PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Who killed Isaiah Abraham Diing Chan Awuol?

By Ajak Yak, Juba, South Sudan

November 5, 2016 (SSB) — It was exactly last night four years ago that the devils who becomes unknown gunmen today in South Sudan purposely, ruthlessly and mischievously broke into your house, woke you up and mercilessly took away your dear life in cold blood.

You were resting in your house in the middle of what could had been a peaceful night in the country you sacrificed everything to ensure safety is guaranteed but your assailants turned it into a fateful night that would stick in our memories for the rest of our life. That same government you voluntarily served couldn’t afford to provide security for you and its citizens at large.

We know where our fingers are pointing with God in front leading us. We couldn’t afford to forgive those who masterminded your death until thunder hit the shit out of them to genuinely confess. We will not bring your life back but impunity shouldn’t be the course you went to the bush for.

We will not relent the search for your justice. Someone must account for your well lived soul that was unfairly taken although we live in a country that your assailants hold double-edged sword against us.Every citizen’s life is being threatened but no justice is for free. There must be a price for everything valuable.We must keep on with peaceful quest for freedom of expression and this is the only justice we would deliver to ourselves in dedication of your blood.It is already hard to live the rest of our life without your guidance.You were a great nephew,brother,uncle and indeed hero.

We swim in tears every December because of your death that hit us hard when everyone is in jubilation mood welcoming the birth of Jesus Christ and prepared for Christmas trips.Your kids,widows,mother,brothers and all relatives plan the anniversary of your death every 5th December yearly. This is the agony your assailants blessed us with every other end year.People organise joyous end year parties and we lament in preparing your commemoration with blood tears in our eyes.

Your death had left wounds in our hearts that nothing would ever heal them.You were a great mentor to many and your wisdom will never fade in our memories.You met your fate because of the love you had for this nation.Everything that you wrote in your articles came to light just one year later after you were brutally murdered.

Just to inform you as I wind up,your intelligence,supreme wisdom,kindness,

and above all,love for education is being advanced by your kids.It was last week that your son,the exact duplicate of you,Chan Isaiah and your little niece Rebecca Lueth Ajang wiped off tears our eyes by scoring highly in their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education(K.C.P.E).Your younger brothers,Athiei and Ajang sleep less hours to make sure your kids afford at least a smile and forge happiness even though that boldness between a child and a father is something that could never be faked.Your dear wife Ajah Garang Giet has humbly accepted the challenge and take upon herself both the roles of a mother and that of a father to nurture your kids in utmost applaudable values but your absentia remain egregious disaster that is generally felt in enormous ways.

The acute pain your assailants inflicted on the family is too much to endure Isaiah.The independence you participated and brought us in a golden plate happened to have had bred implications that are too heavy for us and the nation to bear.We always miss you and may God rest your beautiful soul in eternal peace.

R.I.P Isaiah Abraham Diing Chan Awuol Chan Diing.I LOVE YOU ISAIAH DIING.GOODBYE PAPA!!


Ajak Yak is reachable via

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