PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why Hon. Michael Makuei should relinquish “Greater Bor Community Leadership”

By Kur John Aleu, Beijing, China

December 24, 2016 (SSB) — The current inclination in South Sudan geopolitics and the extermination threat against Bor community call for a vibrant and visionary leadership to organize the community and confront all the conspiracies and blackmailing without conflict of interest. Even Jesus Christ the highly respected Moral and Divine teacher of his time refused to take up a political post when his followers wanted to make him King, he knew it would impaired his Spiritual mission (John 6:15)  and that is why in the Bible he warned against serving two Masters.

The Greater Bor community under the leadership of Hon. Michael Makuei has seen the worse shredding of its political and social fabrics among herself in the history. The rise of ’False identities’ and irrational political affiliations are a sign of a disintegrating community which would possibly result to political alienation for the community which was once regarded by South Sudanese as a center of patriots, resilient and well nurtured political elites.

Much as Hon Michael Makuei is known  as a close political ally to President Kiir, the degree of his political influence in Kiir’s administration remains a topic of discussion among Bor elites with majority describing it as a self-benefiting relationship with no regard to the community welfare while the rest believe that the Giant might have secretly succumbed to Jesus’s warning on serving two masters and had decided to abandon  his social responsibilities as a community leader in favor of his lucrative political post.

The latter could not be ruled out considering the silence of his leadership in the wave of numerous attacks against Bor’s civilians and their economic lifeline, the cattle. This kind of behavior has not only created a leadership vacuum which would have been instrumental in mending the community social fabrics and also addressing the community challenges to the National government but it has also led to the rise of smaller heterogeneous groups which are bended toward widening of social fabrics through hate speeches, unfounded accusations and shamelessly enough they have always portray themselves as arrogant and foolish spectators of the political tournament between the government and dissidents, their respective show of loyalties have always been against the interest of our peaceful coexistent as a community

Political differences exist in all communities across South Sudan but for my community, Bor, it is different; hatred, destruction of social fabrics and blackmailing dominate our politics. This is not only good in the interest of preserving of common heritage which our grands built for centuries but it is nurturing a ground which will be used against our political aspirants in future and therefore this call for the distinguished Bor sons and daughters to intervene urgently and help the community revive her lost glory otherwise Dr John Garang will be the last prominent political figure from Bor in South Sudan history.

The current political paradigm in South Sudan requires a flexible, honest and a well-informed personality to deal with the contemporary challenges of building a vibrant, prosperous and a united community which will always act in solidarity among herself during all times, a community that will not be swayed by a political tsunami, a community that will always live to address her internal issues with understanding and compromise and always stand guard against external conspiracies.

The level of suspicion, mistrust and jealousy needs a fresh and a moderate personality to do the memories cleansing and restore trust and unity back, we are as the community are proud having you in National government in your capacity as a citizen of this country but holding our community hostage at this point when our unity is needed more than before is unacceptable and unbecoming, I therefore call upon you and your leadership to give back the power to Bor community and give them chance to elect new members into leadership.

The author, Kur John Aleu is a studying masters in Civil Engineering at the Beijing Jiaotong University in China. He can be reached via his email:

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