By Deng Bol Michael, Queensland, Australia

November 7, 2016 (SSB) —- Dear readers this piece of writing is in response to Dak Both Gabriel Article posted in social media on 4th November 2016, Entitle NUER STUDENTS SUFFERS HUMILIATING DEFEAT IN SSSAK 2016 ELECTION and Subtitle FISH ROT FROM THE HEAD IN PARTICULAR Deng Bol.
It was on the Saturday of 29th October 2016 when South Sudanese Students Association in Kenya (SSSAK) held their annual general election in Nairobi Safari Club, a popular venue for SSSAK elections. The election was highly anticipated because it was battle out by three most potential candidates. The candidates were: Sultan Chuot Makur of Tripple Alliance for Reforms (TARSSSAK) a Law student, Aliandro Lotok Paul of TAPSSSAK, student of Mass communication from Daystar University and Priscilla Amati Maker of USCISSS, a Criminology student from the University of Nairobi.
Depending on the alliance and manifestoes of the three parties, TAPSSSAK of Aliandro Lotok Paul and Tito Awen Bol emerged as the victorious party according to the official results of SSSAK Electoral Commission.
The following were elected as SSSAK 2016/2017 Officials:
- Aliandro Lotok Paul, the President
- Garang Majok, Vice president
- Tito Awen Bol, Secretary General
- Majok Anhiem, Finance Secretary
- Zecharia Wiye, Constitutional Affairs secretary
- Ayen Mayor, Secretary for students Affairs
- Achol Tong, Secretary for sports and culture
- Stephen Darunga, Secretary of Information
- Garang Arok, Organizing Secretary
Unfortunately from the above list, there was no a single Nuer student who future in the list out of the three candidates who were contesting for various positions in SSSAK. Among them was Matai Muon, a charismatic and oratory fellow who always belief in equality. I was almost astonished when I learn that he had lost the election. The factors behind the failure of the aforementioned candidates cannot be ascertained at the moment. But many analysts warn that party alliance and ethnic politics may be attributed to their downfalls. Apart from their woes, election results were disputed by TARSSSAK a party led by Sultan Chuot Makur and Arbitration Committee had already been constituted by SSSAK Council to look into the election petition.
As a result of the about development, Dak Gabriel posted an Article with the above aforementioned title. Instead of Dak dealing with SSSAK malpractices directly and independently, he went ahead in attacking my personality. Dak lamented that I am A FISH ROTTEN FROM THE HEAD.
Dak Gabriel is a controversial drop out, a self-defeated student of law, a prophet of doom and a propagandist who always believe in petty politics. He has been in law school for more than the prescribed time at the Presbyterian University of Eastern Africa, a University that does not offer law. After the closure of his law school by the Commission of Higher Education in Kenya, he then move to another University called Kissi University. Because of his controversy, Dak Gabriel had been engaging in unlawful and unethical activities. Some of Dak Gabriel activities include but not limited to the followings:
- In 2011, Dak Gabriel incited innocent students and led them on a demonstration to South Sudan Embassy in Kenya, in that demonstration, Dak and his team storm the Embassy and set ambassador vehicle and RSS flag ablaze. That even has cost South Sudanese students in Kenya up to today. After the Embassy event, the government of the Republic of South Sudan did not give any grants to students in Kenya. So the question remains, WHY SHOULD SOUTH SUDANESE STUDENTS IN KENYA BE VICTIMISE IN THE NAME OF DAK GABRIEL?
- In his controversy, on 20 April 2013, Dak Gabriel and other goons dissolved SSSAK leadership illegally in cover up of Chol Gabriel scandal without the consent of other
Executive Committee of SSSAK. That move led to impeachment of Chol Gabriel as Chairman of SSSAK and plunge students in to crisis for a period of two years and a quarter. It was because of Dak Gabriel petty politics that hamper SSSAK elections for two years until 4th July, 2015 when I was elected as SSSAK Chairman of 2015/2016.
- Dak Gabriel has been consistently writing on behalf of students in Kenya (SSSAK). I.E
- Secondly, on 1st February, 2016 Dak Both Gabriel made another reckless statement by lamenting that the S. Sudanese Students in Kenya are demanding the unconditional release of Ex- Governor of Western Equatoria state, in his own words Dak claims that The “south Sudanese congress of patriots, a body comprise of students in Kenya is calling on human rights defenders and the international community to investigate the disappearance of former western Equatoria governor”. In addition, the so called South Sudanese Congress of Patriots does not exist anywhere in Kenya. However, his claims only exist in his mind.
- On press conferences, Dak had been conducting illegal press conferences in the names of SSSAK. For instant, he conducted an illegal press conference immediately when South Sudan peace accord was sign in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. In that conference, Dak claim to be an interim Chairman of SSSAK. He just intruded in SSSAK affairs with other goons and appointed himself as SSSAK interim Chairman. He was actually imitating the Addis- Ababa peace process between SPLM-O and SPLM-IG. He has been also attending Amnesty International conferences in Nairobi Westland and Rift Valley Institute forum in the name of SSSAK. To confirm his activities contact Elizabeth, Nyagoa and Nancy Andura in Westland in Amnesty International Regional Office.
