PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Tension Rise in Lou Ariik County of Tonj State Over Trials to Change County’s Name

By Staff Writer

January 23, 2017 (SSB) —- Tension rose high in Lou Ariik County over the governor’s attempt to change name of the county to Alabek after some individual politicians lobbied him to erase the old traditional and territorial name that the area has been known for so long.

In Mid last year President Salva Kiir decreed the creation of 19 counties in Tonj State of which Lou Ariik is one of them. Later some politicians in the area complain to Governor Akec Tong Aleu to accept the change of name to Alabek, the town center in the area that serves as the administrative seat for the commissioner.

However, the attempt has caused dispute among the community members and executive chiefs in the area.  “Our community is going to witness a disaster because of change of name. We will not accept the change from Lou Ariik County to Alabek whatsoever the case. I have just come from the area but people are in high fear and tension because the community is divided into clans and the area is polarized,” said one of the elder who asked for anonymity.

“We have been known for years with this name. I just don’t know what the problem is today? Did our children go to school to come back and change our historical and traditional names?  They have targeted one clan that is: ‘Pateek’ over the name because Ariik is an ancestral father to Pateek. Some people have wanted to erase history but that is not acceptable,” he added.

Early in the month the flag bearing the name Lou Ariik County was gun down in front of the county’s administrative Centre and burned it to ashes while the state government failed to arrest the culprits that have committed that crime.

One of the SPLA high ranking officers is accused of having ordered some local youths (gelweng) after he had distributed to them some ammunition and guns to attack members of Pateek Clan in the community.

Commissioner Deng Majok Deng has confirmed that he has presented the list of those involved in burning the flag and those who had distributed the ammunitions yet, there was no move of arrest that the government has done. The commissioner who is now in Wau city is in fear to return to the county.

So far the figures accused of behind the change of name are said to be, a businessman Mr. Abur Chol Chol who also acts as a community leader for the area. Andrea Aguer Ariik Malueth is also accused of mobilizing youths of other clans against Pateek community.

Last week the community conducted a conference in Lou Ariik County to discuss the dispute over which name to be used, however, sources said that the conference did not bring the two sides to agree on one name instead one family of Pan Ariik was targeted and accused of being the one spearheading the matter leaving the problem behind unsolved.

“The problem was not solved, it was only Abur Chol and Mawien Dhor who attacked each other in accusations and the conference was not participatory. No man was allowed to talk freely. The governor thought the problem has ended but the tension is now hiking in the county.

Abur now is accused of having instructed the commissioner to go home and raise the Flag bearing the name of Alabek County but that will bring a very big dispute because the Presidential Decree for Lou Ariik County is still alive and has not been cancelled,” said Kuol Mawien a youth member from Pateek Clan.

Members of the clan have bowed that Presidential decree cannot be easily averted like the way Governor Akec Tong is trying to do. “The case for Lou Ariik is not as easy as other people assumed. It will need a special court that must address the case. We want these people to present their complaints in a court of law before the change of name,” another youth added.

Youth urged President Kiir and The Council of States in Juba never to allow any person to temper with the change of Lou Ariik County to Alabek. “We accept that Alabek remains as a county’s headquarters but not a county’s name.”

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5 thoughts on “Tension Rise in Lou Ariik County of Tonj State Over Trials to Change County’s Name

  1. Brothers and Sisters in Lou Ariik Mawien section, you are very respected community in former Warrap state, please do not accept to be drive into wrong direction because of the name given to your County, the problem is not the name given to the County, the big challenge is how you will mobilize the resources to build your County. Your sons and daughters as proved commitment for long on the mobilization of the resources, take example of Chabok health facility in Alabek, that is a good spirit and unity. Please resolve this very small issue amicably without allow it to divided you.

  2. Dear brothers in sisters in Lou Ariik. Kindly understand one another. The disagreements is not going to solve you anything. Please come together as one people that am always proud off.Best regards.

    1. The problem of Lonchol is not the name of “Lou Ariik”, but the problem lies with the descendants of The defunct Traditional Leadership who continue to live in the past. Times have changed you cannot hold on to power forever even if you are uneducated And lack leadership qualities. The family of Ariik Mawien have lost the chieftainship to their cousins. They were the rightful heirs to the chieftainship and no reason to identify “Lou” with Ariik any longer.The chieftainship has gone back to family of Pan Mawien the step brother of Ariik Mawien who first gave it to his step brother. So the prblem is resolved by abandoning the use of family name for a county and use the neutral name of “ALABEK” to the satisfaction of all Lou citizens . The sons and grandchildren of Ariik Mawien can build a school or hospital in memory of their great father and we will have no quarell with that.

      1. The problem isn’t pan ariik and Mawien, & mawien u meant is call mawien mawien ariik and ariik mawien ariik. Those are not joint grandfathers our grandfather’s is Ariik Atek Manyang( ariik – nyiirkuac) the founder of Lou Ariik from Agak- keer from pagak clan. Ariik mawien ariik kuol ariik atek manyang. I think got the point, the problem is history about Lou community how was it call, lou full of resources whereby our neighbours from unity state may one day have problems with us interm of border will you negotiate using name Alabek county Or Lou Ariik, there is need for us lost our historical name because of hatred. Lou must remain as Lou not Alabek we shall make sure that its must. Those engineering about mawien and ariik, must understand that they are one people before ariik mawien wasn’t born and mawien mawien(mawien – achokbek) how was it call, it called Lou Ariik Atek Manyang.
        Look here
        1-mawien mawien ariik kuol ariik atek manyang.
        2- ariik mawien ariik kuol ariik atek manyang.
        My name mawien akoon Monydhar Atek Mawien Ariik kuol ariik atek manyang.
        So don’t confused of names.
        Thanks for Understanding.

  3. Both sides, you are maternal uncles, solve the problem of the name of the County peacefully. apply democratic norms by conducting the plebiscite among the citizens of Lou Ariik to decide and take the majority vote to solve the problem. to me what matters most is the prosperity and the development of Lou Ariik Community at large. not the naming could bring that. thanks

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