PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Medics are meant to save lives only, not wealth generation

By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan

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October 25, 2017 (SSB) — Medical profession is like any other discipline. Medicine is an evidence-based practice to diagnose and treat diseases. It is therefore not meant to generate wealth; mammon. It is humanitarian and those who practice it must show love and trust, they must be humble, co-operative and not be hot-tempered. That is what is translated that doctors should not get angry which is wrong. They have sentiments.

Those are, among others, the desired characteristics and qualities of somebody who practices medicine. They show remorse. They care and put themselves in the place of the sick. Medics do not prevent death. They save and try to prolong lives. As you are well aware, they die too. They are immortals and have their weaknesses.

They practice their profession guided by medical ethics and Hippocratic Oath. The purpose of writing this is to inform the people, those enslaved by ignorance, that doctors have no divine powers to block and prevent the superpowers of the Omnipotent God from calling His subjects; when and where necessary.

The work medics do is to save lives, I repeat. They don’t obstruct God’s plans. If they do, then why do they die? In recent months, we have lost distinguished medical doctors. There are people especially relatives of the patients who blame and tend to harm doctors when God has done His job. This is an absolute madness and wrong by all standards.

There is no covenant signed between the doctor and the Creator of all things not to die or to live forever. We are humans and as such we die. The medical professionals are mortals like the patients they treat. Some of them die with the stethoscopes in their hands examining patients.

We don’t deny that there are sometimes clinical oversights which may lead to death but the rarest. Engineers and lawyers have their weaknesses too. Pilots do. We all do.

This layman misconception that when patients die, doctors are either not skillful, knowledgeable and or kill intentionally has got to be corrected. Doctors have no enemies. They are always victims of political wars for which they take no part. They fight only the bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi that cause illnesses.

Their weapons are the drugs they prescribe to treat the diseases they diagnose. They have no tanks or surface-to-air missiles launchers to confront the Creator and angels on duty. When patients die, it is providence.

Patients can still die in the hands of pioneers of medicine. Scientists who travel to space also die. There is no living thing which doesn’t die on earth.

I just want our people to know and understand that death is one of the items on the big table of the giver of life. It should not defeat our intelligence that there comes a time when each and every one of us will leave for the final journey. Doctors in this war-stricken country do not sleep to see that they save lives.

They are trying their best to help as best as they can to treat and care for the sick without fear or favor. Just pray for peace to come so that medical services are improved by equipping medical facilities. If there are deaths now, they are related to the lack of diagnostic and therapeutic tools but not because doctors don’t know their work.

To be sincere with you, there is no specialty which doesn’t he have a consultant in South Sudan. Pray for the health fraternity.

The author is a practicing clinician and

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