PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Uncle Major Abraham Chol Kuany: An epitome of love, sacrifice and patriotism

By Majak Kuany Alier, Kampala, Uganda

Major Abraham Chol Kuany
Major Abraham Chol Kuany


July 18, 2017 (SSB) — As it turn exactly a year since death robbed you from us last year Uncle Major Abraham Chol Kuany. We were flabbergasted, shocked and grief-stricken. Your untimely departure from our sights has really made us to disdain this world for being unfair to our family.

Dear beloved uncle, as I imitate your living memories you instilled in me, it constantly sob my heart out! Once I reminisce your humility, generosity and charismatic leadership you used to adore to everybody that came at your disposer either at community level or at work can just made me loath the country’s leadership of Sudan People’s Liberation Moment (SPLM) for ending your precious life simply because of bloody quest for power and wealth.

Uncle, you have died a hero and patriotic loyal soldier though it is sad that South Sudan greed for power has claimed your life after you fiercely fought for the liberation struggle and survived the Khartoum ruthless, dictatorial regimes as a teenager.

Dear adored departed uncle, I knew you as a focused brave man who knew how to get where/what you want best for your people. But little did I know that your efforts and soul would be ruined by your own people.  Since my childhood, I have known you as a true soldier who has trained many and, therefore, I described you as a mentor and all-around progressive contributor to the national building. Thus, we the family will felt the lost for many years to come.

I adorned your charisma of not holding grudges to those who hurt and hated you for what you and it was a true manifestation of maturity that I will live to beckon for the rest of my life as well live to expound to your children for them to live to recur to their linage.

It was crystal clear to all who dined with you  know that the safety of South Sudanese people was your foremost duty in life, it was a desire that lived and inhaled in you. This was the demonstration of your bravery and acquired military tactics and knowledge, skills and above all, the divine wisdom that you used to apply in all aspects of our grim security with a consummate commitment whenever your duty was demanded by your superior.

It will still live in the memory of the current Army Chief of South Sudan Forces, General James Ajong’o Mawut.

As an SPLA officer who has sacrifice his life for the protection and freedom of his citizen’s, I can boldly write that you have gone as the most professional military officer who truly believed in people centered ideology and equal citizen emancipation though you were not a politician. Woefully, we have lost a super-giant family man!

Therefore, I vow to make sure your vision of family balanced principle you build all your entire life shall never die in vain.  The candlelit vigil may burnt out but we the family members of (Paan Lueth Akuei Kuany) shall never forsake your spirit of creating a compassionate family big enough to accommodate all of us.

I pledge to keep your will as part of guiding principle to strengthen my coexistence with PADEER and the entire NYARWEENG community at large.

Brief biography of Major Chol Kuany Lueth

Major Abraham Chol Kuany Lueth was born in 1970, Paguith vallige East of Duk Payuel. He started his elementary education in Duk Payuel in 1981 before the civil war broke out and later resume his further studies in both Bilpham and Tharpam as a child soldier together with other Jesh-armer (Red Army) where he studied two classes per year due to his intelligent and quest for learning as a young determined, focused soldier.

The late Major Abraham Chol joined Sudan People’s Liberation Army/moment at the age of 15 years in 1985 and got trained as Zazal division battalion. And later attained various military cadets both regionally and abroad. He died with the ranks of Major in July, 10, 2016.

By the time of his death, Abraham Chol Kuany died when he had acquired numerous military’s awards and he was pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy at Busoga University, Juba center.  So he indeed died an intellectual.

Inclusion, I write this eulogy in honor of your living memory as we mark your painful death anniversary. It was hard for us to believe that you had gone so soon but your absent among indicate to us that you will never come back.

Rest in Peace Uncle until we meet again!

Majak Daniel Kuany, the author, has a Bachelor Degree in Mass Communication from Juba University. He’s a freelance Journalist for Xinhua News Agency, an Assistant Editor for the closed Nation Mirror Newspaper, the co-founder of Youth Engagement for Sustainable Society (YESS) and a Communication Expert for Junub Games. He can be reach via

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