Has the unknown gunman gone on Christmas-New Year Break in Juba?
The welcoming respite in reported cases of insecurity in Juba: Is it sustainable?
By Longar Mathiec Wol, Nairobi, Kenya

January 19, 2017 (SSB) — The process that will bring to an end of the unknown gunmen story in juba started when the SPLA, police and other organize forces conducted a search and disarming the illegal weapons in the hands of the wrong people. The question of when the unknown gunmen going turn known is now exposed by the disarmament in Juba. It turn out that these unknown gunmen turn out to be unauthorized weapons carrier in the city.
Since that evil practice has come to light, what next? Is that security level maintainable? What is the organize forces going to do to keep unknown gunmen turn known away from killing and looting innocent people of Juba. All these questions in people minds shows clearly that the extent of desperation among the city inhabitants. The matter of fact is that there is insecurity in the country but it should not be in the city.
It should not be in the city where all organize forces’ headquarters is located. It is so embarrassing. It is a wish to every citizens to stay secure which is contrary to the prevalence of insecurity across the nation which has shattered the dream completely.
I take this take this opportunity to congratulate to the joint organize forces for the work well done, we should always give a credit to where it is due. It is a time now to maintain the peaceful environment and tell the people of Juba that you have found the hide out of unknown gunmen and assure them what happen sometime back will not happen again. Whether this insecurity breaks is maintainable or not is what we are waiting to see.
During and after the Christmas there was relatively come in Juba since the organize forces took to the residential areas to search for guns where they recovered the pile of weapons in the hands of civilian and others indiscipline forces. When the forces decided to take the battle to the door step of unknown gunmen that people of south Sudan had been wondering where the vice came from. It time for these forces to make sure that this unknown gunmen turn know should face the law so that the pay for their crime they did to the innocent citizen of south Sudan.
Without peace the life become miserable and it is the work of all organize forces to make sure that the keep citizens’ safe since it is one and the essential mandate given to them by the constitution. The only hope for the citizens is the last measures taken by the joint force in Juba to relatively restore security in the city. South Sudan search for peace is truly a painful journey but we should not give up still there is a hope.
Where there is life there is hope. But thing are always getting out of hands due to the presence of unknown gunmen in Juba. I can’t talk of high ways in the country; that target killing is known but if there is law one day those who commit atrocities will be brought to book to answer charges against them and held accountable.
The existence of unknown gunmen in the city center is one of scary thing that has every happened. How could someone be unknown when there is police, national army, wildlife service, fire brigade and prison services in the same city; still the unknown gunmen exists. It time for joint forces to make sure that the guns caught during the search never gone back to the hands of criminals, civilians and the careless individuals whether with in organize forces.
They should only have access to the weapons when they are on duty. It is a duty for police or other organize forces to maintain security in Juba by all cost. In other cities criminals are shot by police, period why not juba. Thank God that president has authorized police to shoot and kill criminal that will be found with gun and resist to resist or hand it over to the police.
If the police don’t take strong stand Juba soon will be one of the worse cities to live in as it has been for last three years. One thing the police in Juba doesn’t know is that Juba has become a den for the criminals in East Africa. Most of the criminal chased or ran away from their countries in East African like Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Burundi ran to Juba. Some of the most dangerous criminals in East Africa went to Juba because they knew the police in south Sudan hasn’t reached certain level reached by the police in their respective countries.
In term of crime management training, monitoring capabilities and so many others. So they feel comfortable there. Therefore, they could just dodge police. Some of these criminals are being monitor in their countries so they ran to the safe haven, which is Juba. The stay in stress free life compare to where they came from.
It time for the government to introduce the policies, when you are caught doing crime and you are a foreigner you should be taken to court or deported back to the country where you came from immediately. That would reduce the level of crime in the city. Some of them will change because they know what is awaiting for them back home.
Since now the government has known that they were criminals who organize themselves to terrorize the citizen in south Sudan. What would be the way forward? What are they going to do to make sure that there is no resurrection of unknown gunmen story in Juba? That is what we are all waiting to see. But for sure that level of security has to be maintain by all cost. We should only know that there is only one rebellion but this rebellion within has to be crush to ashes one and for all.
The security of Juba is essential because it is the country headquarters and it accommodate not only south Sudanese all over the country but other people around the globe. Let show the world that we are capable by action not claiming. They think if we can’t secure Juba a small city what will happen to the country as a whole. With God grace we will come back to our feed again.
To all the organize forces particularly the joint operation force I wish you all the best in your effort to improve the security in Juba.
The author, Longar Mathiec Wol, is a South Sudanese student at United States International University-Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, where he is pursuing Bachelor degree of Science in International Business Administration and Minoring in International Relations. He can be reached through email address: longarmaxiech@gmail.com.
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The strategy of setting up a thief to catch a thief seem to be working, there were no unknown gunmen at all, only those who are currently deployed were the one causing havoc and act at night as unknown gunmen, now they have been given the tasks at promiscuity of accountability.