- On interviews, Dak had been attending lives interviews with K24 and KTN in the names of SSSAK and this is known to many South Sudanese who live in Nairobi.
- On 22 of March 2016 while I was in Juba for SSSAK mission, Dak Gabriel posted an Article in PaanLuel Wël entitled: SSSAK SHOULD WIND UP, ONLY TWO MONTHS REMAINING. In his article Dak claim that SSSAK election was held in June 2015 instead of July 2015. That information was not only misplaced, misguided but also arrogant in nature. He bluntly denies the fact that SSSAK 2015 elections were conducted in July of 2015. It was known to many students in Kenya that SSSAK elections were held on 4th July 2015. Therefore, the next poll will be July 2016. The whole idea behind that Article was to cause anxiety in student’s fraternity as he did in 2013. At that time, others who were my ardent critic buy his idea and almost disrupted the constitutional review process in the name time is up for the SSSAK election. It was also that plan that delays SSSAK election up to 29th October, 2016 instead of July 2016.
To some of you who may have read Dak Gabriel Article, Dak lamented that I brag about Philip Aguer Panyang being the Founder of SSSAK. He had even describes me as grandson of Philip Aguer, but to my surprise Dak had also agreed with me that Aguer was among those who founded SSSAK and became its first Chairman. This happen after he made consultation with his colleague Magook Chiliim Chok. So the question is why should Dak Gabriel describe me as bragger? As well as grandson of Philip Aguer? The denial of this fact reminds me of Aristotle concept of justice and injustice. It also reminds me of Dak Gabriel hypocrisy.
Why I say so? It is because Dak claim to be an activist who advocate for justice and equality in South Sudan. According to Aristotle, a Just person is in the habit of doing the right thing for the right reason leaving questions of motivation aside. Just actions are actions that conform to the requirements of the principle of equity or proportional equality, which is the most fundamental principle of natural justice. In its literal meaning, justice is all about giving what is due. I always mention Aguer as founder of SSSAK because he was indeed a founder of SSSAK; therefore I was giving what is due to him. So it is imperative for Dak Gabriel to deny that reality. When Dak consulted Magook, I thought he will come up with different name rather than Philip Aguer. Surprisingly he agrees with me.
So the questions remain why Dak Gabriel should describe me as bragger or grandson of Philip Aguer? Is Dak Gabriel right in his quest for equality? Can Dak Gabriel really be an activist? Can Dak Gabriel deliver justice?
On the account of my trip to Juba, Dak reprimanded me about a press conference that I hold with the presidency in Juba. In his narrative, Dak tend to defend Riek Machar on accusation and counter accusation of 2013 claim coup attempt. Because my mission was purely a student’s mission and not political in nature, I don’t want to dwell on it so much. Dak politicise the press conference and incited many of my Nuer colleagues on the account that I betray Nuer to the Juba regime. The whole idea was for Dak to recover his poor relationship with his entire Nuer community in Nairobi, Kenya at the expenses of SSSAK in particular Deng Bol Michael.
If you can recall his narrative from aforementioned article, Dak said he is a victim of politics from both Nuer and Dinka because of his controversy. That is absolutely true. I attest to that as he mentions me in his article. Dak wanted to use Nuer community against me in order to gain political mileage. Unfortunately he fails to achieve that. Similarly he repeated the same thing against Aliandro, that Aliandro was elected not because of his personal competency but to defence the status quo in Juba. Since the three candidates from Nuer community fail to capture any seat in the just concluded SSSAK election, it is a great opportunity for Dak Gabriel to use it as a tool of repairing his broken relationship with his fellow Nuer community.
As I alluded before, that the failure of Matai Muon and his colleagues may be attributed to ethnic politics, a common ground where I and Dak Gabriel agree unanimously. But still that factor cannot be politicised to the extent of disrupting the unity of students. Just after SSSAK election, I argue that if Aliandro had not won SSSAK election, then democracy is on trial in SSSAK. In addition, the politics of ethnicity may have led to the failure of the duo in name of Matai Muon and Chuot Makur and I will give a full narrative of that in my upcoming Article entitled: ‘The tragedy of tribalism in African politics, the case of SSSAK.
On SSSAK financial matters, it is good that Dak had acknowledged that my leadership received $2,470 from South Sudan Vice President James wani Igga. Some of this money was used by SSSAK constitutional Review Commission to review the current SSSAK constitution and others for Office operation. My leadership did not embezzle any public money like the previous SSSAK regimes. I wish Dak Gabriel should tell us where are SSSAK money that they embezzle in 2011. The regimes of Lual Dau, Kochrup, Dak Gabriel, and Chol Gabriel are the worse in the history of SSSAK.
