Will the confinement of Gen. Paul Malong bring peace and stability in South Sudan
By Dut Kuot Akok, Juba, South Sudan

October 7, 2017 (SSB) — It is four months plus since General Paul Malong was wrongly confined under house arrest by some mirage gossipers turned politicians in the current government of national unity. The so-called self-proclaimed politicians are busy day and night not to see General Paul Malong in the political arena again.
They hate him because of his success and valor which enable him to gain reservoir reputations across the country of which his overwhelming reception in Yirol and Juba after he accepted humbly to returned to the capital are they case in point of his popularity and how lovable is General Paul Malong.
Thus the aforementioned above politicians are trying shamelessly to eliminate him politically, however, his legacy of standing tall always against what threaten people lives and the sovereignty of the country will remain in the living history for the generations to come because his contributions towards the liberty we are enjoying today are tangible and well cemented.
Such legacies are impossible to be owned via gossiping as others perceived. Currently, there are some half politicians who are trying forcefully to register their Names in the history of this country as liberators and contributors of this milk and honey nation of which I am sure will happen when pigs fly. They perceived that their Names will go down the anal of our history if they succeed to assassinate and corner him politically.
I wonder always as to how can they yesterday diehard NCP supporters/cadres who killed and betrayed the struggle of our people during the liberation days be honored and considered as to be above our undisputable liberators who struggle selflessly by dedicating their entire lives and time for the sake of our liberty. It is true that the current government has been dominated by hijackers and maroons who haven’t jump over the dead person in their entire lives other than seeing it in the coffin being taken to the graveyard for burial.
They are the same people who were enjoying the innocent blood of our people with the Islamic regime in Khartoum by prosecuting and persecuting them with impunity. And after the independence, they intelligently shifted their allegiance and camouflaged to be South Sudanese and Patriots more than those who were in the frontline for more than forty years.
Mr. Opportunist, it is so laughable to perceive that your time being the hijacking of the front seat in the current government will enable you to register your legacy as a liberator. Realistically you will not since the one who forgives you is the president but, the history and the innocent blood of south Sudanese you collaborated collectively with the genocidal Islamic regime will not forgive you come whatever.
They will one day hold you to account upon the living God owing to their innocent blood you trade with so as to enable you to make money out of their dear lives.
And to go back to the above topic, let first elaborate much on the current political instability in the country and how the current inhuman house arrest of General Paul Malong wouldn’t lead to the restoration of peace and harmony in the Republic of South Sudan as claimed by others and in particular the leaked audio of the presidential mouthpiece.
And according to the aforementioned opportunists, they perceived that the unconstitutional /illegal confinement of General Paul Malong is related to the preservation of peace in Bahr el Ghazel and in particular between Aweil and Gogrial communities which is untrue. Their claims are baseless and politically concocted with a complete purpose of denying him access to his people, civil and liberty rights.
Their laughable glue is so childish for the reason that, Mading Aweil and Gogrial will not come into confrontation violently come whatever. The peace that is being enjoyed by the two sisterly communities will not be spoilt by the evil wishes of opportunists who want to cement their positions and interests in the current government.
And if we take it into consideration as they preached, still, the aforementioned communities will not come into a complete war because of many reasons. Take, for instance, the former Northern Bahr el Ghazal state is totally divided politically of which there are many independents competing groups such as, Aaron base group, Ateny Wek Ateny group and Albino Bol group plus IO group under Dr. Dhieu Mathok.
All the above groups are competing over who will be the powerful voice that will be answerable to the president in regard to decision making in Mading Aweil political arena. Hence, it is impossible to bring them under one umbrella and influenced them to fight as they claimed.
On the other hand, the people of Gogrial cannot accept to unite their weapons to fight Mading Aweil because of their deep-seated internal differences. Take for example Agouk and Apuk; this two can’t agree to come out in the same line to fight Aweilians as claimed by the opportunists and blood dealers.
Nevertheless, Aguok community has no political or tribal differences that can make them come into physical confrontation with the people of Aweil since it is the most marginalized community in Gogrial in term of representation in the national government since 2005 up to date.
Perhaps, the only community in Gogrial that is ready to confront everything physically could be Awan community because it is where the fruits of this milk and honey nation are accommodated.
Henceforth, the inhuman claims and confinement of General Paul Malong under house arrest in order to avoid war and maintain peace between Aweil and Gogrial is unconvincing in totality. And as such, it is better for them to look for another trick for gluing their conspiracy rather than to dwell on illusions that are so laughable and childish.
Last but not least, I do like to inform our current maroons and opportunists who have taken the front seat in the government of president Kiir that, peace and tranquillity restoration and realization will not be achieved via the creation of more frontline as they are doing, but it will be achieved if we all come together and put our political interests aside so as to enable us to achieve a sound and a genuine peace in the Republic of South Sudan.
We need to work hard to build bridges that can play the active role in uniting the already socially divided people of South Sudan rather than to continue building dams for restoring innocent blood of our people. Always it is the ax that forgets but the tree that has been axed will never forget come whatever.
Therefore, try to grants General Paul Malong his civil and liberty rights if you are genuine about peace realization in the country. His unconstitutional and illegal confinement without charges will not affect peace and stability in the country.
Finally, as it was said by Shannon L. Alder ‘’they will hate you if you are successful. They will hate you if you are right. They will hate you if you are popular. They will hate you if you get attentions; worship a different version of their God. They will hate you if you are spiritual and courageous.
They will hate you if you have an opinion. They will hate you if people love you. They will hate you if they see you happy. And finally, they will hate you because of your achievements they have failed to achieve. However, remember this, they hate you because you represent something they feel they don’t have.
It is above the hatred and jealousy they have. So smile today because there is something you are doing right that has a lot of people thinking about you’’.
Dut Kuot Akok, the writer has a Bachelor degree in rural development from the University of Juba and is currently pursuing his post graduate (honors) degree in the same college in the University of Juba. He can be reached via his email address: dutkuot8@gmail.com
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