Mama Rebecca Nyandengdit should apologize to the Red Army of South Sudan
By Kerubino Kocrup Makuach, Nairobi, Kenya

March 2, 2017 (SSB) —- Mama Rebecca Nyandengdit will be remembered in the history of the Republic of South Sudan as a woman who has betrayed the hard- fought legacy of her husband, the late. Dr. John Garang de Mabior. The Republic of South Sudan has come a long way to overcome enormous challenges; the long prevailing civil war that saw many of its citizens lose lives, property just to mention but a few.
It is encouraging to note that such perils have not muted the resolve of the citizens to rebuild a nation that respects rule of law, accountability and transparency and whose goals remained the common good of all individuals. Such gains over time may never have been achieved without the selfless leadership of our humble leader H. E, President Salva Kiir Mayardit.
It is however sad to note that individuals like Mama Rebecca Nyadengdit, a woman we all honoured as a nation has lost such resolve to see a better South Sudan. Lately she has been spotted advocating in the US Congress for the Republic of South Sudan to be declared a failed state and to be therefore having the United Nations take over its leadership, force arms embargo and target economic sanctions, plus sending more than 70,000 regional protection forces to South Sudan so that our President can be forced to resign with immediate effects.
To add insult to injury, the widow of our founding father has insulted Lost Boys or Red Army in her Aljazeera up front’s interview by stating that hundreds of thousands boys and girls joined SPLM/A under the leadership of late, Dr. John Garang in order to get food. ‘’ Life was very difficult for these boys in their home turfs and therefore they decided to join the Movement as the volunteer child soldiers’’.
I leave this question to the lost boys to ask her whether they took up arms to liberate the people from the Arab dominations or the struggle for Independence and freedom was about food in the old Sudan? There is an English old adage saying goes “Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t know”. In other words, the people of South Sudan have known the true colours of Nyadengdit who has been advocating for the foreign troop’s occupation in our country.
Little she does not that know the foreign military interventions in this 21st century has become a shibboleth or obsolete idea. According to the international norms, no nation or country can accept to enter into another country’s territory voluntarily. That will be a serious violation of sovereignty of the Republic of South Sudan!
She has further accused our President Kiir Mayardit of colluding with the corrupt elements to fleece and kill thousands of people and millions of South Sudanese have been uprooted from their homes in an effort to stay griped in power. Such sentiments to us remain irksome and we condemn in the strongest terms possible. We leave the matters however to the archives of the time noting that history will judge her harshly…
Quoting Nigerian author Chinua Achebe on African’s leadership. “The trouble with Nigeria is simply and squarely a failure of leadership. There is nothing wrong with the Nigerian land, climate, water, air, or anything else. The Nigerian problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to rise to the responsibility, to the challenge of personal example, which are the hallmarks of true leadership.”
That is exactly what mama Rebeccadit has done partly because she failed the responsibility to protect and safeguard the legacies of her late husband who fought tooth and nail to liberate us from Arabism, Islamism and parasitism in old Sudan.
Since she was a Minister of Roads, Nyadengdit failed also to deliver the basic services to the people of her village where our late, hero Dr. John Garang was born. The people of Wangulei village Twic East County are living in abject poverty, no schools, health care, boreholes and other basic amenities.
To make matters worse, she has also thrown in the towel on John Garang’s foundation which she was supposed to galvanized the resources in order to carry out even- handed development projects, equitable distribution of resources and that will implement Garang’s mantra which is called “Taking-Towns-to-People in South Sudan”
I urge South Sudanese world wide of our great land to stay optimistic and hopeful our nation will shine brighter through National Dialogue, Reconciliation and collective efforts to fix our own problems. The solutions to South Sudan’s problem lies in the hands of South Sudanese people without any interference from outside.
You can reach the author, Kocrup Makuach, via his email: kerubino kocrup <>
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