PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Jalle is grieving as 29 is confirmed dead, 17 wounded, 4 Kids taken, others still missing

By Gai Stephen Mayen, Bor, Jonglei state

OLD PICTURE: Five people have been brutally murdered and three others injured in fresh cattle raid in Jalle Payam of Bor County. Over 3,000 herds of cattle were looted when 900 armed youth from Murle attacked Jalle Payam. 2,000 cattle have been recovered meanwhile 1,000 more have been lost to the raiders. The survivors who sustained critical injuries being healed at Bor state hospital include Mr. Akech Ajak with 4 gun shoots wounds, 93 year old woman-Awel Deng Anyuon, and Kok Ajith Manyiel.

July 16, 2017 (SSB) — Jalle is one of the five payams within the Mighty Bor County of the current Jonglei state. It is such a fertile land that has given birth to a variety of children from all walks of life to whom some of them are serving as generals and politicians in the current government stretching from the state to the National level.

It is really so pathetic for such a great land to attain this status quo where gushing of blood and mourning is the daily bread. It is what fills the sunrise and marks the sunset. It is a land being devoided of the infants and the elderly since they are the age groups that always succumb to such a deadly attack.

Seriously, which land has really ever been owned without such creatures? We need wisdom which is attached to such a greyed hair and the neonate that shall develop such a fascinating space. Its topographical appearance has been altered since the oozing blood and dropping tears are overflowing the longest river in Africa and everywhere is being stained with blood.

All it’s valleys have been filled up with the bones and this has formed the bony mountains that has never existed. What a place…..!.Bor has always been perceived as a low lying area but because of such political miracles, anything happens unexpectedly.

If our great ancestors would be given a one -minute chance to have a quick look at it, it wouldn’t be surprising hearing them saying that they had resurrected on a different planet, Mars. It is just a week since the South Sudanese celebrated the “slavery free day”.

Yes, the independence day which was characterised with a humour of giggling, Jubiliations, uncountable number of smiles hovering over the gloomy faces and a sense of happiness that had filled everyone irrespective of one’s political, social and economic status.

All such things happened simply because of this 9-lettered word called PATROTISM that people had and still holds for the nation. Despite the fact that the majority of the citizens went to their  beds with empty stomach, medical illnesses and worn rug that had clothed them up and had been persistent with them earlier than the night before the big day, they well pretended to see the “Junub” ‘s air being filled with a forged excitement of joy, liberty and prosperity.

It was like as if they had been in their comfort zone little was it known that it was the Nation that they had tied at heart that fueled them into such a pretense.

It was obvious stretching our ears to accommodate the so called Peace that has always been sung since the time when the Peace Icon, Dr John Garang, made a breakthrough into the bush which later costed his life to earn us such a rare commodity in the name of our cradle land. It is now an old word in my village because they are all used to it.

The toddlers have been seeing planes flying over them to Addis-Ababa, Dr Riek Machar Teny and H. E Salva Kiir Mayardit shaking hands in the name of peace just like the way it was recently done by the duo governors, Ismail Konyi and Philip Aguer Panyang in the eve of bringing the two states together but all is In vain.

A noble writing price goes to Justice Abel Alier for putting it that “Too Many agreements dishonoured”.It is what is eating up such a land, my payam, my county, my state and my nation. Hands shall always be shaken and documents shall always be signed but blood shall never stop spilling off.

JALLE is neither an acronym nor a word that anyone can wake up in a bright morning and gives it a meaning. Others might be defining it as JAL LE (to mean go away) but that is not what it is intended for. It is a continuous word that is pronounce once, not in a split up kind of.

My understanding is always hit so hard when I do see such a tragedy happening and our leaders simply begun to eat a super glue, one’s sealing of the mouth that they can’t say  anything that can be aired out.

My attention is so much focused on the leaders that were the beneficiaries of the fertility of such land since charity begins at home.

I would be so much filled with joy when seeing Hon Dengyiel Ayuen’s, General Kolmerek (Hon Malaak Ayuen)’s and “Moch-Arep” (Hon Deng Kuirot)’s tears amongst the rest being converted into a long lasting peace that shall put people at rest.

This is the high time to have starred the roofs of your buildings or else the sky to see the answers that put us at ease some my pain is deeply rooted into you and shall push all of you out of your comfort zones if at all you minds.

It would be so weird for one to assume a Juba’s seat in the name of representing his people who are perishing day and night. By the way, a massive sweeping of JALLE on the South Sudan’s map means a massive sweeping of a one’s job.

As I writes now, 19 people are confirmed dead and a bigger number is wounded since the number of Casualties outnumbers those deceased and the counting is still on because the whereabouts of a quite big number of people is unknown. It is the God’s grace to trace them.

I may not get clung unto the Juba’s government because the nation has failed to an extent that it is rotting in a dustbin since I can’t believe what my eyes are seeing. Everyone is seen as a walking stick and you therefore deserves to enjoy your ride Mr. President.

The Charismatic leaders at the county level: the likes of Hon Michael Makuei and Hon Kuol Manyang also deserves to get a sip of my bite for we have always been trusting in you but since too much trust changes what trust means.

You need to visit the graveyards and revise your political principles if at all we need to keep save the last train.

Here are the names of our beloved people we have lost during the Murle attack on Jalle-Aboudit, in Bor, Jonglei state, as reported by Ayom Malual Ayom Dor

1. Jol Alier Wei, Pagol.
2. Matiop Akuak, Pagol.
3. Chol Monydhoor, Pagol.
4. Chol Nyok Dut, Pagol.
5. Awan Akuok, Pagol.
6. Malith Majier Ayuen, Amabith.
7. Makur Chop, Pagol.
8. Kuch Deng Thiong, Kol.
9. Nyuon Ayuen Akuak, Pagew.
10. Maketh Riak, Pen.
11. Mayen Ngong Mayen, Penn.
12. Achok Makol, wife of Deng Mading. Amabith.
13. Majok Mayen Malek, Penn.
14. Lueth Jiel, Pagew.
15. Akon Kuol, Amabith.
16. Ajith Nhial Majok, Penn.
17. Chol Kur Nyok, Alian.
18. Atong Lual, Amabith.
19. Athieng Angok Ajak, Pagol.
20. Nhial Bul Lang, Amabith.
21. Nyalueth Awaar, wife of Majok Akuak, Pagol.
22. Achol Mach, wife of Ayuen Magot, Penn.
23. Kelei Mayen Jok, Pagol.
24. Chie Chol Jok Mayen, Pagol.
25. Agok Gak Mareng ku meth Nyande, Pagol.
27. Mading Malaak Deng, Amabith.
28. Ayom Jol Alier Wei, Pagol.
29. Mayol Ajeth, Penn.

You can reach the author via his email: Gai Stephen Mayen <>

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