Adau Abraham Jongroor: The Daughter of a Hero Lives in Desolation
By Wenne Madyt Dengs, Bor, Jonglei state

April 3, 2017 (SSB) — Towards the closure of the inter-schools peace competition, the prizes were being given to the winners. The USAID funded peace messaging campaign through VISTAS program in Bor drew thirteen schools (six primary schools in town, one primary school in PoC, and six high schools).
I was extremely exhausted and didn’t have courage to take more photos of the event. All of sudden, I happened to hear the name, ‘Adau Abraham Jongroor!’ ‘What?’ I inwardly asked myself. This name Abraham Jongroor inflicted into my thoughts and I began to think… the thought came into my mind and I remembered when I was listening to the news of Radio Tamazuj on 6th Jan 2014.
“Abraham Jongroor Deng, a brigadier-general in SPLA Division 8, was killed on 5th Jan 2014 in fighting near Bor. A South Sudanese army (SPLA) general was on Sunday killed by forces loyal to former vice president Riek Machar as the government battled dissidents currently in control of Jonglei state capital, Bor”.
Undoubtedly, Adau took the prize in joy after she theatrically convinced the judges of interschool competition. I waited impatiently for the competition to close and meet with this young girl who naturally resembles her late father both physically and in her dream. I knew all she needed is encouragement and to feel loved recognized.
The drama festival came to an end and all the children dispersed. I was seriously committed to finding her out, and to have brief interview with her. I shook hands with her. She was overwhelmed with joy; I asked her about where she resides, and whom she stays with. Adau began with a white girlish smile and said she lives with her mother and siblings in Arek, about 10 KM away from Jonglei state capital, Bor.
Arek is an isolated shanty suburban adjacently located at the shore of river Nile. It is infested with mosquitoes and has barely clean drinking water, even to the standard of Bor, the capital of Jonglei state. She is not bothered about where she lives. After all, she has her dad’s name to be proud of.
‘My father is a hero, even if I sleep on the streets as mosquitoes sing for me lullaby songs, dustbin is my restaurant, polluted waters is my drinks. I take the pride of being a hero child; and that keeps me smiling for my father did not die in vain’, she said with trembling of hope in her voice
But what makes Adau extraordinary, at least to my eye and experience, is the great love that she has for peace-building.
“Let’s unite to be, one Nation and say no to war and accept peace for our Nation, for our people and for our motherland for our better lives” she said.
She is a standard seven pupil at Martyrs primary school and her elder sister is in primary eight. She confirmed to me that she was in the third position for her final term in primary, which she said to be unbelievable since she started her primary school.
Adau Abraham completed her nursery school, and up to primary five in Kenya before the death of her father ended her source of school fees. She said her fees are being paid in local primary school in Bor by her uncle who is in abroad.
The key challenges which are currently facing this young girl, like other South Sudanese girl-children, include long walk from of about 10 KM from home to school. She also complained the use of one pair of uniform since she joined this school in Bor. Her sponsor can’t purchase a second pair of uniform that she needs.
She promised to work hard to get good grade to be accepted in Alliance High School in 2019, after complete primary school in 2018.
Adau promised to become a movie star or a journalist in future citing that she wants to advocate for girl child education in South Sudan. She hopes that girls have equal rights.
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