How Are People of Lol State Feeling About Lol State Governor?
By Simon Deng Kuol Deng, New York, USA

November 22, 2016 (SSB) —- My fellow South Sudanese: People of Lol State have divided themselves due to the policy of Lol State governor, Rizik Hassan of fighting against Lol state MPs and other SPLM politicians or members of SPLM Secretaries who were in former NBGS, Aweil West county, and Aweil County. Some people of Lol State believe that there is nothing had been done in Lol state under the leadership of Rizik, while, some people of Lol State are praised with joy and happiness that Rizik is a hero for being there to fight with the SPLM leaders and MPs of Lol state even though they see him doing nothing in the state. This is an unfortunate political development in the Lol. It is better for the people of Lol state to convince themselves that there is nothing good that will be done in Lol State to benefit them under the leadership of Rizik.
Because this guy has been there just to fight the MPs and SPLM leaders who were in SPLM Secretariat of former NBGS, Aweil West, and Aweil North Counties. He does not have an idea or attention as a governor to bring people of Lol state together in order to provide services to the people of Lol state. As you have seen, all states, which were created with Lol state have adopted their framework documents in order to perform their functions within their states affairs because the governors of those states have accepted to work with the MPs and SPLM leaders within their respective states, but Lol State has produced nothing since a governor had never met the state MPs and SPLM secretariats of former NBGS and Aweil West and North counties.
All states have already submitted their budgets to their respective states’ legislative assemblies to be passed and submitted them to the transitional national government of unity to be approved and added them to the national budget. However, Lol state had never submitted its budget to Lol state assembly since a governor is just there to fight with MPS and SPLM leaders of SPLM Secretariats of former NBGS, Aweil West, and Aweil North counties. There is no an attention or idea from the governor of Lol State to bring people together and work together with them as a team.
All of us have witnessed the activities of Lol state’s neighbors, Aweil State and Aweil East state because these states are ruled by the governors who know how to work with their colleagues in the party (SPLM) and in the states’ legislature branches. However, Lol state governor has learned nothing from these neighbor states because he is not interested in adopting good performances from them since he merely intends to fight the MPs and SPLM Secretariats of former NBGS, Aweil West, and Aweil North counties. He does not care because he just there to fight MPs and SPLM secretariats of NBGS, Aweil West, and Aweil North counties, but not to serve the people.
So, for you, the of South Sudan, this is a situation in which the people of Lol and State government is under the leadership of Mr. Rizik Hassan, from former Raga County, who is now a governor of Lol State. This situation is marginalized other counties like Korok West, Korok Center, Korok East and other counties in the Lol State. Some people argue about this situation, while some people praise a governor with joy that he is a fighter that can fight the MPs and SPLM leaders. It is unfortunately indeed.
About Author: Mr. Simon Deng Kuol Deng is SPLM Former Secretary General in New York-USA. Mr. Deng is currently a graduate student for the Master’s Degree of Science in Political Science, SNHU, U.S.A. He holds the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. He can be reached by or
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