PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Gongic Achiek Nai vs. Magot Khot Ajak: Broken teeth, bleeding head – A draw or a cancellation?

Barely a minute into the start, the wrestling match ended inconclusively: Is it a draw or a cancellation?

November 19, 2016 (SSB) — The highly anticipated wrestling match between Graduate Gongic Achiek Nai from Adol, Kolnyang Payam of Bor County and Simba/President Magot Khot Ajak of Abiong (Ajuong), Ajuong Payam of Twic East County,  what Philip Thon Aleu called “half a century wrestling match,” has ended inconclusively, with rival supporters debating whether it was a draw or a cancellation.

Traditionally, a wrestling round is about 3 minutes, but this one was halted about a minute into the match mainly because of injuries sustained within the 1-minute interval. Graduate Gongic ended up with broken teeth while President Magot had a bleeding head. Possibly, in the heat of the moment, Gongic accidentally hit his teeth at Magot’s head, or conversely, Magot hit his head against Gongic’s teeth. See the clip (from Deng Dinka) above for more details and your own analysis and judgment.

As the PW team, we judge this cancellation, not a draw, as the stipulated time was not exhausted. We applauded the peaceful conduct of the wrestling match by the Adol and Ajuong communities of the Greater Bor Dinka community. As demonstrated last week by the Aboudit and Nyapiny (Ajuong) communities, this civility and maturity should serve as a binding precedent for future wrestling matches within the community.

Our culture, our identity, our pride. Congratulations to the decorated wrestlers: Gongic Achiek Nai (Adol), Magot Khot Ajak (Abiong-Ajuong), Lual Matiop Chol (Aboudit), and Mawut Kuol Mamer (Nyopiny-Ajuong)

Graduate Gongic Achiek Nai (red short) from Adol, Kolnyang Payam of Bor County and Simba/President Magot Khot Ajak (greenish short) of Abiong (Ajuong), Maar Payam of Twic East County
gongic achiek
Gaduate Gongic Achiek Nai from Adol, Kolnyang payam of Bor County
Mawut Kuol Mamer (black short) from Nyapiny-Ajuong, Maar Payam of Twic East County, who defeated Lual Matiop Chol of Aboudit
Lual Matiop Chol (blue short) of Aboudit, Jalle Payam of Bor County, who was defeated by Mawut Kuol last Saturday
Mawut Kuol Mamer (black short) of Ajuong, Maar Payam of Twic East County and Lual Matiop Chol (blue short) of Aboudit, Jalle Payam of Bor County
Mawut Kuol Mamer (black short) from Ajuong, Maar Payam of Twic East County and Lual Matiop Chol (blue short) of Aboudit, Jalle Payam of Bor County
Graduate Gongic Achiek Nai of Adol, Kolnyang payam, Bor county

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