New Book Title: "Politics of Ethnicity and Governance in South Sudan"

Book Abstract
This little book documents the brief history of contemporary South Sudanese politics within the context of the 22 years of the second war of liberation. A portion of it explores 17 years of the first Sudanese civil war that ended in 1972 through the Addis-Abba Agreement. The book has made meaningful analysis of the governance after the birth of the World’s newest Republic (South Sudan). It is divided into seven major chapters. Each chapter addresses the unique context of the South Sudanese political, civil, religious and military life. Chapter one introduces the book in its etymological context to the reader and chapter two narrates on ethnic groupings in South Sudan. Chapter three explores the significant roles played by ethnic groups during the war of liberation in South Sudan and beyond. This chapter appreciates positive contributions made by various ethnic groups in supporting the war efforts.
In chapter four, the author teased the negative politics rendered in ethnic context and explained how that negativity resulted in bloodshed of innocent civilians. In this chapter, some theories that have aided negative ethnic politics in the country have been discussed. Chapter five addresses religious significance and explores its negative role in fueling conflicts and feuds in South Sudan and elsewhere in the world. A significant part of this chapter is dedicated to the discussion of South Sudan as a failed state in chapter six; and as a country born in the 21st century, many analysts have argued that South Sudan has double-jumped to top the world’s failed and fragile states. The book concludes with suggestions for institutional reforms in a quest to install good governance in the Republic of South Sudan.
About the Author
John Adoor Deng was born in Jonglei State, South Sudan in a Payam call Wanglei in Twic East County. He is a member of an extended family of 42 siblings, (brothers and sisters), an origin of African traditional polygamous family of 7 wives. His father Deng Ngon Deng was naturally born humanitarian person, well-known for courage, bravery and for sharing his wealth with all persons especially the needy in the Greater Bor area and beyond. John is believed to have inherited blessings of good luck from his father although he did not win the lotto! John catches opportunities quickly, in a very short time, he has achieved many goals in his lifetime as a young man; a father of 6 beautiful children (two boys and four girls) from his beloved wife, Sarah Achol Malual.
In Australia, John has contributed enormously to the settlement of migrants and Refugee Communities. He founded and directs Sudanese Support Foundation (SSF), an organization that provides support services to people in needs; offer support in literacy, housing, employment and promoting integrative social services. In this works, he had received numerous awards for outstanding works from local, state and federal governments in Australia. Also, Mr. Deng has worked in various levels of governments in Australia, as community development officer at the Brisbane City Council. Customer Service Advisor (CSA) at the Federal Department of Human Service. In recent years, he was also employed as Community Education Liaison Officer at the Queensland State Department of Education, Training, and the Arts. On the weekends, John volunteers as a minister in the Anglican Parish of Goodna where he since 2007 operate as an Anglican Associate Minister and a head of Sudanese Australian Anglican Ministry (SAAM).
At the community level, John was a founding member of Queensland African Communities Council (QACC); he was once a president of Sudanese Community Association of Queensland Inc. (SUCAQ) and elected interim chairman of the Federation of South Sudanese Australian Communities (FOSSCA). In the academics, John has studied Cert 4 Training and Assessment at TAFE, Diploma of Theological Studies, Bible College of East Africa, Bachelor of Theological Studies, Vision International University (VIU), Bachelor of Social Science, (QUT), Master of Public Relations, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Master of Politics and Public Policy at Macquarie University, and Master of Management at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ). John is currently a student, studying Doctor of Philosophy at Torrens University of Australia. Mr. Deng is a proud South Sudanese Australian and he appreciates the privilege of holding two citizenships (Australia & South Sudan). John hopes to be a scholar and academician with the aim to work with universities and especially to build the capacity of national universities in the Republic of South Sudan.
You can reach the author via his email: John Deng <>
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