PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Deng De Tiordit Deng: Twic East Canada Community' Election Campaign Platform

Deng De Tiordit De Deng’s Platform for Twic Canada Community Election: Design + Deliver = Development

For Immediate Release, May 1, 2017

Deng De Tiordit
Deng De Tiordit

May 2, 2017 (SSB) — It is a great honor and privilege to submit my formal application for the Twic Canada Community presidency for an election scheduled to take place on May 20, 2017 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I am applying for community leadership with unquestioned leadership skills and community experiences that I had acquired when I was the Chairman of current Jonglei State’s Counties; Duk, Bor & Twic in Calgary.

I would like to make a point that community is not a government or private company where programs are budgeted. I say this because I have seen other candidates proposing unrealistic programs, forgetting that we are a non-profit cultural community organization.

I would like to inform Twic community members that when elected 90% of my work will be in Canada and 10% back home. For the front back home, I will collaborate with Twic community leaderships in Diasporas when elected.

In my platform, I have differentiated between things that I can do myself without community resources (money), and things that I can do with community resources (funds) when elected.

Things that I can do by myself without resources are:

  1. Problem-solving for individuals and families. As an elder, I will mediate conflicts; majors or minors among community members together with my executives to secure harmony and unity. I have done this in the past and I will continue to do so when elected.
  2. Youth and justice system. Our youth are suicidal, killed, being killed and or imprisoned here in Canada. These problems required a strong leader to guide our youth and families to a better path. Knowing that the youth are the future of our community, I will put more effort into working closely with the Canadian justice systems to make sure that community members are identified across the provinces and cities, with help of relatives, families and city’s representative.  Some may know that I have done this in the past and I will keep doing it for the benefit of Twic Community when elected. We will identify youth that have problems with the justice system, initiate monthly visitations in the jails, follow-up with justice departments and create community service programs to help them return to their families and community. On this front, I would like to ask our community’s elders; women and men to join me in helping and supporting our youth.

Things that I can do with community resources when elected:

As a candidate, I would like to be very honest with my community. We are confusing community with government who have annual budgets. Community resources are limited, due to the fact they come from member contributions through membership fees to support our community; in Canada and back home. Membership fees and fundraisers are not enough for us to propose big programs as other candidates are doing to appeal to voters.

Being aware of that, my platform will be a community driven proposal to figure out together, achievable and non-achievable programs. It will be a process of engaging community members and elders in the Platform of Design + Deliver = Development (2Ds).

  1. Design (D1) is an important stage in which we – the community – come up with programs (ideas) which are affordable and achievable. The “D1” gives us an understanding of what we can do and how we can do it in an effective way:

A). Short term programs: (cost and timeframe).

B). Long-term programs: (cost and timeframe.

C). Back home short and long term programs: (within 10% cost, timeframe and human power)

D). Emergency issues (Canada and back home) will be dealt with when they arise.

The role of leadership is to guide, consult and mobile community in the process of design to achieve desired goals. This process gives us a clear view on what we can do, what not, and why. As your community member and elder, I encourage each and every one of you to think critically because programs require more than what we’ve heard from other candidates. We must be realistic and use the time we have to leave our kids and grandkids with a sense of belonging.

  1. Deliver (D2) is an operational point which I call “development”. This delivery stage is critical to D1 because we are delivering achievable and desirable programs.

The role of leadership is to deliver what is blessed by the community and ensure that transparency and accountability are strictly followed in Canada and back home. In community engagement, leadership’s evaluation will be an open book since we will design plus deliver together as a community.

Please vote for me on how we can work together to design plus deliver affordable and achievable programs!

This brief campaign message was proposed and approved by Deng De Tiordit De Deng for Twic Canada Community’s election.

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