PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

WINNERS of the Twic East Girls’ Scholarship Program for the academic Year 2016-2017

“Give someone a fish and you would have fed them for a day, teach someone how to fish and you would have fed them for a life time.”

By Program Team, TEGSPteg-scholarship-program

January 10, 2017 (SSB) —- For the academic year 2016-2017, seventy two (72) girl-child students sat for their KCPE. Of the 72 girls, 12 had 300 marks and above; the top four girls were given the scholarship.

On behalf of team Twic East Girls scholarship Program, we are pleased to announce the four winners of TEGSP scholarship for the academic Year 2016-2017 as follows:

  1. Achol Goch Ayiik
  2. Achol Nhial Garang
  3. Aluel Kuer Ayual
  4. Nyankiir Bior Ajang

TEGSP would like to take this opportunity to make a note of how proud we are to award these fantastic four girls for their academic excellence and determination. We hope this scholarship will open the gateways to their brightest future.

This brings the number of our scholars to eight (8) in total. During the last academic year 2015-2016, we sponsored the following four scholars:

  1. Achuei Arok Gak
  2. Sarah Nyibol Deng
  3. Agau Aguer Bior
  4. Athiei Angok Bul

Considering the hardships they all been through, we are truly inspired and humbled by their determination and effort to have come this far. We will do all we possibly can to help them achieve their next milestone.

Many thank you to the office of Twic East Youth Leadership in Kakuma for helping us with data. Your support and cooperation is highly appreciated.

For our donors, “there are two ‘i’s’ in fundraising – they should stand for inspiration and innovation”. Your continuing generosity is the soul of TEGSP and we can’t thank you enough. The outcomes of your donation is truly visible: keep it coming.

Looking forward to assist in all that is require to give girl-child a bright future. Once again congratulation to our donors, community and the Four Winners of this year scholarship opportunities

About the Twic East Girls Scholarship Program (TEGSP)

The Twic East Girls Scholarship Program (TEGSP) is a not-for-profit charity organization that partner with local South Sudanese communities in Australia as well as private donors and well-wishers worldwide to provide scholarship opportunities to program for middle and high school girls living in refugee camps in East Africa.

The mission of TEGSP is to foster girl-child empowerment through education at different levels by offering specific scholarship for school-going girls in under-privileged communities and refugee camps to promote pro-economic independency, strong interpersonal skills, and reassert a sense of hope in the future.

Due to war and poverty in South Sudan, young women find it extremely hard to go to proper schools because of lack of classrooms, teachers and stationaries. This has resulted in young girls losing faith and hope in the possibilities that await them if they are successful through education.

The goal of the program is to identify young girls with excellent academic merit from poor family background with no access to quality education and offer positive supportive educational system to avoid the pitfalls such as early child marriage, forced marriage and gender based violence that can derail them from furthering their education. The focus is to empower young woman to make positive changes in their life.

The TEGSP focus primarily on providing girls from under-privilege communities with comprehensive educational support that includes scholarship, mentoring and internship opportunities. It is projected that with help of this program, young girls who would have otherwise been forced into early child marriage will successfully finish their high school education.

The TEGSP pair selected eligible high school students with schools outside rural areas, IDPs and refugee camps for period of four years. During that time, students’ school fees, such as tuition and boarding fees, are fully covered by the scholarship. Moreover, school’s teachers participate in monthly meeting with the executive committee to report on student’s progress and other suitable forms of help that students might require over the period of their schooling.

Over time, the TEGSP will create confidence and educated young women leaders who will be aspiring mentors of their own lives and the community at large in South Sudan as well as in the continent of Africa.

It is preached, researched and proven that the only way to empower women is through education. Our project team wish to make this research finding work for our sisters back home-offer them chance to educate themselves and find out what life want for them to be better mothers, sisters, community and national leaders.

Ultimately, the program hopes to connect with and gain the trust of international non-governmental organizations working in South Sudan, particularly those working in the girl-child rights and educational advancement sector.

For more details, enquiry, and clarification, contact the Program Team directly from their website:

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