PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


By Constant’s Dc, Perth, Australia

South Sudan in 2040
South Sudan in 2040

March 25, 2017 (SSB) —- Last year on 22 March 2040, as I was sitting under a mango tree I planted in the year 2030. I was enjoying cold breeze from the Nile and run my mind wild for a while.

My grandson was playing with his mates in the soccer field nearby. The environment was so peaceful. The sound of approaching ships, planes and trains 🚄 filled the sky.

The roads were tarmac, lights brightened the streets of konyokonyo and the whole was like heaven. Businesses were booming, and there was abundance food around which can be seen through the buttocks of fat kids around.

The TV 📺 news were full of development projects, inventions and innovations. There seem to be no news on cattle raids, SPLA rapes, famine and looting of public monies; One would wait almost a lifetime to hear them.

South Sudan was so beautiful like an Arusa on her wedding day. River Nile was so clean and no biles of animals and humans drop in. One would not miss to see the beautiful aurora formed above towers of Mangalla. What a beautiful country!

Oh my! I envied their time because I never had a time like theirs. Many questions begun to rushed into my mind about who could be the president of this beautiful country, which tribe is ruling this beautiful country and whether any of Kiir, Riek, Yau Yau, Cirilo, G 10 and Taban are still alive because these dudes hate what is good.

The chattering boys nearby disturbed my peace. They were speaking in a language which is not Dinka, Nuer or Equatoria to be exact. But they could understand and everything they were saying to themselves. They happy.

As for me an old man during my youth age was to teach young generation songs, traditions and secrets of living as a respected and brave Dinka man. So, I shout out to them and they all came running and took their seats beside me. Little did I know that my teaching was indeed not important at that moments.

There was silence around and happiness was dancing in the sky. I was touched and for the first time I opened my mouth to tell them some tales and songs of the past.

But, before I unleashed my talent. I asked them to introduce themselves first of which they eagerly did. To my surprise, I heard names from other tribes from children of other tribes, some were named after leaders of different tribes and this left me in total shock.

My old retarded mind could not comprehend what exactly went amiss. All what I know in my youth was that Dinkas, Nuers and Equatorians had distinctive languages, names and cultures, but this generation has one language and mixed up names.

Jeez! I I was shocked 😳! Nothing in the atmosphere was helping me explained what exactly happened that led to this beautiful, peace-lovely and united generation. Am I dreaming or what is exactly happening here? I asked myself.

Curiously, I called the eldest one among them and ask him some questions to jerk-off my senses and satisfy my curiosity.

What is your name and what tribe do you come from? I asked. He stood up and unzip his mouth 👄” sir, my name is Deng Wani Gatluak Okietch and my state is South Sudan. I dont know what to say about the tribe” .. he stressed.

Tribe! Oh tribe! You children have bad manners, how come you don’t know your tribes? I yelled angrily. Silence covers the environment and I felt like an idiot shouting to empty vessels.

I was depressed because I was raised as a Dinka. I went through fire and hardship to prove to the world that i was indeed a Dinka, Muonyjang. But here, this little squirrels are denying the existence of my tribe in a country we liberated with my uncle Garang Mabior, How come?

Deng Wani upon seeing a depressing old man in me, he stood up and say “….. sir, we only read about the tribes in the history books. They said some decades back, south Sudan had 64 tribes and during the leadership of the SPLM under Cde Kiir Mayardit the country was torn apart.

They fought themselves, rape their women, and starve others to death and the rumbles down economically. Sir, those are moments known in history as nightmares of South Sudan and we as this generation refuse to go there” he stressed and sat down.

To be continued

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