PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Garang Deng Aguer and three young men from his Parish of Twic-Mayardit

By Gai Agok Anuol, Juba, South Sudan

Bishop Dr. Daniel Deng Bul, head of the Episcopal Church

April 2, 2017 (SSB) — Tycoon Garang was the first richest man South Sudan has ever had during the virgin days of Juba, his wealth were as holy as his name, thus, he wholeheartedly bought the former famous Cinema of Sudan and gave it to Dinka congregation of ECS as their Temple.

They later renamed it as ”Emmanuel Jieng Parish.” Garang unlike other Earth-motivated tyrants who signs mouth-watering cheques and throw valve eight (V8) lucrative car keys into whores’ undies in order to unlock their bearded-trenches became not only a man of God but also a great person a community relied on.

In Christmas’s eve of 2008 a man by the names of Majok Yor was seeking an appointment with Garang Deng and after numerous setbacks he’s one day called by the office secretary “Ya Majuk kede tali bahd zaman fothur,” he said. And Majok on the other hand responded positively.

When he came after lunchtime he was accompanied by two brothers of his, Deng and Garang were the brothers. However, due to the fact that Jieng are reserved in some contexts, he didn’t unfold what exactly he’s looking from beny Garang.

No sooner had they arrived at the reception, they were ushered to the office where Garangdit was seated with his legs multiplied while sipping a coffee. “Fadhal ya shahab” he politely spoke, and the guys went and sat adjacent to him.

He started by asking their names, and without hesitation the guys introduced themselves. He also asked them about the pressing issue(s) that made them appointees at his office! 1. Majok said, “Well, I’m a wounded soldier living in Hai-Giada, and currently my wife is on sick’s bed and toddlers are left with nothing to eat thus I need your assistance.” 2. Deng said “Hai benydit, I have some acres of land in Jebel and I don’t have anything to build a rakuba with.” 3. Garang said “I was giving my brothers a company and I’m happy to have seen you beny Garangdit.”

More importantly, Garang Deng as a renowned generous man opened one of his lockers, removed a cheque book, and signed 100,000SSP for Majok Yor, 50,000SSP for Deng and he opened another locker, picked, and give Garang a small Samsung cell-phone.

On reaching home after all their transactions were effected, they started by insulting Garang that “yïn ya abhel yïin mënh aguëny këhn, yë kunü këchyïnë lëk Gärëngdit wët wïch yïn Thürumbil?” Garang stood firm and told them that he was not wishful of taking something handsome just like them. And they both laughed and mocked at him. Ultimately,

Garang Deng Aguer was over taken by other rich men in South Sudan for reasons best suited to himself. And apparently, the Garang of the three men deserves to be a minister of finance and economic planning in any Government available, what a cool hearted person he’s?

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