PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Greater Bor Dinka Community: Unity is Paramount to political Division with Limited Resources to Develop

By Thon Atem Ayiei, Juba, South Sudan

January 20, 2017 (SSB) — Unity is the only social fabric that cemented the community values and supremacy all over the world. The ongoing misunderstanding, disunity and confusion among the Greater Bor Dinka community should not continue to be ignored by the community leaders, elders, intellectuals and religious leaders till it goes beyond our control. The community leaders should be consistently engaged with the local populations in a move to resolve contentious issues affecting community in one way or another.

In reflecting the community history, our honesty, loyalty, peacemaking, integrity and above all, our unity has constantly remained unquestionable. Over centuries, we had been together in solidarity over many issues of concern in our community, and altogether, we had managed to live with our volatile neighbors and it is only of recent, our people started introducing new technics of hatred which is perceived to be politically motived.

Despite some few who are horrifically interested in Bor Community disunity, we unshakably remained united and exemplary to other communities because it is our unity, strength and integrity that makes what is South Sudan today and it will continue for generations to come if we urgently block these few individuals spreading initiatives of dismantling our community legacy. Charity begins at home! We should use our traditional values to bring about divided people of South Sudan together, and to consolidate peace and unity in our beloved country.

This freelancer believed in matters of facts and history that there has been no political development made in this country without Bor Community Elites involvement and this should serves as our spiritual strength, core values to help others who understand our values and supremacy. Our love to sports, belief in God (church services) and the social teachings to upcoming generations has seriously mounted to community quick urbanization and literacy wherever part of the world Bor Community lives.

The 21st century evolution impact on mankind has seriously affected some communities caught up in disunity but this was nice experience with Bor Community because of the same key words of Unity, Strength, Integrity and universal love to education. Other observers in their picks have it that Bor Community would be one of the modern communities around the globe if it were not Dr. Riek Machar Teny horrific war on Bor Community in 1991 and 2013 that led to the community displacement both in and out of the country.

I always asked myself, what went or what has gone wrong in our community? But my answer is always, the silence of the community leadership and the tribal politics in our country, have significantly contributed to chaos and disunity rated at eighty percentage currently  while the twenty percentage riding on the  ignorance of knowing everything including the ones that put us far apart.

I do not totally agree with the looming disunity in our community as our own making, it has become a fashion and culture of other communities, that failure in consolidating their own community should be used to destroy other communities in breach of responsibility. So our problems are being pushed by others with hidden agenda through our weak members who look at it as an opportunity to capitalize. We should watch out for the agents secretly working for the collapse of mighty Bor Community of South Sudan especially our academically enlightened youth across the world.

In a social and analytical perspective, You will understand and agree with me that Mading-Bor town today, has undoubtedly proven that, this community is indeed urgently developing and in need for help both material and human resource to rediscover peace and unity among themselves. Young boys look energetic to themselves and ambitious to anything that makes Bor Community a better community. For them sky is the limit and whatever the hurdles on their way, the objective remain the same.

All these controversies could be blamed on the unseen enemies trying to rewrite the history of our contribution of the struggle and prevent us from being part and parcel of the nation building processes. Hence, the community must rethink now and come back on its senses or risk the consequences of disunity and hardship of coming back on track.

As a concerned community member and upcoming intellectual, the quest for splitting Jonglei into States undermines our unity and can easily endanger the protracted development goals of Jonglei State if not addressed as soon as possible. The community needs to come together, and sits down to revise their customary laws to ease young people lives and the current leadership of the Greater Bor community should  immediately open new ways for reconciliations and reforms in community leadership.

There is still a chance to confront those who are advocating for the division of Twic and Dak, to be created as different state within Jonglei. A big lie that even the living God could accept and punish the individuals behind this divisive move. I have never been a supporter of doom political rhetoric and I will never be one, so long the name Greater Bor (Bour) still exists on this earth. I will devote my time to extensively write articles in support of the community I love so much to remain the way it is now.

My solemn appeal to community leadership is that they should convene a meeting to address the issues of community immediate attention and orchestrate long term plans for community millennium development goals while the unity of the Greater Bor community continue as exemplary in south Sudan and the entire world.

Long live our unity.

Long live our cultures.

Long live Greater Bor Dinka Community.

Long live south Sudan.

The writer is a concerned member of the community and can be reached on +211-922-888-553.

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5 thoughts on “The Greater Bor Dinka Community: Unity is Paramount to political Division with Limited Resources to Develop

  1. Thon Atem, years ago late Dr.John Garang said to INF Khartoum gov’t that “arabsim will not unit us or Africansim not unit us, but Sudansim will unit us.” So mr.Thon, the so call “greater Bor” becomes divisive name as it’s why you need this division to continue. Of course we all needed unit, but prefect unit and greater Jonglei State community will just give us that not only fake unit, but prefect one. Yes no need for two States and good luck with your divisive greater Bor.

