Our political differences need a clear mind rather than absolute extremism!
By Malek Cook-Dwach, Juba-South Sudan

October 8, 2016 (SSB) —– The political divisions of SPLM-IO have generated hullabaloo and unconstructive debate between semi-literates, literates, scholars and political scientists. In this scenario I observed the mere glorifiers of what is so call Prophet Ngundeng Bong and the liberal minded who doesn’t believe in myths and approach the political realities as they are happening.
What is so funny about this debate people confused between politics and community, it has been made worse by absolute extremism by those seemed to know little about political life but in fact know nothing than using community as their protective base.
Criticizing other people on their decisions using an insult not only exposes your stupidity but it shows the degree of your stigma infection. The community is an independent entity presumably innocent till used by selfish individuals to achieve their political interests.
It has been for sometimes; I didn’t respond to those who proclaimed and called themselves heroes or heroines either by default or whatever the conditions therein.
I took and employed silent as the workable tools to demonstrate my civility due to the fact that not every dog that bark hurts.
Low self-esteem people are not necessarily consulted when dealing with national matters but not withstanding their contributions during the polling day vote (election) where they mostly needed.
The words betrayal, money lovers, heartless, night clubbers and puppet (stooge) could have opposite and equal in practices. I don’t want to indulge myself on those terms because they are equally shared and those terms fall in the categories of private life. When one engage in such critics it amount to personal assassination or personal defamation which is punishable by laws. Or sometimes he/she who uses to attack personality not an idea is always considered insane by others.
I am not silencing you who assumed to be well vast in directing people on what political life one to live by. One is convinced that, decision is made base on some political readings and critical analysis which could not temporary be the case to the general populace till it bear fruitful results.
Blames and condemnations are always everywhere but consider healthy because any emerging leadership has its challenges. One of its disadvantages is; it threatening the survival of some individuals who believe in status quo for the reason best to known to them. The question which poses itself is; will the national agendas on South Sudanese political, economic, social reforms achieve through one tribe? e.g Nuer, which I squarely doubt.
I am sure that lack of clear political road map victimized this beautiful community on the ground that blind bravery is the main setback. There are things which are sacred by norms and traditions as taboo when you talk about you are regarded an enemy to the community.
In the nutshell, the community must be differentiated from politics because no community will unite under one party umbrella to pursue and get their share in the national cake through that organization.
The Author is a concerned South Sudanese Citizen and a writer, reachable at malekcook75@gmail.com
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