PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Commemorating our 6th Independence Day anniversary: shouldn't we be jubilating?

By Martin Ariel Majak, Alexandria, Egypt

July 9th celebration

July 9, 2017 (SSB) — Today, 9th of July, we celebrate our hard won independence from the North. It is the day we got rid of the chain of shackles such as oppression and injustice from our hands. It is the day we became decision makers of our own affairs. It the day we experienced what real freedom means. It is the day we became First Class citizens in our country.

It is the day we kicked our tormentors, who impoverished us for far too long and made us experience unimaginable suffering on our own land, out of our midst. It is the day we became architects of our own destiny but, sadly, so much failed to even lay a firm foundation on which to build on.

I salute our fallen heroes and heroines, without whom, we couldn’t be having a nation of our own today – South Sudan. They laid down their precious lives for us – the living to live on in peace. Their blood traded us freedom we now enjoy but which is under attack by forces not from outside but from within.

My salutations also go out to the wounded heroes, mahogeen, who escaped death during the liberation struggle and have had their lives changed irreversibly. Some of whom, have been condemned to wheel chairs, got mad, are unable to talk, and became lame as a result.

Don’t for one second, regret why you bled blood for this nation even as things DON’T seem to be going alright. Your immense contributions to the nation still counts and will not be forgotten.

And to the ruling elite, who are also the few  remnants of  the long running struggle for liberation, thanks for your participations in the struggle which brought about the nation we pride ourselves of today.

But listen, one thing seems to have defeated you elites – running a country. Is running a country more difficult than running a lawless rebellion you were having in the bushes?

It seems you were good at the battlefields in those days and also good in leading people as well. Where has that trait gone? Now everything suggests that we were better off under the rule of then rebel – SPLA/M than the present day SPLA/M. Can you just imagine that? You’ve got to style up.

And lastly to the youth – let’s not indulge ourselves in things that bring no good to our country. In fact everything rests on us. Be it peace or destruction, we do always take the lead.

The future as it seems now, looks bleak and gloomy but with our positive contributions, we can brighten it up. Peace be upon South Sudan and Happy Independence Day celebrations to everyone!!!!!

You can reach the author via his email: Ariel Majak <>

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