. It is just smear-mongering, hate-mongering against innocent people of South Sudan.  The report says Jok profited in the war, this is false propaganda means to demoralize him.

The reports talk about 200,000 Dollars and 300,000 Dollars. Can’t the whole General as Jok get that money legally? The Generals all over the world can get that money legally.

Therefore, Jok is not implicated because of the robbery but because of his bravery.

This is not the first time he has been implicated in case he has nothing to do with. During Yei Crisis between John Garang and Salva Kiir, he was implicated and accused of trying to execute unimaginable plan. Because of his bravery, he managed that situation.

 In fact, he was implicated simply because of what John Garang did to him after the battle of Kapoeta, after the fall of Kapoeta; John Garang held up Jok’s hands and praised him too much before the soldiers. This angered many colleagues who were there.

Because of good relationship between Garang and Jok. Some guys exploited Yei Crisis to cause harms to him. And by then Garang simply praised Jok because of his well execution of the combat orders.

Gen Jok is implicated in the Sentry Report not because he stolen the money but because he executes the orders of the Republic of Sudan satisfactorily.

Jok Riak is naturally a slave of bravery and now he is politically a victim of patriotism. Gen Jok is always implicated in cases he has nothing to do with in order to rubbish his highest achievements.

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