PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Does President Salva Kiir find Dr. Majak Agoot Atem suitable for the presidency?

By Deng Kur Deng, Pennsylvania, USA

Deng Kuur Deng
Deng Kur Deng, AKA, Raanmangar, lives in Pittsburgh, PA, United States

August 4, 2017 (SSB) — As you look into our problems in South Sudan—you must be prepared to understand the complexities that come with these problems. Paying attention to one problem at a time has its dreadful consequences as a number of individuals who are willing to change patterns of violence within the country for better remain unrecognizable in our political system. This means there is plenty of room for more suffering of the people when we allow good citizens and leaders of our time to mold with knowledge and strategies to solve our problems.

In fact, these are many of the reasons why South Sudan is overwhelmed and slow at addressing nascent problems as they rise because rooms are left unattended for more suffering due to those who were cast aside for the wrong reasons. There have been fallacious arguments assembled regarding renowned politicians of our time, but we are doubly aware of some of these arguments are factually inaccurate.

Now, to answer the question of whether President Salva Kiir finds Majak Agoot suitable and qualified for the presidency, of course, the President is aware of how well equipped Majak is to rescue the country based on both his backgrounds in the SPLM/A and his understanding of our current social issues.

The next question should be, why do President ignore Majak from succeeding him when he knows Majak is the best option so far within the perimeter of the SPLM/A? I will leave this question here for the President and you to reevaluate with the country’s current political situation in mind.

With that, have you ever asked yourself, how long are we South Sudanese willing to continue to suffer in our own country with little or no solution? Without any doubt, people have been ready to disassociate themselves from the violence and suffering they have endured for far too long.

With that, one of our strengths resides in a change of leadership—which is inevitably overdue. No leader would change problems of South Sudan miraculously but any change intended to make lives better is an effort of the people and the leaders.

It is important to implement change by concentrating on policies which would reduce the suffering. However, it is not an invasive to make change by concentrating on issues that would accelerate change and reduce the suffering of the people.

It is time to improve the quality of life in the South Sudan. We cannot do this without reflecting on what your families are experiencing now. Yes, it is time for improving people’s lives and as such, you wouldn’t improve lives of the people without reflecting on issues related to leadership, unity, development, economic revitalization, education, health, security, and agriculture, and so forth.

The number of the aforementioned concerns are the root causes of why people throughout the country are frustrated and exhaust to see a new beginning.

The inadequate performances of leaders have boosted resentments and doubts in the country. Subsequently, people have resorted to questioning the leadership in South Sudan of which many believe it is the root causes of why they are exposed to deal with arrays of issues whether in the villages or in towns.

However, my understanding of what is going on is exactly the opposite of what the SPLM/A fought for; therefore, we are hopelessly in need of initiating governmental change to initiate peaceful in the country using fair and pure approaches to our problems by starting a transition to a new leadership.

In our obvious preferences of our own kind, which is known to be one of many reasons why South Sudan wouldn’t rise above the stains of our blood. In our politics, we only believe in those who are willing to return favors, especially those who are related or close to us whether in our lineage or tribe or whatever it maybe that we are pursuing. I am a Dinka or Jieng, but I have not yet been accused of favoring anyone based on tribal connection.

Personally, I have not yet been mistaken for supporting those who are on my side of the Dinka. The cliché of tribalism has killed patriotisms and what we all stand for. Basically, many do these kinds of practices are meant to shelter us; however, in my case, I solely believe in finding the lasting solution to the problems in South Sudan that have immorally smashed people politically, socially, and economically.

Those who are cloistered are still subject to suffer in their communities, so some of us are just desperate for the solution in the country. As you know, our country is bigger than both our individual perceptions and our desire for comfort.

Now, within the lenses of the SPLM/A, Dr. Majak Agoot is the only man who has risen up and willing to separate the people from the adversities, which have contradicted 21 years of suffering during the civil war and recent incidents that have devastated the people. Majak’s intents are for the betterment of South Sudan.  Generally, to make myself clear, Majak and I never met nor are we associated outside of political dynamics in the country.

Again, I have never met the man, however, his ideas have resonated with me and are the only paramount and connecting point of understanding between two of us that brought me close to his motives; therefore, we have no choice but to acknowledge the fact that he deserves to lead the people out of all these commotions. We just can’t keep playing it off as if people are not affected when, in fact, people are overwhelmingly affected at all levels in their lives.

Majak is highly captivated by solution and giving humanity a priority regardless of our differences in the country have been his call for finding a lasting solution in South Sudan.

On different note, an attempt to give those who are unworthy a chance to lead the country has its grave consequences; therefore, we must leave behind repugnance behaviors and approach these problems using a leader who is not only serious about the betterment of South Sudan but more determined about the future and lasting peace in every corner of the country.

This is our desire as a country and this desire will not be achieved if we don’t have the right leader to help us recover from all the messed that have covered our progress. These contradictions are contrary to the reasons why we become an independent nation.

However, Majak understands the power of the people and this is the privilege we have gained through shared responsibilities during our struggle. These are the reasons why I and many remained encouraged amidst calamities in the country and aim for a leader to stand with the people.

Still, we are very hopeful and more optimistic about Majak as we look at days ahead. I have come to realize his insights and understanding of the interwoven nature of the problems in the country, which should be our individual priority as people of South Sudan. I have studied Majak’s ideas for a while, so my understanding of his outlooks about South Sudan isn’t based on credulous but it is based on his understanding of the waves of the problems that have overshadowed our collective progress of the country as a whole.

The entire country is frustrated and overwhelmed by all sort of social issues—that can be easily addressed without the use of violence but the pure dialogue of which Dr. Majak understand very well.

I have noticed Majak is the right person to be fully recognized to help South Sudanese shape the country towards a better future socially, economically, and politically. As we know, have known, many are recommended or proposed based on criterions that are not in the best interests of the country, but of the family and relatives of those who are blindfolded by the idea of regionalism or tribalism in that matter—which is the real enemy to our core values of united people.

Such method is not far from why the country affairs are badly coordinated time and time again. To put it the way I understand it, we are seriously in trouble and that is why we need someone who understands the principles of which the SPLM/A fought for, current problems, and our way forward over many particular situations the country is confronted with at the moment. The country needed someone who understands the SPLM and its goals and Majak is a serious member and a liberator of South Sudan.

These mysterious issues facing us are to be dealt with amicably, but we must focus on finding a leader—someone who is neutral and outside of violence corners. Many South Sudanese are interested in someone who is willing to reconstitute the country and this is worthwhile if we are thoughtful to reconsider bringing Majak on board for his constructive approaches we have heard over the years of the conflict in the country.

We definitely need new ideas to approach all these problems and to gear the country into a new direction. Let us give ourselves a chance in honor of peaceful South Sudan.

This article was written by Denggak Kur AKA Raanmangar. You can reach him at

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