  2. Yes, there isn’t anything better than unity. But, the big issue is that some colonial brains people such Abel Alier plus many other Buors, misunderstood unity. They wrongly taken unity to be Bor; and to the extent that if people from Twich East or from two Duks don’t accept to be called Buors, then they are against unity. Such ill mentalities are not different from Arabs, who did proclaimed that every body in old Sudan was an arab and a muslims. The same thinking has been taken by Buors or Bors; and are now forcing their Murle name taken from the plural of Beer which is buor; on none Buor people. We don’t want to unite under Bor name; but, we want unity. So, can’t we find another name such as the State name to unite us? Why is it a must for the unity to be under Bor name? The answer is, because, Buors like that name such that they can easily take whatever belongs to Twich East or Two Duks; since its belongs to Greater Bor (as they claim). They can easily steal positions, budget, population, and projects and much more. We the none Buors don’t like that Buors culture of “rak ke ayen” corruptions. In order for our country to turn into correct path, such cultures of deceiving need to be dropped; people need to recognise the rights of other people. Naming of our tribes are cultures; therefore, if one tribe is intending to get rid of the cultures of other tribes such as Twich East and Duks, than that is not a unity, instead, it is stealing in the highest level. I REJECT THAT UNFAIR STEALLING under Bor name. All our clans names where brought from Bhar Elghazal when the parts of the tribes crossed the river to the eastern bank. Example, Adol, Awulial, Angakuei, Twich, Nyarweng and so on. But, the name Bor wasn’t brought from Bhar El Ghazal, but, from Murle. So, if Buors want unity under Bor’s name; they are to unite with Murle and Mandari. We want to keep our ancestral names, and let Buors keep their ancestral name also. But, let us unite under our State name. Stop being a new colonials of the new age. Everybody or tribe in South Sudan are united under the name of their State; then why is it not good for us to unite under the name of our state? If Buors don’t like unity under the good name of our State, then let them go to hell with their Murle name of Bor.

  3. Yes, there isn’t anything better than unity. But, the big issue is that some colonial brains’ people such as Abel Alier plus many other Buors, misunderstood unity. They wrongly taken unity to be Bor; and to the extent that if people from Twich East or from two Duks don’t accept to be called Buors, then they are to be against unity. Such ill mentalities are not different from Arabs, who did before proclaimed that everybody in old Sudan was an arab and a muslim. The same thinking has been taken by Buors or Bors; and are now forcing their Murle name taken from the plural of Beer which is buor; on none Buor people. We don’t want to unite under Bor name; but, we want unity. So, is it not possible for us to find another name such as the State name to unite us? Why is it a must for the unity to be under Bor name? The answer is, because, Buors like that name such that they can easily take whatever belongs to Twich East or Two Duks; since its belongs to Greater Bor (as they claim), example is the recent division of central government ministers(all Buors), MPS and Counties. They can easily steal positions, budget, population, and projects and much more. We, the none Buors don’t like that Buors culture of “rak ke ayen” corruptions. In order for our country to turn into correct path, such cultures of deceiving need to be dropped; people need to recognise the rights of other people. Naming of our tribes are cultures; therefore, if one tribe is intending to get rid of the cultures of other tribes such as Twich East and Duks, than that is not a unity, instead, it is stealing in the highest level. I REJECT THAT UNFAIR STEALLING under Bor name. All our clans names where brought from Bhar Elghazal when the parts of the tribes crossed the river to the eastern bank. Example, Adol, Awulial, Angakuei, Twich, Nyarweng and so forth. But, the name Bor wasn’t brought from Bhar El Ghazal, but, from Murle. So, if Buors want unity under Bor’s name; they are to unite with Murle and Mandari. We want to keep our ancestral names, and let Buors keep their ancestral name also. But, if the so called UNITY is being proclaimed sincerely, then let us unite under our State name. Stop being a new colonials of the new age. Everybody or tribe in South Sudan are united under the name of their State; then why is it not good for us to unite under the name of our state? If Buors don’t like unity under the good name of our State, then let them go to hell with their Murle name of Bor.

  4. Nice trial but something is missing in voicing the mantra of unity. Unity is not merely limited to name; people can talk about collective responsibility and common good. These are the guiding principles and core values that can bring people together not Greater Bor Dinka. This notion is completely missing that goal and bogus claim to convince all of us.
    Fake unity based on flawless history and invalid assumption, I believe will not hold water any longer. Please revisit your history for accuracy and solid facts before going public with article like this ones.

  5. This tune has become boring. So I have nothing to say about it; since they are not really implementing unity. You are right Mr. Gokthoon, unity means “being together in everything’, not in names.
    Thank you,
    Daniel Yuot

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