Riek Machar will not be seen again in Juba if there is no peace, said FVP Taban Deng Ghai
By Garang Abraham Malak, Juba-South Sudan

January 3, 2017 (SSB) —- The First Vice President revealed that his predecessor Riek Machar will not be seen soon because he is being prevented from travelling to cause more trouble in the region.
Addressing Yei River State Citizens on New Year’s Eve, The First Vice president Taban Deng Gai stated that all the neighboring countries perceive Machar as a war monger after he declared war on South Sudan following the July fighting that forced him out of Juba.
“Riek Machar has been parked like a packed car without wheels,” he repeatedly told people in Yei,
Deng cited that “Time for conflict in South Sudan has ended, even for region has ended hence all regions say this is time for peace.”
“Riek Machar will not be seen again, He would be seen again in election if there is peace, if there is peace he will be seen again, if there is no peace Riek Machar will not be seen again,” he explained.
Taban mentioned that the regional leaders have hidden Machar in South Africa because they do not want him to destabilize the region. “He is hidden there because he is spreading war.”
The First Vice President urged the people of Yei to talk to their children so that they can assemble at cantonment sites and then incorporated in to the national army.
“All of us for the sake of good of this year, we should talk to our relatives to come for peace. This is a good chance the government wants them.” He stressed
Gai warns that if the people following Riek Machar do not come out for peace, one time it will be too late for them.
“Let them see what happens to Riek Machar, now Riek Machar is a trouble maker and he has been parked in South Africa, they will be parked like Machar if they don’t come back in time” He added.
He further gave an example of Joseph Kony the Lord’s Resistance Movement (LRA) leader when he terrorized the eastern and central Africa with war and how he ended.
The first Vice president’s trip was accompanied by Elia Lomoro the Cabinet Affairs Minister, Kuol Manyang Juuk Minister of Defence, Richard K Mulla Minister of Federal Affairs, Nadia Dudi Arop Minister of Culture, Youths and Sports, and other Cabinet members and members of parliaments.
In December last year, Reuters reported that Machar is under house arrest in South Africa and the same article quoted Dickson Gatluak his spokesperson in Ethiopia dismissing it as “misinformation.”
Gai cited that all the people who are following Machar should come back home because they are not going to see him again.
You can reached the reporter at his email: Garang Malak Diit <gmalakkdiit@gmail.com>
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