PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Catastrophe of Khuoth Amagak among Greater Upper Nile communities (Part 3)

By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

January 22, 2017 (SSB) –— (Proverbs 18:21), Death and life lies in tongue, and the curses of Khuoth de Amagak consumed many leaders in Greater Upper Nile.  Well during the first Sudanese Civil War in (1955 -197), Second Sudanese Civil War in (1972-1983), and the Third Sudanese civil War in (1983-2005), many South Sudanese leaders died in South Sudan along the cost of freedom, but majority of Upper Nile Sons die in their own brothers hands. According to the book of Old Testament in the Proverbs 18:21, reads, “The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit, (Bible NIV).

Suppose spiritual leaders especially Christian leaders would have look into this issue of tongue misfortune, and dismay in Greater Upper Nile. Some commenters came across this article and they read over it and look at it on tribal angle but I am not writing it on the regional concept, I am writing it on the facts of what had happened and what are taking place on ground right now as well as on spiritual angle.

The spiritual side doesn’t sell out or compromise on tribal bases, because curses didn’t look into tribal issues but on those who drink cup of suffering from it and many leaders got killed themselves in Upper Nile are not Nuer nor Dinka, and they are not sons of other parts in South Sudan but communities living in Greater Upper Nile. The relationship among tribes living in Greater Upper Nile is hitting-rock bottom for lose win-win situation. Are you aware or not aware about it?

For example, although I will not start my explanation from very far, just I want to begin in 1984 – 1985, Samuel Gai Tut was killed by SPLA under leadership of William Nyuon Beny Machar. In the same year Akuot Atem de Mayen was killed by Nuer in revenge of Samuel Gai death, but that death among Upper Nile leaders ceased a bit until 1990s.

In 1990-1991, many leaders, and sons of Upper Nile got killed under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar in Nasir. In a surprise press conference in Nasir, thirty, (30) SPLA leaders were killed in Nasir in high ranks, and high files of SPLA/M and from few people to mention were Justice Manyuon, and Akhim Aluong Khang.

On the top of worse above all, in the late 1990s, this group of Dr. Riek Machar later defected to called themselves SPLM-United under Dr. Lam Akol, and Gabriel Gatwech Chan known as Gabriel Tanginye killed Peter Panom Thanypiny, the honest and respected son of Ayod got killed for his brilliant idea and advice to Dr. Riek Machar that Nuer people will not manage to fight SPLA as one tribe, and he got killed because of his advice, and later on Dr. Riek congratulated those who killed Commander Peter Panom for job well done.

In 1992, Joseph Oduha Haworu from Anyuak community was killed in Panyagoor when they brought assault against SPLA and they planned to attacked SPLA areas in Greater Bor, and those of Dr. Lam Akol and Dr. Riek Machar escaped from that war. They were repelled and totally defeated until they reported themselves with their forces to Khartoum. In the same year many soldiers died between the giant politicians, military commanders, and militias.

In 1996, Peter Gatdet Yak killed the well-known SPLA commander William Nyuon Beny Machar with his three bodyguards. Two years after William Nyuon death, Gatdet killed Kerubino Kuanyin Bol. In the process of curses, killings, and rebellions rooted and do occurred several times among these leaders. They rebelled in and out as long as they wish.

Around 1997- 1998, George Athor Deng killed three alternate commanders. George Athor killed Alternate commander Machok Atem, Alternate commander Lubba Dhiar, and Alternate commander Atem. Machok, and Lubba were sons of Paweny in Pigi County, and Atem was from Awulian Community in Twice East County in Jonglei state. Leaders turn swords against themselves in Upper Nile seriously without pity or love of humanity.

 During the Sudan general election, George Athor Deng rebelled, and approximately on Dec 18, 19, 20,21,22, 23, 2o11,  Athor Deng Dut was got killed in South Sudan near Morovbo County according to the report and breaking news on former SSTV currently known as SSBC. On the Dec 15, 2013 crisis, conflict erupted in capital Juba followed serious escalation of violent where Major General Peter Gatdet Yak killed his colleague and deputy Brigadier General Ajak Yen in cold blood, and rebelled in Pan Pandhiar barrack, Jonglei State.

