Beny Kiir Mayardit, remembers John Garang’s words, and save the SPLM
By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

November 26, 2016 (SSB) — Mr. Chairman, I don’t know whether you have time to read articles. The SPLM antagonists have reached to the level of insulting direct, because they were from very beginning opposed the idea of liberation. They don’t know what you went through in bush era, and they don’t believe in themselves. They work hard day and night so that SPLM is lukewarm or unenthusiastic party in hearts and minds of South Sudanese.
The SPLM protagonists champion the struggle and services in the years of liberation, schools were opened, hospitals were operating, and few we can, please save the party from wolves. They came in the party in 2002, and 2005-2006 with sheep skins, but inwardly were terrible wolves. They have blocked the progress of the nation as born nice admire child in 2011in the heart of Africa, but the child remain to unwell, and unmoved.
For South Sudan to become a nation among League of Nations, SPLM fought a long civil war in Africa for 22 years. It was not an easy task since generations of Southern Sudan tried their level best to liberate themselves from the colony of Arabization, Islamization, Oppression, exploitation, imperialism, marginalization, and bad governance from the minority in Khartoum.
During the formation of SPLM/A in 1983, a good number of youth joined the liberation struggle and sacrificed lives and as Southerners we tried to fight Arabs together to liberate South Sudan, but to make the matter worse, majority of Southerners set mind back by supporting Khartoum against SPLM who ought to liberate them from the Sudan. Furthermore, Khartoum putted it hands on SPLM/A officials and bought them with money. Few commanders remained loyal to the movement until it gained its victory in 1996.
Politicians and majority of Southerners disown SPLM in towns for instance, in Juba, Wau, and Malakal and others remained in Khartoum, London, US, East Africa, and Egypt. People used to go back to Arabs while Arabs teach those lessons of inhuman. Women were raped in front of their husbands by Khartoum army, young girls were contributed by chiefs to Sudan army as wives weekly specially here in Juba, men were tied in sacks and throw in River Nile, gathering and assembly were prohibited, toilets, and latrines were not allow to be dug, and major towns in Southern Sudan were besieged by Khartoum regime to avoided free movements but SPLM remained committed to the core values of struggle up to the fruit of CPA.
It seem like South Sudanese forget all these things. They are now days bravely insulting their leader president Salva Kiir in the eyes of international Community. How will the world respect South Sudanese leaders while their own people are kicking them?
As the SPLM deputy Chairman to Dr. John Garang, you know it very well what I am talking about. It was when people in Southern Sudan saw SPLM victory through CPA; they began overwhelmingly joined SPLM in a big number without proper screening. Some began saying, they were fighting Arabs within, others said, and they were SPLM loyalists but did not got chance to join the liberation. Still others say, we were SPLM chapters in diaspora.
But Mr. Chairman remember Dr. John Garang’s words, and save SPLM from wolves so that the party deliver services as well as its vision was concern, and this is what Dr. John Garang said after he had signed the last document of CPA. “You don’t send somebody in your house at night hours because if you do so, he/she will disorganized things in your house but if you go by yourself although it is in darkness, you already know how you arranged your house and you may not destroy things”
Beny Kiir Mayardit, the words of Dr. John Garang become true, (Koch caa lo hot ku ca ci khang keam), Beny Mayardit, they have entered in a house (SPLM) and disorganized it totally, they destroyed SPLM inwardly, but Garang was meaning that SPLM should not allow those who are SPLM members emotionally to run SPLM affairs no matter whatsoever they may call themselves South Sudanese! John Garang was meaning again, SPLA as a military wing should not absorb in everybody without proper orientation to SPLA vision and mission, although they are South Sudanese by birth and by nationality.
I think, it is not discrimination, but a discipline. Now tribes guarded their generals, and ministers, so when you reshuffle your government, you remove general or minister with his/her tribes, and noises rise against you because this is the source of their income or where they eat.
Now, you are SPLM chairman surrounded by formers Anti-SPLM with zero activities of SPLM visions. The party is full of goes on and goes off politicians, self-gain politicians, destroyers of their own nation, pro- SPLM enemies, supporters of NCP, militias’ politicians, and visionless self-claims SPLM members without historical records of the past in SPLM manifesto and during SPLM struggle when Dr. John Garang was a leader, and chairman.
On military side, it is also contrary. The army, the police, the prison, fire brigade, wildlife, CID, MI, and national security are all full of criminals, and for sure one of my colleague who was in Khartoum told me, he got chock when he gets big thief who was by then in Khartoum arrested several times for crimes, found him as an officer in South Sudan national police with the ranks of major.
The aim of everybody to enter SPLM party, or into South Sudan arm forces after SPLM success in 1996-2005, then pulling away from SPLM in 1990s, and every Southerner refused to join the party at the very beginning, is not to build South Sudan under your leadership, but to tear it into pieces as today. You may not agree with me as a leader of South Sudan, and its people but my complaints are genuine in relations to what Dr. John Garang urged SPLM leadership under him and followed by your authority today.
He (Garang) knows that some South Sudanese politicians all the time may feel guilty because they did not participated in the history of the liberation that brought freedom, justice, equality, freedom of press, and assembly to South Sudan. That is why he said, SPLM as a party should not allow people in SPLM house in order to avoid destruction of the party and its vision, and mission.
You may ask me why are you complaining and we are all South Sudanese regardless the past, but Mr. Chairman, who is now doing his/her level best in order for you to get the credit? All whatever they do is to tarnish your best records and pulling you down. There is no leader who can succeed without best activities of him and his followers. What are your followers doing now? Dr. John Garang succeeds because you were there, Daniel Awet was there, James Wani was there, Kuol Manyang was there, but although these people are with you today, your leadership is overcome by wrong participants. I know them, if you give me authority today to deal with them, I can figure them out!
In course of SPLM core values, aims, objectives, mission, and plan, we fought for the welfare of our people. We fought for the development of our nation. We fought for liberty of our people. We fought for peace, security, stability, unity, and prosperity of our people. We fought for the essence of our nationality, dignity, and integrity of our people, and as a driving force, we have achieved it.
At this juncture, it is not because I don’t want South Sudanese to participate in their government, and in South Sudan affairs, but I want you Mr. Chairman to save the party from the SPLM opposites. It is better for SPLM to retreat itself once more so that those who are working hard to bring SPLM into ashes are block immediately from conjugations of party failures. Why was SPLM not a failed party when it was in areas of it liberation, then being a failed party when it is ruling a nation? No, it cannot come, unless we opt for it.
As an opinion writer on this article, my suggestion amount toward SPLM loyalists, and to you Mr. chairman so that the party should review SPLM ruling party inwardly, and outwardly, and reviews the records of their members and commitment, order the closure of SPLM name misuses , and check the lists of liberators. With this restriction, anybody who wants to join the SPLM will go through layers of series of SPLM principles, discipline, code of conduct, and procedural orientations.
It is not a matter to have a huge number of party destroyers, and blind implementers, but we need our SPLM former loyalists whether the Red army or Jhece al Athuot to deliver services to all people from the corners of South Sudan so that SPLM remain respected SPLM like before, because these are very people who know why they suffered for twenty two years in the bush.
In conclusion, You Kiir Mayardit was the hope of Dr. John Garang, and you lead our people as Garang expected you to accomplished session task granted to South Sudanese by CPA. Who is your hope since a leader sees into behaviours, characters, and personalities of his people?
The author is a co-founder of South Sudan Mental Health Care Organization. He can be reach at
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