PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Ngundeng Bong traditional prophecy is responsible for the mess in South Sudan

Ngundeng traditional prophecy entirely responsible for political mess in South Sudan with Dr. Riek Machar insistence on this ideology

By Thon Atem Ayiei, Juba, South Sudan

Ngundeng Bong
The 19th century Lou Nuer Prophet, Ngundeng Bong

November 23, 2016 (SSB) —- Misperception, wrong ideas, illiteracy and misleading prophecies have harmed South Sudan to fall into this situation in which cannibalism is the order of the day and you cannot share ideas or trust your fellow countrymen or women to do anything in return for togetherness for nation building. We will never achieve the needy peace and truth healing and reconciliation if we don’t trust ourselves and belief in our country progress.

To start with, the illusive prophecy has harmed our unity and the prosperity of our country from measures of consolidation repeatedly highlighted about the man who had been highly rated in the crime records of South Sudan “Ngundeng Bong” over centuries. The courtesy of the men who are claiming Ngundeng prophecies to derail people of south Sudan into senseless war over the years, is a doom illusionist that will never disappear in the history of worshippers of traditional prophecy and doom prophets.

In the spirit of super nature, we all believe Jesus Christ was the last prophet send by God to save his people from sins and Jesus Christ made it clear in his biblical doctrines that there is no any other prophet coming after me and if at all it happened, don’t believe in them and their prophecies, they are prophets of doom or misleading prophets. When Ngundeng Bong appeared to be acknowledged as a prophet of truths by Dr Riek Machar Teny (PhD) and his followers, Jesus Christ was right to predict that real life prophecy ends with his time and any other prophecy that exists, is a doom or unrealistic one.

Albeit, I am not a Nuer or fan of devilish related activities to derive me away from believing in Jesus Christ to misleading prophecies like Dr Riek Machar with a PhD in strategic planning, who abandoned his philosophic ideas of the doctorate, to find himself into the myths of Ngundeng school of thoughts undermining the creditability of the universities he attended in UK. I honestly believe that Ngudeng was not a prophet of truths but he was a madman, entertainer and a local songs composer to his people of Lou and Nuer community at large and that was enough for that environment.

Why Ngundeng Bong prophecy is all about country leadership of a left-handed Nuer son and wars if he was truly send by God to inform his people about foreseen events likely to occur in future in south Sudan leadership? When Jesus Christ came to the world, he was not narrow minded to saves his Jewish people but to relieve the entire world from the devil influence to divert their belief towards God as the only creator of the world.

The insistence of Dr Riek Machar claims on Ngundeng prophecy to be himself predicted, is a mere tool to gain the support of the entire Nuer community to boost his bloody ambition (presidency) which now seem impossible after the July 2016 fighting in the presidential palace.  I hope Dr Riek had learned enough about sticking to doom powers to undermine God powers. He and his supporters, the most powerful countries in the world, have reconsider their position because he can still lost it in a shameful style like what happened in J1 and 40 days walking in forest of the western Equatoria.

In another development, Ngundeng prophecy has not been perceived as a real prophecy in other regions of the country, leave alone some parts of Africa. Ngundeng should have also predicted about the takeover of the SPLM I.O leadership by Gen. Taban Deng Gai if peace is signed? Dr Riek should stop using Nuer community against their own government and put in his mind that, leaders are chosen by God and their people in a peaceful way but not by evil powers like Ngundeng Biong

Illiteracy had also in other hand contributed eighty percent of this crisis and the government has to learn from this senseless war and invest fully in education so that citizens study the importance of the life to the society. Otherwise, if we failed to achieve any change in the education system of our country, we will continue telling ourselves lies, wrong information and the war will never end for decades

The wrong ideas of telling communities to supports your career through arms struggle should be treated as like an isolated case of a person battling sickness without treatment in order for us to moves our country forward to achieve sustainable peace and unity.

All the political approaches applied by our leaders in order to get supports from their communities are of no basis to the current modern politics of the intellectuality globally. The political position belongs to any member of the society who is active to deliver services and to protect his people from any violent.

I therefore, advise my people who are in many occasions confused by Dr Riek-Ngundeng Bong illusive, to learn now and joint hands with their brothers and sisters to bring fundamental peace and unity to our country.

God bless residents of Juba and the entire people of South Sudan.

The Author of this article is a South Sudanese national live in Juba and a Student in Kampala University. Can be reached on

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