PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dear UN Security Council, I am not rumor-mongering hate speech on social media

By Kocrup Makuach Aleu, Nairobi, Kenya

Gossip and Rumor-mongering among South Sudanese

April 28, 2017 (SSB) — On the 13th April 2017, the South Sudan panel of experts released a report addressed to the United Nations Security Council, one that falsely accused me of mongering hate speech on social media an accusation I categorically term as pure lies and mere propaganda.  From where I sit, the authors of this document who are well known to us as the former political detainees and their cohorts are keen to stem any voice that supports the democratically -elected government under President Salva Kiir Mayardit.

While I welcome some of the report’s observation  on peaceful cohabitation among  64 tribes in the country , the single picking of my Facebook posts  some of which have nothing to do with South Sudan nation is rather irksome. I find it rather unique and orchestrated in the report managed to steer clear of mentioning the infamous SPLA – IO bloggers who are well known for dividing communities on ethnic lines through fabricated ethnic pieces of writings.

In my view, this infamous report was also done in favours of Majak Agoot, Mabior Garang de Mabior and Remember Miamingi -well known for his insatiable appetite for political power to unseat H. E, President Salva Kiir Mayardit. To Dr.  Majak Agoot and his cohorts, it’s all about achieving political power by all means but rather by a democratic process and one that reflects the will of the people.

They have been using the UN Security Council as a political recourse in order to reach their political ambition and innumerable perquisites in South Sudan.  It is quite shameful for the South Sudan panel of experts to assimilate the political opinions of these greedy and power hungry politicians who have been fomenting violence in South Sudan through Social media and many other sources in their reports.

The new breed of politicians – young, aggressive, impatient for power, impatient of slow slogging – saw two alternatives of achieving political mileage and promptly settled for the one that promised immediate gratifications. Honestly speaking, the odium of genocide and red -hot virulence of hatred has been fabricated and incited against the people a long text book demonstration of ethnic conflict. Our people on both sides of the divide have never been driven by the psycho-pathological politics of ethnic cleansing, but this has been done by these power hungry politicians.

In my submission, the panel of experts should not allow themselves to be deceived by these politicians whose hands are dripping with the blood of innocent South Sudanese now dying all across the country through man made famine, diseases and killings which have been fanned and initiated by them. According to an African proverb: if you see an udala fruit beside a mound of shit, pluck a leaf and cover the shit and take your fruit! Thus these exiled politician’s inevitable stand by and resort – playing on the tribal cord in South Sudan.

I wish to tell the panel of experts and UN Security Council that I have never perpetuated violence or hate speech on social media.  As a law abiding citizen, sold out to the stability, peace and we’ll being of my nation I have placed my countrymen interests first in my comments, postings and presentations on social media.

According to the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, we all have a right to freedom of speech and expression and it is therefore unthinkable for this group of experts to implicate me in an effort to curtail and silence me from expressing my political opinion as a citizen of South Sudan. In fact, this report lacked economic truth and has inaugurated massive propaganda in an effort to damage my reputation, credibility and political career.

I appeal to the UN Security Council to dismiss and ignore this biased and false report because it is purely a strategy for regime change in South Sudan! The  South Sudanese generations have  suffered  so much bloodshed  and civil war and thus  should not tolerate  the kind politics  and politicians  whose excesses  have unleashed  the Armageddon on defenseless civil population in the country.

In a deeper observation,  it appears that a crop of new-comers in South Sudan’s politics emerged in 2013  whose manifest mission  should have been to inaugurate a new  philosophy  and a new  practice  of politics  devoid of narrowness, ethnicity and opportunism, and capable  of preparing the  new- born nation in the twenty – odds years of the third millennium. But they chose instead to become revivalists of a bankrupt and totally unusable tradition of political maneuvering, tribal expediency and consummate selfishness.

And they are valiantly fostering this diseased tradition among the masses of their followers by a soft- headed and patiently dishonest adulation of a couple of tired greedy politicians who apparently see the South Sudan’s Presidency for some years back as a pension and gratuity for certain services they think rendered to the nation aftermath of Independence.

In my conclusion, I wish to inform the South Sudan panel of experts that I am a true patriot who will always demand the highest standards of leadership for my country.  I will always speak out against the political ebullition, tribalism, corruption, sectarianism, culture of impunity, injustices and orgy of killings in condemnation of their short- comings without giving to superiority, despair or cynicism. That remains a right for me to air my opinion as a South Sudanese citizen!

You can reach the author via his email: kerubino kocrup <>

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