Later on, Brigadier General Abraham Jongroor Alier was killed in Pariak, and Brigadier General Butrus Lomich Kengen was killed in Bentiu. Earlier this year in January 3, 2017, Johnson Olony killed Gabriel Tanginye in Amara Western Upper Nile based on spreading social media reports, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, twitter, WhatsApp, and radios like V.O.A, and many websites, which was confirmed by National Democratic Movement press report.

Finally, I don’t want to respond to short sight cut-hellish behaviours, ill personality of those who viewed things in sense of devil desires, and evil hearts of destructives children of devil who intended not to highlight the root causes of atrocious- killings where almost fifty (49) leaders mainly from Greater Upper Nile died in their own red – blooded brothers and bad wishes.

What I want people to realize in this article is to understand the fact that these leaders died not in the hands of common enemy of our country, they died in their own brothers hands in the forest, and birds, and animals fed over their flesh as cursed people and therefore, who are others leaders who died in such killing in South Sudan apart from sons of Greater Upper Nile?

It is in fact that the death over there was a curse spoken over the people, and land in the area. We will be discussing in the next part four the causes of curses among South Sudanese in general.

The author is a co-founder of South Sudan Mental Health care Organization, (SSMHCO). He holds Bachelor degree in Social Work and Social Administration from SSCUST, Bachelor of Theology from CLT, Bungoma, Kenya/Kalispell, USA, and a fellow researcher. He can be reach at

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address, city and the country you are writing from.

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16 thoughts on “The Catastrophe of Khuoth Amagak among Greater Upper Nile communities (Part 3)

  1. the threat now is not upper nile as your phobotic against them..the threat is the ailing economic and deserting population

  2. Can you read the article once more. I think am not against Greater Upper Nile people. Am here explaining a curse which almost took lives of more than fifty leaders apart from civil population, and soldiers, and I hope I did not mentioned all leaders who got perished in Upper Nile in hands of other leaders. I would have suppose to see your argument cited in decampaign it that it is not a curse, and explain to me what it is, but if you talk of economy as a threat, yes it is but how many people killed by economic threatening apart from war. What I know economic crisis is the consequence of war and conflict. I don’t think argument as against Upper Nile people has a solid foundation.

  3. hahaha..Mr.David Matiop: you have been critical for the leaders from upper who had perished in the hand of their upper Nile brothers , you could be right and that alone will prove to you that people of Upper Nile are born leaders naturally,they were sent to hell for aburdoning the cause of liberation and responded aggressively to minor issues that could be tackles within..i think you would not forget the like of Karibino kuanyin Bol..Deng Ajoung..and the deserterous war in Twic mayardit..during keribino kuanyin..the interclan clashes in lake state , the cattle raid in tonj..yes the government of kiir have taken the advantage the tribal background of the upper nile communities..compared to the Barh el gazal who seem to heterogenous despite the present of Jurchol..Fertit and Bongo..Jurbel whom u had humiliated the Barh el gazal in unity..where is Elias Waya now..where is Tom Nur? where is Khamis Abdelitif the failure is rampant in south sudan when they ,{Barh el ghazal} were blaming Garang of failing south in Barh el gazal are very stupid , primitive and simpleton who will be known in the history of south sudan with nothing rather than looting and selling the country resources to Uganda in upper Nile fear..Maboum Al mahalim of the IGAD secretary from Upper Nile? did you responded to his abusive remark regarding kiir stand on CPA2.when he describe kiir as stupid and primitive?you are celebrating upper Nile humiliation by the ugandan clusters bomb but mind you..the future of this country is not determined by uganda cluster bomb in return to exploitation of our resources under the foolish majority..

