PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Murle Attacks: Hon Dengtiel Ayuen, Hon Makuei Lueth and Hon Dr Malek Alier should resign immediately

By Col Gadhafi Majok, Istanbul, Turkey

Agwer Panyang
The newly appointed governor of Jonglei state, Col. Philip Agwer Panyang, with Defense Minister Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk and Information Minister Michael Makwei Lueth in Bor, Jonglei state

Dear Bor MPs

December 17, 2016 (SSB) —- I am writing to explain some of the reasons why you should resign from the government. I do with the regret. Almost twelve years since you took over the leadership of our people’s. Since then we have been patient enough and shouldering all they atrocities being committed by the militants against our people.

Your work has been based on Traditional and primitive practices histories and on faltering central government, a depending crisis of the state, and growing demand from affected people of Bor County and the shameful leadership that you have provided to them.

Only a democratic leadership can be expected to have the commitment and understanding how to confronted the challenges, There’s no doubt that country has lose monopoly of public services and security to enforce a decisions, but a forms of negotiated authority emerge resulting in the maintenance of political services. There are many players having an interest to prolong the war and state failure.

Bor county has been a center of atrocities for the last years of your leadership and this own to fundamental demand and changes in our understanding of the nature of conflict which forced us to confront it human consequences, especially the violence faced by innocents children and women.

It has been a long honey mood since 2005 for some of you who have served nothing and have nothing to offer. It’s a time to join the luxuries lives where your children’s are living and leave us alone. There are a plethora of diagnostic tests, profiles, evaluations, and assessments that offer insights into a leadership ability.

It’s only in your leadership of SPLM/NCPs 2005 that we understood civilians are told to defend themselves from militias of juba base politicians. We have fully signed a social contract in 2010 with you as our representatives under the SPLM leadership. How much money that make you go silent for the lease twelve years without condemning the acts of terrorist in the state.

Leaders without vision will fail. Leaders who lack vision cannot inspire teams, motivate performance, or create a sustainable value. Poor vision, tunnel vision, vision that fickle or a non- existent vision will caused a leaders to fail. A leader’s job is to align the organization around a clear and achievable vision. This cannot occur when the blind lead the blind. You have employed many parasites and attack dogs among the community to attack some of us who criticized your services to the community and county at large.

They peasants have decided to speak against the injustices, crime, insecurity and poor developmental services since you took over the leadership to represent us in national government as our misleaders.

Many of you have being concentrating on Dr Riek activities and in my own view, you have no differences with him in term of leadership failures. You have even failed miserably to condemn the incidents and acts of terrorism against innocents’ women and children’s. How many people’s you wanted to be killed in order to act as a responsible people’s representatives.

We are paying taxes every month to the government that doesn’t even understand it self how it function and what are it mandates and guiding principles of the functional government. Our peoples are now been made to accept the theory of self defence instead of national army taking it national mandates of protecting every citizens.

There’s no reason or whatever situation that will compelled some of us to take an arms and fight with militias when there is a claimed functional government and its army. It’s a claimed because the government has failed to discharge it duties and values of the modern state.

Nothing smacks of poor leadership like a lack of performance. Nobody is perfect, but leaders who consistently fail are not leaders, no matter how much you wish they were. While past performance is not always a certain indicator of future events. When leaders are constantly flummoxed by those who don’t seem to get it, there exists both a leadership and communication problems. If the leaders doesn’t understand the concept of services above themselves, they will not engender the trust, confidence and royalty of those they lead.

A great leader always take a decision and resign if you fine things are not moving at right direction. Safe journey……………

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