The Voice of patriotism in South Sudan
By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

November 3, 2016 (SSB) — Patriotism is a profound manifestation and attachment towards underpinning and pecking order that make up any nation. A nation of South Sudan is compose of the Presidency which of course had H.E. the President and his First Vice President and Vice President as per the Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, he who have patriotism will appreciate and respect social norms and structures whereas he without love for his nation will bounce up and name the Presidency by names, Regions and tribes and truthfully if grumble are well projected the call for representations can be sorted out serenely as the political line extend its extremity down the board but due to political harshness and rigidness from some groups of disloyal contestants such resourcefulness are never attain.
A Tearful and classic love for our nation, the nation of South Sudan was clearly observed during the Independence day the July 9th 2011 when the legendary sons and daughters of this Land voluntarily shed tears of happiness, that love is preserved in our rhythmic and beautiful National Anthem and indeed when it is being sang everyone feels the power and strength of words and lines as you push through the well-articulated verses but those with feeble love for the nation will look at it as a scribe composed by the University of Juba’s Choir.
Without hesitation a classic love for the nation is reveals when our National Team the Bright Stars goes head in head with other regional, continental or international teams by encouraging and supporting them financially, socially and morally. It is actually the social and moral support that compel all sort of ages and professionals to leave their daily vocations and Commitments to go and cheer on the National Team, it is because of the love for the nation that make majority of the fans paint their bodies with national flags and some drawings of National map but regrettably the disloyal perception will step in and disperse the morally and financially aid of the supporters by calling the players unskilled players.
The strength of every nation lie in the hands of its army and as of today an exceedingly patriot can pays respect and guard of honour to the SPLA though with moderate advices and suggestions but the phony patriot will rush in, coat it with negative summary and disintegrate the Army into sections and backgrounds which later can result into the sightless outward gluttonous movements into the jungles with the hope of getting personage wishes in a jungle seven days course and in the progression of gratifying their evil dreams the ever eminence Loyalists of the SPLA wait depressingly for their endorsements as they engage the boisterous new rebel Commander who has just declared his rebellion after smelling deep-frying onion from the neighboring household of the recent decorated rebel-Major General who has been confirmed into the Files and Ranks of the SPLA as Brigadier General.
Socially and morally all sorts of evils never part with evil doers, it will never be a miracle for God to bless South Sudan with food, health and all varieties of blessings when individuals are look at as representatives of their tribal names instead of their personal given names like Lako, Mabor, Mamer, Ojwuok, Oduho, Kenyi, Otim etcetera , God is a loving God who cannot give attention to one in a millions who identify tribe in individuals names rather than on deep survey of their originality.
How prudent is it for someone to assume that Wani is a Mundari, Gatkuoth is a Nuer, Garang is a Dinka without asking his family background, it can be a foolhardiness if the name afterward appear to originated from his maternal family, we need an adjustment in our social circle Dear Junubeen, how do you expect a better relationship from your neighbour when you have just illegally dined on his only surviving cock? And on the plan of stealing his pumpkin tonight, in the face of humanity and realism you can never be a good neighbour and your chances of quarrelling with one another on daily basis are extremely predicable.
There is a need for gallant love among the tribes and communities of South Sudan, the largest citizenry should respect the rights and privileges of the smallest citizenry and altogether smallest citizenry should respect the largest citizenry knowing that the size of the bed can be designed according to the size of the user, the users of the double bed should wisely share the available space agreeably and in a unified comportment , we have to avoid the release of anger engender generality and hate speeches, it will be a blessing if we could stop the chronic songs of the liberators, the rebels, the haters and the standoffish, advisably the issue of representation base on tribal and regional balancing without considering merits, qualifications and experiences is one of our greatest setbacks in the Republic of South Sudan.
Words and statements such as ‘‘we the community of X Congratulates H.E. the President of the Republic of South Sudan for appointing our son/daughter as Y’’ such expressions are not nationalistic, we are all sons and daughters of south Sudan and any National acknowledgments should be based on national salutes, these are the same people who will rebel when their son/daughter is remove from that post by the same Constitution. On note we have to discourage communities and regional groupings that go to the Presidency to present their grievances, they indirectly presume advisory roles and begin talking defensively and against those they consider their enemies, grievances to the highest office of the Nation are supposed to be forwarded through the Governor of the State who is directly constitutionally linked to the Presidency and not by direct approach to the Presidency by individually groups.
As we struggle to re-plant the seedling of patriotism, our youths have to be involved in youthful positive activities such as attending Manut Bol Basketball Court at the University of Juba for relaxation of mind particularly for those who are residing in Juba, moreover attending some dramatic activities during weekend at Nyakuron cultural center can be engaging, educative and stress mitigates. Dear people of South Sudan it is now our high time to look into our own bowls of mistakes and with care replace those odds with humanity, humbleness, understanding, peace, love, reconciliation and forgiveness and indeed the present crisis will just be a rewind of the past and proudly our slogan of One People, One Nation will be accomplished.
Great Nations once had obstacles in their historical Journeys
The Land of Great abundant is scorching under our feet
Let keep our shoulders high as we comfort our shivering Motherland
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