  4. Majority of our Upper Nile leaders died in big compared to other parts of South Sudan. I will be happy if we stand together and stop such killing by all mean peaceful essences, because I don’t still believe that our leaders who killed themselves either on government side, or rebels side should anybody claim they may be compare with other son/daughters in South Sudan. I believe in South Sudanese leadership that president can come from any tribe, and blessing leadership is a gift of God, for example Minister of Interior Michael Chiengjiek who came into government of National Unity through SPLM-IO ticket is doing his best now, and last week, President applauded him for job well done, and Minister of Finance is also trying revive the economy. So Intellectual, I cannot condemn what you said, but it depend on how each and every person view things.

  5. what you had been writting are all rubbish..concerning greater upper Nile..kiir was blaming Garang if you could re-visit the Rumbek minute would be kiir now with a COUNTRY surrended to the war is God that what you do come other way kiir is been hold at his throat by Pual malong taste the bitterness of conspricy ..throwing rubbish and the failure of the country on the people of greater upper nile will not help your fake government of kiir mayardit to survive once more..not Chiengjiek michael and Stephen Dhieu who had been doing well.. many of upper Nile had been proving and the best in kiir government compare to son of Barh el gazal who are know with nothing then corruption..womanization..alcohol consumption..Marial Benjamin , John Gai Yach..Kuol Manyang Juuk, John koang Nyuon..John Luk Jok and simon mijok mijak had been doing well ..tell me any successful minister in kiir government who held from Barh el gazal rather then only Awut Deng Achuil? former Yugolisivia fate is coming closer to south sudan..

  6. I think you have been rise up from the poor family and you are carrying such environment negative impacts to the public. Your bitterness will hurt you so much, and you have no power to take any tribe anywhere base on hatred, instead your points should tell meaning for us all, or persuad us on your side. If we opt to select you our leader today, we would have made a disastrous even ever in our future and destiny. How do you call my writing rubbish when you don’t have brain of psycho-memory and brain-record even yesterday when Olony killed Gabriel Tangiye, you still failed to realize the killing which always happening in Upper Nile among leaders. What I know occupied your mind is just only insulting without proper analysis on matters and you have no solution to South Sudanese problems. If IGAD secretary insulted president Kiir as stupid, how do you rate it for your hapiness? It is even a crime, but South Sudan president is being insult by his fellow citizens , the foreigners will do so, becausr it from you. President Kiir is in record and in history of the country, and if you have disputes with him in his rules and leadership, he should not be president forever, others may come and may be your choice of president is process. Your words marks what you are, and am very sorry to interact with such behaviours in person personality.

  7. you can define me as you wish..but will not stop me from figuring out the right ..tell me if majority of Barh el ghazal are not fearing to death the generiousity and leadership capablities ..what is the reason of killing Bor communities members in Juba on daily basis just because Garang hell from them,? some of primitive Barh el gazalist whom Garang had liberated from all sort of inhuman including hunger that is like is planted in Barh el gazal are running flirth mounth againsit him in his resting graveyard ..apart from killing that is rampant among Upper Nile citizens tell me any other weakness in all fail to answered my question about ..Kerubino..Deng Ajoung and Tom Nur..Elias Waya ,Khamis Abdelatif..Dau Atourjong..or you are one of those christiane university student who came from Luak {village} and joint university without passing through primary and secondary school..Garang was talking of the problem of sudan and the rampant poverty in Africa and it is by stand not why Upper Bile or Barh el Gazal like you and your step father KIIR MAYARDIT..grow up thought am un inform to play my your temperature is rising because of the fact i have figured out for your consumption before you inked your poor artcle inquiring the reason behind clashes among the greater upper nile son..of which some are cause by kiir and his JCE just to keep them in war not to come together and sort out the solution to the problem in their region..example is the recent creation of the three state in upper Nile which have no constitution that recognizes them..whom among sons of upper nile that called for? thing are coming to the notes of the masses..try to revisit your memory and get inform this the 21st century ..

