R.I.P Denis Pitia Paul, 4th year student, University of Bahr el Ghazal in Wau
By Mou Mawel, Wau, South Sudan

April 15, 2017 (SSB) — Even though men never cry in African culture, I couldn’t control my tears when the body of Denis Pitia Paul was taken down into the tomb. I felt a very heavy cracks in my heart as the priest prayed like” Denis here you are in your last destiny, the dust we come from and the dust we go back to it”. What kills me the most is how the parents, who were expecting the joy of success of their son should be when they learned of the information.
A young man whose parents invested a lot of resources to ensure that he gets a necessary skills and knowledge for the family and the national services is now dead without even a final glance from his mom and dad. Nothing is so bad and so disappointing like losing a final year student whose graduation is at the doorsteps. Denis was killed and damped in a pit where the body was later discovered after two days.
He is a fourth year student in the Department of Economics, College of Economics and Social Studies- University of Bahr El Ghazal. May The Lord Rest his soul in Peace.
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