PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Hon. Weston Wanjohi Wahome, the Friend of South Sudan: Good luck with your political campaign in Kenya

By Kur Wël Kur, Adelaide, Australia


January 7, 2017 (SSB) — Just for updates, Honourable Weston is a Kenyan politician who’s also a regional coordinator for Friends of South Sudan in East Africa (FOSSEA). This year, he’s running for a seat in Roysambu constituency as a member of parliament (MP). Roysambu is a suburb in Nairobi that’s surrounded by Kasarani, Mirema, Thome, and Zimmerman. The United States International University (in Mirema) is not far away from Roysambu.

With his personal profile in place, I would like to dive into reasons for wishing him the best in his political campaign. No country, or citizens of another country should meddle in politics of another country. However, wishing others in their fair political process is a meaningful gesture.

South Sudanese have been at war with themselves and with enemies whose prayers are: woes and failures to South Sudan. But, in spite of thousands of battles we have fought, battles that have raised clouds and clouds of dust, we haven’t failed to recognise voices of our supporters, our friends who need nothing from us, but a prosperous country.

 “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” 

This quote has become a cliché because South Sudanese have uttered it thousand times. It’s a quote that emboldens the suffering citizens regardless of lack of support (whether psychological or economic support) from powerful or influential friends. Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. said this immortal words for the oppressed minority (African-Americans) in United States of America. However, these precious words have become golden words that challenge the onlookers, the powerful bystanders. So, with due fairness, we are so attentive and appreciative to voices that call for a calm and a prosperous South Sudan; however distant these voices maybe; voices of our faithful friends, friends such as Honourable Weston Wanjohi Wahome.

As humans or South Sudanese, we are always in a debate; in any topic whether social, economic, or political topic, there is always critic(s) supporting sides of arguments other than our own. For these people, I would like to give you concrete reasons for wishing Hon. Weston the best in his political ambition. I believe he has consistently supported peace and political calmness in South Sudan. Consistency matters. Since day one of our political problems, he hasn’t oscillated in a nanosecond, or switched sides to support the war.

These screenshots from his Facebook page, prove his position in South Sudanese political wrestling and they (the screenshots) speak thousand words or volumes.

  1. Weston encouraged all South Sudanese to rise above their political/tribal differences in order to celebrate the richness of their God-given country, especially in agricultural lands. He posted this picture on his Facebook page:


2. To mobilise citizens of Kenya to support South Sudanese in their times of need, Hon. Weston, once again, posted this photo on his Facebook, a photo that compares colours of the two countries’ flags. These words say it better: “Kenyans; let’s pray for South Sudan. We share a lot.”

3. He supports political/tribal coexistence in South Sudan; so on his Facebook page, he posted the flag of South Sudan with this slogan: “64 tribes, one people; one nation!”
4. Weston Wanjohi supports cessation of hostility in South Sudan; by so doing, he posted on his Facebook page a white dove, the symbol of peace.
5. Weston Wanjohi supports cessation of hostility in South Sudan; by so doing, he reposted on his Facebook page a message from a South Sudanese condemning violence as a means of bringing change in South Sudan.

 From here, I will retire because Hon. Weston has posted many photos and statuses on his Facebook, photos and statuses that support permanent peace in South Sudan. So, I can’t cover all of them.  And for negative critics who would grab straws, some of these critics would say that Honourable Weston has no options but to support South Sudan because of his “monetary benefits” in South Sudan. First of all, I am not aware of any business in South Sudan that belongs to him; secondly, I don’t know him in person or following him on Facebook; and lastly I haven’t contacted him to write this opinion.

For the straw-grabbers, many people (citizens of other nations) in South Sudan are shovelling millions of dollars into their bank accounts, but they can’t find anything positive to say about our beloved country. It’s like “bitting the hands that feed” them; or “shitting where they eat” (excuse my language).

Luckily enough, Honourable Weston Wanjohi Wahome isn’t like those clowns. He’s one of us. Because of this, I wish him victory in his political fight for a seat of the MP in Roysambu constituency.

So, on your part, what do you think of him? What do you make of his active involvement in South Sudanese political affairs?

Kur Wël Kur has a Bachelor Degree in Genetics and Zoology from Australian National University (ANU). He was the former the General Secretary of Greater Bor Community in Adelaide, Australia. He can be reached via his email contact: kurwelkur @

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