  8. where did i said any tribe in south sudan would be eliminated in my writing? i gave the example of kiir insult by the foreign diplomat as the best for us to argue on..because insulting him mean insulting south sudan as a whole including you and me..not preaching a fake fabricated the wold when they knew it very well that there was nothing of that happen in south sudan even Museveni who is the most beneficiary in this war denounced it as said there was no not bitter here just am saying my mine like you did..yes kiir has enter in the history of south sudan but with alot of atrocities ,, rampant corruption..cheating of the citizens by the foreigners..waste of resources..killing of his own citizens..very bad record..i think my brain could three time your and that of kiir mayardit i hope..

  9. Wavering ideas. tell me if you are put today leader of this nation, what will you do? The tune of your voice is rule, but rule without essences of leadership? Your points are like walking of a blind person which need assistant. you are not honest to yourself. You are a criminal calling yourself intellectual, which area in South Sudan naming after intellectual. Our people all over South Sudan are known by their ancestral lineage, and naming.

  10. You are claiming innocent Bor being killed. who kill them apart from their brothers in Upper Nile? Hand is full of Bor innocent bloods, and do you think secret of lives is shared?

  11. Your brain can’t work. Just evaluate what you have put as your comments, are they comments of functioning mind and reasoning capacity person? I think your mind need special treatment. you don’t have ground for defending your arguments.

  12. Pooh sorry, I didn’t realized, you even talk of M7 atrocities, I evaluated you properly, you the traumatized one with stress disorder of highest rate cause by your own making, and trying to involve everyone to become like you, impossible, you will come to your sense soon. that is why you hide your name in the dark of being intellectual, darks things come to light, ad you will keep trying trying, but you will not make it.

  13. You want to know my village so that your NSS and mathiang Anyoor would go and victimize my poor villagers and destroy them. Am here with you not them.. You me asked about rule to apply if anoited a leader in South Sudan.. Well it will be the best of all.. We did want Kiir mayardit to fight tribal, illiteracy, hunger and protection of our people and sovereignty our country which he compromise and under the mercy of museveni.. Our country is now at risk of invasion.. We all thought Kiir mayardit is our leader and even now we consider him a president of South Sudan including upper Nile province not only Barh el gazal.. But he fail to analyst that.. We want unify education in South Sudan.. Eradication of corruption though it would not be eliminated, create a conducive atmosphere for national dialogue that was left hanging by the cpa of John garang.. Attract volentary repatriation of massese now in foreign country because of one reason of another.. We know the war now ranging in South Sudan is SPLM party products, we South Sudanese didn’t called for Kiir to step down.. He would have stop it once and for all because the population of South Sudan is in his side.. But the like of you and the NCP ageny in JCE skin widen the size of SPLM failure in management of affairs in tribal riot to favor away forward to their looting of resources.. We love Kiir but he don’t want that generiosity he is comfortable you be president of one region within South Sudan.. Now Riek machar is pack in South Africa.. Having no threat anymore South Sudan but you guys are still fearing him to death.. We want Kiir to lay a vision, we are ready to defend and protect it but he choose to only do opposite to Garang vision.. Garang said we will not repeat the same mistake that other country have done, we should not create a society that depends on oil but rather we will use oil to modernist our Agricultural production dependency which Kiir mayardit government did the opposite.. We didn’t want him change now coz changing leaders mean coming in by the poor leaders tend to be puppet of the external bigot.. But he fail to be influenctial and popular in his SPLM party which cause us this cirisis.. Not every community that are suffering now in South Sudan were interesting to see Kiir leaves J1 but they did demand their services deliverance.. Security, Education and health services, road network, I think these are only thing they want from the government of Kiir nothing else..

  14. Very good, u fear mathiananyoor, then why don’t u spare the lives of others. Time will come when nonsense will not be tolerated anymore. Fear not, u have not done anything wrong. The only mistake I have seen in your comment, majority of your arguments are insults, and not everything is bad but friend, take it easy, president Kiir will not be a president for life, your wanted president will come, and others will oppose him the way are doing it to Kiir, and your high expectations may be either negative or positive. I am not a mathianganyoor, I know where you are commenting but I have nothing to with you .

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