According to the report of SSSAK Commission of inquiry 2013 headed by Barnabas Aguer Deng Chan, Millions of Shillings has been lost in mysterious circumstances particularly in the hand of Dak Gabriel. In that report, Dak Gabriel has been mentioned adversely. Dak tries to clear his name by using his long term ally in the name Garang Malual a member of Commission, but he fail to do so. So Dak Gabriel is using all ways and means to tarnish other people name. My leadership have all financial records and any person oblige to file a case against my leadership is highly welcome to do so.
In his Article of 4th November 2016, Dak claim that I disappear in public domain particularly in Nairobi without being seen in SSSAK Affairs and disappear with union properties and were it not John Yak Bol, Bol Stephen, Adim Adim and Ayuel Taupiny Malek, there should had been no SSSAK election this year. This is a great white lie. It also brings the question of, for how long shall one remains in SSSAK politics? On this question, I want to educate you on when I and Dak Gabriel join SSSAK politics.
I Deng Bol Michael join SSSAK politics in February 2013 after I enrol in the University of Nairobi in September 2012, Department of Political Science and Public Administration. Immediately as I join SSSAK politics, I was elected as Deputy Speaker of Council in the same month of February 2013. In that year SSSAK elections were to be held on June 2013 but Dak Gabriel and his goons created controversy within the students union on 20 April, 2013. The controversy went on for two years until July 2016 when SSSAK elections were held. In December 2015, I graduated from the University of Nairobi but my term in Office run up to July 2016.
Because I was held up with my personal business in Dadaab Camps, I delegated powers to my subordinate Executive and Speaker of the Council to carry out the election process. This was done in Council meeting at Pals meeting Chambers. To confirm this, you can contact Senior Council Ayuel Madut and Aliandro Lotok Paul as my witness. From February 2013 to August 2016, I exited from SSSAK politics because I am no longer in school. Apart from that, I have to move to the next level and start a new life. My time in SSSAK was exactly four years as prescribed period of my BA course.
In contrast, my old friend Dak Gabriel turned foe, join SSSAK politics in 2010 and continue to be in SSSAK up to now and he will continue to be in SSSAK politics forever. In 2011/2012 regime, Dak was appointed as deputy Secretary General of SSSAK. In that position Dak colluded with his close allies in particular the likes of Lual Dau, Kochrup and Chol Gabriel and embezzle a lot of SSSAK money. In 2012/2013 SSSAK election, Dak contested in the position of Secretary General but lost narrowly to Dhal Gor with a margin of four votes.
In 2014, Dak Gabriel robbed SSSAK leadership in a broad day light and claims to be an interim Chairman of SSSAK. In his claim for SSSAK leadership, Dak earns himself a famous Article entitled: IS THE SELF-PROCLAIMED GOON IN THE NAME OF DAK BUOTH Gabriel leader of Thugs or SSSAK? PaanLuel Wël, 25th February 2015, by Longar Chan Longar, He lost that claim when SSSAK elections were conducted on fourth July 2015. Therefore, from 2010 to 2016, Dak Gabriel has good six years in SSSAK politics. In most cases he is oscillating between campus and home. So the question is, for how long shall Dak Gabriel remains in SSSAK politics? When shall Dak Gabriel graduate from the campus? Who is actually a rotten fish from the head between me and Dak Gabriel?
In conclusion, the statement of Dak Bouth Gabriel is just an emotional inflammatory and derogatory statement that has no basis. In actual sense, Dak Gabriel is jealous about my success in student’s politics. This can be summarised as follows:
I serve as SSSAK Deputy Speaker, SSSAK Chairman, review SSSAK constitution for the first time in the history of SSSAK with my Executive Committee, complete my undergraduate degree successfully and starting a new life in Australia. In comparison, Dak Gabriel achieved none of the above. He is only known for his dirty beard and shaggy hair while walking in the streets of Nairobi for the last six years. He is a very difficult fellow that you can never trust. His controversy does not only exist in SSSAK but also in his community. He parted ways with so many friends because of his wired behaviour.
The question we all need to ask him, is for how long shall he remain in SSSAK politics? When shall Dak Gabriel graduate from the campus? For how long shall Dak Gabriel remains walking in the streets of Nairobi? N/B, My advice to Dak Gabriel is that Let him see a psychologists so that he undergo a mental rehabilitation process because he is incapacitated mentally.
Last but not least, my comrades in SSSAK outgoing leadership, particularly Timothy Ayong Ngor, Bol Stephen, John Yaak, Adim Adim, Stephen Darunga, Sabina George, Garang Arok, Mawien Ring, Gatmai Nelson and Ayuel Taupiny Malek are great men and woman and their integrity is beyond measure. Their unyielding support has taken SSSAK to the next level. We might have not achieved so many achievements, but the little we did will make a difference. Therefore, I encourage the incoming team to take SSSAK to the promise land.
Thank you, may God Bless SSSAK and bless the Republic of South Sudan.
Deng Bol Michael (Deng B) is an outgoing Chairman of SSSAK, Master of International Relations student at the University of Queensland Australia, School of Political Science and International Studies, Graduate Centre in Governance and International Affairs. He also holds a BA degree in Political Science from the University of Nairobi Kenya. He can be reached through the following address: Email: or
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