GBC-USA: Preserving our historic union our decision and the way forward
By Greater Bor Community Youth Association(GBC), USA

November 29, 2016 (SSB) — We members of Greater Bor Community in the United States of America,
ENCOURAGED by the great need for our people to foster harmonious living in order for us to care for each other during these difficult times;
MINDFUL of our sacred responsibility to preserve and perfect the union that was started long before our forefathers and that ought to be kept and passed on to the next generations of our people in a more perfected form;
RECALLING our shared values, cultures and destiny as people who face hardships and difficulties together and whose strength is our unity;
BELIEVING that we rise and come back stronger from our turf times and that we perfect our union when we focus on what unites us rather than what divides us;
CONGNIZANT of the fact that we are at our greatest when we maximize our strengths, pursue our opportunities, turn our weaknesses into strengths and work to minimize our threats;
PROUD of our wise population guided by a rich history that is full of wisdoms and common heritage;
HUMBLED by the fact that our forefathers (both traditional and political leaders—Deng Malual, Ajang Duot, Maciek Deng, Justice. Abel Alier and Dr. John Garang etc) have given us a dignified and respected community to which we all have a responsibility to see it lives on for next generations of our people regardless of the challenges we face, we are here to say thank you all our beloved community members for your support for the last two months since Grand Rapids, Michigan.
We want to take this opportunity to appreciate your patience. We also want to thank you for your gracious support during the last few difficult times in our community following the postponement of elections in Michigan.
We recognize the short-term difficulty such event has put our community in. This community was put to a very serious test and it will survive it. Long term-wise, the decisions we made in Michigan and the ones we are adding today have long-term positive implications in saving our historic union.
After Michigan, many of you have continuously called and urged us to not give up on our union. Many of you have called with numerous recommendations on the way forward. In the meetings we held with different stakeholders of our community, many of you have affirmed the need to keep this union, no matter the difficulties it is facing. We have listened to your voices and today, we want to announce the following decisions to all the peace and union-loving sons and daughters of our communities.
- Elections
The elections that were announced to be held in November 2016 in Michigan, influenced by recommendations from many members, are postponed and moved to next year in September 2017 (Labor Day). This is going to give all the candidates and our members enough time to financially prepare for it. It will also give our community time to fix the last few things before elections.
- The Name
Greater Bor is our name. Jonglei State is our state. Both are our current identities. However, any change has to undergo a due process. Last time, responding to people’s demands, we asked our communities if we want to maintain Greater Bor or adopt Jonglei Community (there was no specification on Jieng de Jonglei as it is being maliciously preached) as the name of our organization here in the United States of America. The result that came back to us were that; Twi Community suggested adoption of Jonglei, Bor Community suggested maintaining of Greater Bor and Duk Community decided to remain silent because it has already pulled out of the union due to MPs crisis at home in the state of Jonglei. Therefore, Greater Bor Community Leadership made a decision prior to Michigan to shelve the name change topic and maintain the status quo until such a time when our community will agree on one thing. This position has not changed. We are Greater Bor Community of the United States of America (GBC-USA).
- Community Leadership Structure (System) and Community Membership
The membership of Greater Bor community is being declared as individually and voluntarily based. All people across our communities who like to see our union alive and who still believe in the union no matter how many pieces we get divided into have the opportunity in Greater Bor community-USA and they can individually or as a group join the union voluntarily. Greater Bor Community will have the following structures; Board, Executive, Council of Elders and Board of trustees.
- Board of Directors: Will no longer come from the Counties. Will come from registered (committed or voting) membership of Greater Bor Community USA. The primary role of the Board is but not limited to policy and oversight as will be stipulated in the bylaws and constitution of the community.
- Executive: The 3 leaders will still be elected by the voting membership and upon election, will form their executive body. The primary role of executive is but not limited to day-to-day running of the affairs of the community as will be stipulated in the bylaws and constitution of the community.
- Council of Elders: Will be appointed by the President of the Community. Their primary role is but may not be limited to advisory and conflict mitigation as will be stipulated in the bylaws and constitution of the community.
- Board of Trustees: All leaders in the community (county, state and spiritual leaders) will make up this body. Their role is only advisory in nature to the executive leadership of the community.
- Counties and the Greater Bor community-USA and their new working relationships
Since the community is going to be individually and voluntarily membership based, the counties are now deemed irrelevant to Greater Bor central decision-making process. The county leaders, like any other stakeholder leaders in the community, will only add their voices to Greater Bor leadership through the Board of trustees. All leaders considered in the Board of Trustees, like the general membership of the community, join the Board of trustees voluntarily. Greater Bor Community USA will work directly with state communities here in the United States of America.
- Current Board of Directors
The current Board of Directors of Greater Bor Community USA is only comprised of 2 people from Twi Community Association. Duk Community pulled her 3 people last time when they pulled out of the union. Bor Community pulled her members following her decision to suspend her membership in the union in Michigan. Therefore, the current Board of Directors is rendered dysfunctional and it is now officially dissolved. The two remaining members of Twi Community are given the opportunity to continue to serve their beloved community in the executive Branch. Since the community is now individually membership based, to be fair, those former officials of the community who had to respect the calls of their county leaders and who would see it necessary for them to individually decide to carry on with their service to our union can contact the president of the community or General Secretary and express such interests. The members of Duk and Bor who would continue to rather not be part of the leadership of Greater Bor Community-USA at this point will need to surrender to the GBC-USA any property of the organization they may still have in their possession today.
- Bylaws, Constitution and Elections
GBC-USA leadership will soon put together a committee of 5 members within the next two Months and will be charged with the role to finalize the Bylaws and Constitution. The same body will also finalize the guidelines for elections. At the same time, it will run and oversee the elections next year. These five people will be people who are independent in thoughts, good communicators, good writers, and people with integrity and are pro-union of our people. The candidates will need to standby to hear specific calls and instructions on what to do to have their candidacies properly processed and filed. All other members of our community who may be interested to run for the leadership next year are encouraged to prepare to enter the race.
- Appreciations and Acknowledgements
We appreciate and cordially acknowledge the generous support many of our people accord us. Thank you very much for all you do—for our great community. Long live our union!
Signed by:
Abraham Deng Lueth, President of GBC-USA
James Maluak Malou, Vice President of GBC-USA
Mayom Bol Achuk, Secretary General of GBC-USA.
Akol Aguek Ngong, President of Bor County Community Development Association USA,
Bul Thuch Dut, President of Twic Community Association USA,
Yol Goch Achiek, President of Duk County Community USA,
State Leaders,
Candidates for the Leadership of GBC-USA,
GBC-USA Women,
GBC-USA Elders,
GBC Leaders around the globe,
GBC members around the globe,
You can reach Greater Bor Community -GBC-USA by email:
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