PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Catastrophe of Khuoth Amagak among Greater Upper Nile communities (Part 2)

By David Matiop Gai, Juba South Sudan

January 13, 2017 (SSB) — As I just put it there in part one that we are going to talk about the meaning of power of tongue and the Khuoth de Amagak rotation in Upper Nile, there is life and death in the tongue. Anyway Amagak in Dinka is a small animal living in the forest. These animals if the hunters want to kill it, or if the traditional hunters went for hunting with their dogs, and on finding it, and the dogs try to catch it (Amagak), this animal releases a very smelly worse product until the dogs leave it alone.

But using Khuoth Amagak turns in figurative language from literal meaning of Khuoth Amagak, and the concept here is the smelly air released by this animal as a depend mechanism, and  how it affected dogs and human being because its contaminate the air around and within. If this animal applied such air tactics, its mess up the environment and the area will be unwanted and unpleasant till fresh natural air changes the situation.

Therefore, Khuoth Amagak contaminated the environment, and Dinka people used it from it literal meaning to figurative statements, which means Anya-nya II veteran Akuot Atem de Mayen used it while applying the meaning and concept together in term of curses against Nuer who brutally killed him when he accepted to joined SPLA after Nuer lost their Son Samuel Gai Tut around 1984, 1985, and 1986.

From that time, Upper Nile sons and daughters joined SPLA under the leadership Dr. John Garang, Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, William Nyuon Beny Machar, Salva Kiir Mayardit, Yusuf Kuwmarke, James Wani Igga, Daniel Awet Akot, Kuol Manyang Juuk, etc, but still the essences of that curses were not dead in Upper Nile especially in Nuer community.

As we know majority of Upper Nile sons were in top leadership of SPLA/M, for example Dr. John Garang, Dr. Lam Akol, Dr. Riek Machar, Justice Majier Gai Ayuel, Arok Thon Arok, Kuol Manyang Juuk, Abdallah Chuol, Dr. Aduk Nyaba,  Taban Deng Gai, and many others all were from greater Nile but because of bad wishes of Khuoth Amagak, some of them rebelled against their own making at the very beginning, they first went to bush to liberate the land but Khuoth Amagak confused their determination, and destiny.

Although rebellion is widespread across South Sudan, the most devastated war torn region in South Sudan is Greater Upper Nile due to believe of Khuoth Amagak, and activities of continuous rebellion there. Rebellion started in Upper Nile since the formation of SPLA/M, and leaders or sons of Greater Upper Nile died in a big number compared to other two regions of Greater Bhar el-ghazal, and Greater Equatoria.

As we speak right now, the big number of displace persons and refugees are from Greater Upper Nile. Believe me or not, even in America, and other continents, Upper Nile people are living there in a big number.  Inside South Sudan, homeless societies are from Upper Nile and among the towns and cities in South Sudan where there is living high population of movable homeless people are from Upper Nile and those who are living in Greater Equatoria are from Upper Nile, and it is because Upper Nile is the battle field. Since there are political differences among communities, the victims in Equatoria are from Upper Nile though there few people killed from Bhar el-Ghazal as well.

Therefore, the curses of Khuoth Amagak uttered by Akuot Atem de Mayen are not for Nuer Community alone, but it is for the entire Greater Upper Nile as well as South Sudan. Khuoth de Amagak contaminated the air in Upper Nile and there is no room for peace, because the consequences of that curse are still rotating seriously. You see leaders rebelled against the system and they tried to fix their own fake systems which always yield to furious results of displacement, killings, raiding, and leaders killed themselves one by one since then.

For example Riek rebelled against Garang in 1991 in the name of democracy, but he failed to fix this democracy while thousands of his fellow human being suffered the untold stories. I will bring more in part three about leaders who died in hand of other leaders in Upper Nile due to that curses.

The author is a co-founder of South Sudan Mental Health care Organization, (SSMHCO). He holds Bachelor degree in Social Work and Social Administration from SSCUST, Bachelor of Theology from CLT, Bungoma, Kenya/Kalispell, USA, and a fellow researcher. He can be reach at

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