Ethnic targeting: Why are the Equatorians singling out, killing, the Dinka people?
Ethnic targeting: Why are the Equatorians singling out and killing members of the Dinka community along highways, roads, and schools, in South Sudan?
By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

October 2, 2016 (SSB) — What does the world means when they said South Sudan situation is deteriorating and unbearable? Do they mean the silence genocide against Dinka community or they mean something else? If the world has seen brutal killing and tragic death of Dinka people and they are now crying for that silence genocide which is the south Sudanese top agenda for the day, then the world is absolutely right, but if international community and those of human rights in Juba hear news of target attack, close eyes, and never help South Sudan authorities to quail human crimes, and genocide which is now taking place in South Sudan, then what are they shouting for? How come the community is burring eleven (11) people in one minute?
People who were born in different days, different environment, and raise up by different families died in one second! Which community in South Sudan than Dinka burring its members every day because of target killing? And others are damped on roadside without burials. On the 30th of September 2016, Dinkas left check point on road leading Kecji-Kecji. After few kilometres away from the check point, they were attacked and eleven people killed on sport, and others were seriously injured. Is genocide in which form since the same community members are targeted, attacked, and killed everywhere in South Sudan? How can one call this killing?
Genocide: it is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group. I call it silence genocide because nor South Sudan authorities, or individuals, or Dinka people whose members are being kill every day report cases of target killings which always happening on high ways in South Sudan as abuses of human rights, and crimes against humanity, and to condemn it. To know the statistic of death toll, there is no each week, and month of the year without records of Dinka death for all twenty years. In Juba, Dinka members disappear every day, because they are picked and killed.
I define this genocide in South Sudan as lesson to be deal with collectively, otherwise if Dinka reiterate, there will be no place for hiding, because genocide is the intentional actions to destroy what we usually call as ethnic groups, racial, religious groups or a whole part of the community. In South Sudan, this type of genocide took long on Dinka community but they endured it, they endure it because Dinkas are majority in the country and majority always ignore things happen to them.
Yesterday, we were burring eleven people, and other Dinkas didn’t feel it, just only family members. This is how we ignore death and killing of our members but not fear. During Dr. John Garang leadership, Dinkas died everywhere in South Sudan especially in valleys, forests, and rivers and swarms. They died in big number because hands of south Sudanese people against Dinka are very great on Dinka people.
Probably, since 1983-2016, the numbers of 4 million of South Sudanese lives lost during the Sudan civil until now, 75% dead are Dinkas. Today who is dying on high ways apart from Dinka people? From Juba-Yei road, Juba- Munduri road, Juba- Terakaka road, Juba- Bor road, Juba- Torit road, Juba- Nimule road, and Juba-Kecji-Kecji road, because people are stopped on roads, ask them to show their your IDs, and if Dinka is found, they were remove from public transports, killed and damped on the roadsides.
I am asking, and calling the whole world, particularly human rights groups, and government of South Sudan to immediately stop intentionally actions of picks and killing strategy on animals call Dinka community? To make my explanation short, last month, you heard counter attacks on Juba-Nimule road, and many vehicles were burned, people were killed, and lucky one were seriously injured. What actions did human rights groups have taken?
Yesterday, on 30th of September 2016, eleven (11), people were all killed and they all Dinka-Bor. What actions did human rights groups have taken? And the program is continuing; more others will die in the process. What are the procedures to avoid revenge? Is it just to die every day because animals are dying, even the owner of the animals did not deserve his animals to die every day.
I want to repeat what I said in my famous article of, “Dinka community: The MTN of South SudanDinka community?” And in that article, I mentioned majority of Dinka but not a threat to people of south Sudan, but if South Sudanese become threat to Dinka and killing of Dinka become special duty of the day, then who will be kill every day and fall of hands? If we want to destroy South Sudan by killing ourselves as a way we can understand ourselves, then I think it is not far away from the main door.
Because I have seen the so call international community whose agencies are here in Juba, who are supposed to hear and handle issues of human rights, are even keeping quiet because animals call Dinka has no rights to be protected. Today I want mention again Dinka sections, and its subdivisions, and to tell our brothers from the regions concern where killing of Dinkas taking place, and to tell me really that are they going to manage to fight Dinka if they become Dinka immediate enemy? Ok learn Dinka sections and subdivisions here.
The Dinka (Jieeng) people has fifty sections and one hundred and fifty six subdivisions: Rek of Wau (Dinka Marial Baai), Palieupiny Malual, Pajook Malual (Malual Gieernyaang/Malual Buoth Anyaar), Paliet Malual, Abiem Malual, Twic Mayaardit, Kuac Ayok , Awan Chan , Awan Mou , Wan Parek , Aguok Kuei , Apuk Giir , Apuk Padooc , Apuk Jurwiir , Konggoor , Abiem Mayaar , Lou Ariik , Lou Paheer, Luac (Luanyjang), Luac (Luanykoth), Akook, Thiik, Jalwau, Nyang Akoc, Abuook, Atok, Noi, Leer, Muok, Yaar Ayiei Cikom, Thony, Gok, Kuei (Agaar), Rup (Agaar), Pakam (Agaar), Parial (Agaar), Yak (Agaar), Atuot, Ciec, Aliap, Bor (Gok has five payams and subdivisions, Athooc two payams, and sis subdivisions, Pakheer has two payams, and six subdivision, Ajuong has two payams and six subdivisions, Nyuak has one payam, and three subdivsions, Liith, has two payams, and six big subdivsions, Nyarweng, Hol, Luac (Luac of Khorfulus), Rut, Thoi, Ruweng Paweny, Ngook Lual Yak (Ngook of Malakal), Dongjol, Nyiel, Ageer, Abialaang, Ruweng Paanaruu, Ruweng Aloor and Ngook Jok (Ngook of Abyei). Noted that the Rek, Padaang, Malual and Agaar, and more because the list is long.
Now I am trying to educate South Sudanese about Dinka people they are killing comparing to their population in general, and then keeping up playing with that fire of fuel tank to blow on them anytime. You have seen people how government of South Sudan was fighting rebels and the world media misinterpreted it as war between Dinka and Nuer, but majority of Dinka in Juba didn’t participated in the war while others fighting themselves in Rumbek, and Gok never mind of war labeled against them. Others Dinkas were playing games in Juba, and did not participate in the war and some regions in South Sudan are owned by Dinkas alone.
For example, Abyei alone is a region compare to former Central Equatoria but these are people where portion of tribe Dinka alone is a region without another additional tribe should be play with by killing? I don’t know how do people think about this inhuman, and every day killing on high ways or is seem to them like coward and fear? But we tolerate this killing to maintain cohesive, peace, and spirit of nationalism with our South Sudanese brothers as a nation.
In my conclusion, I advise several times that don’t attempt to step on a nose of a sleeping lion. As a community we have three options to go along it, and I wrote a letter to President, ministers, and MPs which will come to forth after this article, that whether we endure this target killing until President Kiir who is a Dinka, his term is over, and if anybody come as a president of South Sudan, we go along the roadside and target their community members; or we go and ambush public vehicles against non-Dinkas and kill them.
Or all the MPs should go outside Juba, and tell their constituencies to stop this killing, otherwise which peace, unity, forgiveness, and reconciliation are we talking on mouths, which is absent in heart? Please South Sudanese, learn from my two articles, analyze it, and come to your sense, before we take law into our hands. God bless South Sudan.
The author is a co-founder of mental health care organization. He can be reach at
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