PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Glimpse of History: The names of 9 SPLA soldiers who shot down 15 warplanes of Sudan Army

By  David Aoloch Bion, Bor , South Sudan


October 10, 2016 (SSB) —- The SPLA had fought the longest bloodiest war with the Sudanese army from 1983 to 2005. The Sudanese army had been bombing SPLA positions at the frontlines, in the liberated areas and the internally displaced camps (IDPs), killing women and children.

For example, the Sudanese army air force excessively bombed Torit in 2002 till the SPLA withdrew one month after it was captured for the second time.

On the other hand, In the 21 year liberation war, the SPLA had shot 15 military warplanes. Therefore, the names of the SPLA unsung heroes who did this brilliant job are as follow:

1 .Maj .Gen Garang Akok Adut had shot down five enemy warplanes. He shot down two helicopter gunships in Naisr in 1984. He shot two Mig 23 jet fighters and one Antonov aerial bomber warplane around Juba.

2. Col. Majier Mayom shot down one warplane which was jettisoning down ammunitions and food to besieged Bor in 1986. He also shot down two Mig Jet fighters In Mangalla and one around Juba.

3. Maj. Gen Akuoc Jago shot down a Mig jet fighter during Tiger Battalion attack on Pochalla.

4. Martyr 1ST Lt Mamer Mum shot a warplane in Akoba.

5. Martyr Sgt Wundit Mawien from Luach Aguer Adhel shot down a Mig jet fighter at Baidit East Bor, which was the HQs of Zonal Commander Kuol Manyang Juuk. Wundit was killed in ambush by Murle tribesmen on his way to cadet in Ethiopia at Kalbat swarm between Pibor and Ukillo

6. Ace sharp shooter Duoth Dajuol Kuony shot down enemy warplane in Nasir.

7 Anti-aircraft gunners Garang Yor shot down enemy warplane during the battle of Rumbek in 1987.

8. Ace SAM 7 gunner Awath Jago shot down enemy warplane at Tangrial near Maluth.

9. Ace sharp shooter Ayiik Deng Ajuong shot down Mig jet fighter in Baidit, East of Bor town.

These 9 soldiers deserve honour in history of SPLM /A.

NB: If you know Duoth’s full name call me 0956057491

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