PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Aguok Kuei Youth: Hon. Gen. Gregory Deng Kuac Aduol is the choice of the people

By Deng Kuer Majok, Gogrial Town, South Sudan

Gen. Gregory Vassilli Dmitry (brother of Madam Ayendit), the new governor of Gogrial state

January 11, 2017 (SSB) — “The Newly appointed Gogrial State Gov. Hon. Gen. Gregory Deng Kuac Aduol is the Choice of Aguok Kuei Youth and the entire Aguok Kuei community worldwide as well”

First of all, we are thanking the President, H.E Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit for answering the calls of people to appoint Hon. Gen. Gregory Deng Kuac as governor of Gogrial State, replacing Abraham Gum Makuac; that was a tremendous gift for the New Year 2017 which will go down in the history of our giant state.

Though the appointment congregated little criticism from the melancholy allied of the deposed governor and his team, still those who are appreciating the appointment are numerous within all Gogrial State Communities.

His appointment is based on “Merit” according to the understanding of those who know politics formally, the newly appointed governor lobbied position of governorship for longer. His supporters hard-pressed the President to appoint him governor, not favoritism as translated by the others.

AGUOK KUEI YOUTH and community, in general, will support the leadership of incumbent governor Hon. Gen. Gregory Deng to pursue peace and development in our state. Aguok and Apuk conflict instigators will be brought to the book of the law by the newly installed state leadership if they generate any insecurity once more.

We are hoping that the governor is given absolute powers by the president to execute the communities’ perpetrators in order to quell down insecurity in Gogrial state.

Our community (AGUOK KUEI COMMUNITY WORLDWIDE) is standing firm with the President, H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit and the SPLM party, respect and accepted his recent decree appointing Hon. Governor Gen. Gregory Deng Kuac Aduol as our new governor, President has right to appoint and sack any government servant all over the world.

Anyone using AGUOK KUEI COMMUNITY name to criticize the appointment,  personalities of Hon. Governor and the president while hiding his/her identity on social media will be tracked by the concerned authority and will answer some questions in court.

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