The people of South Sudan are for peace, love and unity!
By Angelo Deng Biar, Juba, South Sudan

October 6, 2016 (SSB) —- I hope majority of us had come across the popular saying by An American known as John Dickinson which he saying “By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!” I strongly agree with him for sure, divided we fall, united we understand and my wish and crying every day long and night long for us South Sudanese to join hand in hand in advocating unity, peace, love and development in our country so that we will not fall. I wish all of us should do it in spirit and letter by putting aside our differences like Gen. Paul Malong and Gen Dau Aturjong.
What they did is commendable, I really congratulated them for amicable way they solve their dispute in Aweil on Sept 2016. Their example is powerful and fundamental of unity we want in south Sudan. Furthermore the ways Gen. Awan and Gen. Aturjong solved their grievances and differences need to be adopted by South Sudanese whether you are old or young let us be able to solve our problems without involving the neighbors as well as people far off.
South Sudanese! Let discouraging division and war. I know the result of war is bringing more destruction to the country, destroying of property and looting, evil doers such as murdering and raping of ladies and killing of gentlemen who are supposed to be leaders of tomorrow, just to mention few. Name then. For those few I mention you may even lost your county resources for other countries to benefit of it. For those few reasons I know some of you experience a lot than what I mentioned above if that is the case we need to embrace one another despite of our diversity.
We are South Sudanese. Let us work for betterment of our country. John f. Kennedy whose country is very powerful few years after every citizen decided to gift best for their country. Kennedy told his country women and men that “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your county. I would like to tell my compatriots women and men to ask what they can do for our county to have peace, love and harmony.
I am not saying we will not disagree. We will disagreed but don’t sell your country or kill your brothers and sisters for you to get what you wanted. It is human to disagreed, we always disagree to agree. Do you kill your own biological brothers and sisters or even sell away your home because of disagreed with them? Why South Sudanese like killing and sell their country?
Leant from your neighbor, I was in Nairobi during Kenya’s post-election of 2007. In election Kenyans disagreed agreed to extend of taken up the arms and short while Kenyans and African man known as Kofi Anan came together and solved the problems without involved too much non Africans as result of that they joint hand for mega development that lead to Thika Super High and vision 2030. I just say that because I want us to learn lesson from Kenya general post-election, I know South Sudan was tempted when it was about to go for general election. Can South Sudan be able to turn problems to mega project and mega development without involved Non South Sudanese and non-Africa like Kenyan in 2007- 2008?
Giving up your right forsake of peace and love of the country. I always think of H.E. vice President James Wani, this man have had given in and up his right and position many time forsake of peace, unity and love of his country. All South Sudanese knows the good work this man did for them. He has had never fights and kills in order to get position but he always win position without fight. My compatriots, ladies and gentlemen to kill in order to get position or what you wanted is a disease that was attempted several time by Dr Riek since 1991.
Nowadays, I don’t know whether our people realize the present of remedy. First vice president Gen. Taban is other man that we need to join our hand with him because he did not believe in divided. He understand very well that by divided we fall and united we stand that why he said, “It’s wrong to have two commander in chief and two army in the same one country” which is very, very true, the fought that took place in J1 was because of two armies in one country.
Beside that H.E. first vice president Gen. Taban is a man of vision. You can agree with me because of the achievement that he accomplished in few months such as appointed SPLM-IO members of parliament (MPs) in order to form TGONU and more importantly he gave Equatorians their right together with H.E Gen. Salva Kiir by appointed Hon Lino Makana as speaker of National Assembly then parliamentarians’ play role wise role in approved him as speaker in the National Assembly.
I can say this man is fit for this job and he is one of the loyalist to his country that why such thing happen with short time. My compatriot of South Sudanese let take that heart and work together for better home.
I think there must be fundamental problems for some of us South Sudanese because we don’t reason before taking action for example Dr Lam was minister of Agriculture who ran away to foreign land and then end up in resigned in Ethiopia. Right now he is mind-boggling for overwhelm to resign for no reason. Ladies and gentlemen let us not be misled by people who don’t know their ambition. You are leaders of tomorrow, so ask yourself what the motive opportunity means of mobilizes.
Please enough is enough call spades, spade. Let us work for peace and better place for our children. We need to join hand together as South Sudanese and fight for this chronic disease call failure and blame game. Most of our leaders just failed their job, because they are confused with donors who push them but you will be like decay and homeless even though you trust them now. They always say government has failed, surely who is government? Some ministers failed their duty and run away from country, they forget that he or she is part of Government.
Another great enemy which has been killing South Sudanese is discrimination and greedy for power and money. Last but not least is another big disease call self- center Like Dr Majak August 31, 2011, appointed deputy minister of defense and veteran affairs, decline say that he is over qualify for position ( Sudan Tribute) Is it good to handover our country to those who want resource in it? Let us look Somalia and Libya, It is good now? Let us learn lesson from Libya.
I heard the people of Libya regretting recently on BBC radio “they said “we wish Gadhafi was a live; we could have not suffered like this” Is it what South Sudanese want, do we wanted our lands and resources to be taken by foreigners? Let me tell you. It is not too late; we can redeem our country if we joint our hand for peace and unity. I am a lover of development, peace, unity and harmony in diversity like compatriots South Sudanese.
Angelo can be reached via his email: angelobiar2003@ayhoo.
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