PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Gogrial citizens should give chance to National Dialogue

By Mathiang Jalap, Juba, South Sudan

Gogrial state

July 19, 2017 (SSB) — For the last one month or so, I have been so vocal on the political oriented conflict and disputed agenda that had largely and squarely engulfed the entire Gogrial State fraternity. I have written not less than 10 opinion articles about Gogrial and its Government. Any of those articles that I had written is purely in the interest of the public (Gogrial citizens) either living in the capital or back in the State. Honest speaking, I do not have problem with the normal citizens of Gogrial.

My ginormous problem is with politicians and businessmen of Gogrial. They are the one fueling and causing huge havoc to the citizens at large. At the back of my mind I have no doubt that there are people who love peace and would wish to live in unity in Gogrial State but I must also admit that there are those who are busy gossiping during the day and night time with the intention of seeing the reining of Governor Gregory Deng collapse. Not to waste time, let’s set the ball rolling…

Gogrial elites, professionals, Members of parliament (MPs) both at the State and national level, businessmen, farmers, students (High schools and universities), elders, opinion leaders, religious leaders, youth, human rights and civil activist as well as women groups must from today on ward stand up on their feet to denounce the outrageous, callous and abortive practices of looting, killings, rapping of ladies during such conflict scenarios and destruction of human habitant in the entire Gogrial State fraternity.

These human injustices must not be allowed to ecstasy in the State. Those whose appetite is completely exposed to killings and looting and further caused mayhems must not be given any chance at all. We both knew the root causes of the on-going conflict in Gogrial State, don’t we? If so, then why are we keeping silent and instead motivate and fuel the conflict to escalate beyond yonder.

Let’s speak the truth and shame the devil. For some weird reasons, there are comrades who are behind this abortive conflicting agenda. These people are supporting the conflict so that they will see government operating in the State to flop. They want to see destructions, they want to see underdevelopment and nevertheless, they want to see Gogrial State to fail beyond debris.

The question that begs for an answer is, what will the destructors gain after they have seen the State failing? Of what benefit will it be to them went they see havoc, mayhems, destructions, demolitions and turmoil in their own State? What, what, what, and what will be the benefit …?

Our wise and visionary leader, H.E Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit has called for a national dialogue conference (NDC). This call for the dialogue is to bring the citizens of South Sudan together. This is a system whereby individual comes together and talk on a set-up table with the intention of sieving their own problems and later on forgive and forget about the past and move on vigilantly without any piece of hatred.

It is then in this line of thought, that arouse my appetite to be writing opinion articles focusing on Gogrial State. I am pointing fingers to the politicians, opinion leaders, women groups, youth and all the profession of Gogrial State, whether in South Sudan, in other African countries or in diasporas. They must now or never find amicable solutions to the headache that is facing them.

I would like to begin by telling the MPs representing Gogrial State at national level here in Juba that they must now go back to Gogrial to find ways of how to neutralize the situation. The other politicians must also go back and listen to their civilians on the ground. Without those civilians, surely they will not be called politicians or neither will we called other folks Members of parliament (MPs) to be representing who?

I am very bitter and sad about the Gogrial State deteriorating situation. I mean, they have smart, wonderful and brilliant politicians and leaders altogether here in Juba. They are more represented in the national government with huge numbers more than any other States in the country. I thought the mission of such leaders in the national legislative assembly is to over-see their own problems should there be any that arises.

Gogrial State has produced sons and daughters in the leadership today. I am talking about the like of Tor Deng Mawien, Acuil Tito Madut, Lual Acuil, Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit, Ambrose Ring Thiik, Gum Makwach, Lual Deng Kuiel, Majong Majong, Woul Deng Aleu, Franco Akech, Augustino Akol Tong, Atem Kuach Ayok, Atong Backnyang, Kuot Deng Reng, Martin Magut Yak, Yar Paul, Rachel Nyadak Paul, community leader of Apuk Professor Atem Adwal, community leader of Agouk Mr. Maker Gai, community leader of Awan Agustino Akol Tong and the community leader of Kwach Mr. Lual Acuil and other leaders respectively.

All of the above leaders of Gogrial State must go back to the State with immediate effect. H.E president should help them to find their way back home to help in solving the Apuk and Agouk conflicting agenda. Governor Gregory Deng cannot by himself manage to solve those problems alone. The entire fraternity of Gogrial State elites must join hands together and work as brothers and sisters.

The question therefore is clearly not related to the balanced of the leadership for those who do not want peace to prevail in Gogrial community. I am however free to be judged should you want to question my writing.

I know for sure that in very problem, there are solutions. Let me say it better, that where there is a will, there is a way or when there is problem, there will always be a solution to such problems. However, my only question is, what will be the solution to the grievances in Gogrial State and to the people who do not want to see peace prevails between the Apuk and Agouk communities?

With all the nasty and bad culture, our people are immensely suffering and that is not how the education is conducted in other countries. Education is always for the development and save lives of the people, like in other developed countries in the world where laws and orders take its course.

To sum up, as we are in national dialogue which was declared by the president, the Gogrial communities should accept themselves and remember that their culture of sharing the water point, land grassing for the better co-existence with their neighbors like Twic, Wau and Tonj should be at forefront respectively. What I know for sure is that “I cannot go to Gogrial without RIAL”

The author, Mathiang Jalap, Senior Political Analyst, who can be reached via his E-mail:

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