PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Who is this Aldo Ajou Deng Akuey?

By Job Kiir Garang (Kiir-Agou), Edmonton, Canada

December 1, 2016 (SSB) —- Hello folks, I would like to apologize to all patriots of Northern Barghazal, Gogrial and Twic Mayardit who deserve to be treated better due to their sacrifice during struggle. My message is going to uncle slave trader known as by name Aldo Ajou Deng Kuei, a man with shameful history who should not be allowed to talk about South Sudan affairs since he is an Arab in heart.

To begin with who is Deng Kuei, Ajou’s father?  He is a former slave trader who collaborated with the Mahdists and Sultan Ali Dinar of Darfur in joint human trade enterprise that devastated the Dinka Malual, Twi and Ngok of Abyei in early 17th Century. The same inhumane heart was inherited by his son Aldo Ajou Deng Akuei who perfected the vice to new level. Your sins commenced with collusion in murdering Uncle Deng Nhial when you cooperated with enemy for Deng Nhial to be murdered and you forgot Deng’s credit when he picked you up in grade 10 in Rumbek to contest Abiem Centre parliamentary seat.

Then during SPLM/A war of liberation, you revived your father’s treacherous friendship with Mahdi family and Saddiq el Mahdi duly appointed you as his Deputy Prime Minister and put you in charge of Murahaleen whom you ordered to kill the your usual victims of Malual, Twic and Ngok since you’re consider yourself as Rek Dinka, and thus you have a bone to pick with Malual Dinka in Aweil. Your political prostitution continued when you secretly converted to Muslim and Omer Bashir again appointed you as Deputy Speaker of parliament from where you continued your anti-Southern struggle, specially daily blackmailing of SPLM/A and patriotic Southerners on Sudan TV.

The JCSE that is being represented by former Arab slaves of Mutamer al Watton without dream who have completely destroyed the image of Dinka and South Sudan. Indeed, in my own view Kiir Mayardit has never had evil heart when he was under our care as Dinka of Jonglei as the custodian of liberation. But you Khartoumers destroyed him with Khartoum tactics of fear mongering, and kept lying to him about fake coups and weekend drunken advices.

You Guys keep talking about Dr Majak Agoot Atem just out of jealousy due to his decorated liberation status. He has never dreamed of presidency and has always advised Kiir wisely in difficult situations. Here is a simple John Garang picked Majak to go and help Salva Kiir to develop level of communication and he gave him empty blackboard as he came with empty head with his frontal scarifications thereon. Majak has been doing all good to Kiir; he helped marry Achol Phillip, the only Kiir’s wife to produce the only usable kids of Kiir who all have graduated from university, unlike the products of Ayendit who have followed their clan’s empty-mindedness. Off course Achol was poisoned in Nairobi by Ayendit due to tiel de diaarmooch.

I am responding to your article as son of Dinka of Jonglei, and a son of Twi in particular. The Bor Dinka may respond on accusations labeled against them. You have mentioned the names of those are most visionary leaders who always think about importance of human value and they have stood up to shape weakness mentality from Arab Islamization, and we have defeated you squarely with your Arabs.

The names of Akuot Atem de Mayen, Garang de Mabior, and Majak D’Agoot are sacred to be in the mouth of filthy pig like you who never did anything for country. The Dinka of Jonglei deserve a respect for liberating the country with their golden brain and manpower; it was not an accident that the SPLM/A founders like Akuot, Garang, Arok , and Chagai Atem came from the same Twi Dinka!

But they grew up in a cultured community in which self-dignity and responsibility is valued, not raping, looting and violence which are adored some so-called Dinka brothers. Perhaps, your Dinka-ness needs to be examined based on true Dinka values. The evil JCE must be abolished urgently to save the noble Dinka image.

You can reach the author via his email address: Kiir Agou <>

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