An Alumni Speech on Success to the Students during a Motivational Talk 2017
By Adol Akuei, Eldoret, Kenya

October 31, 2017 (SSB) — ‘We have gradually lost our awareness of equality. This awareness we need to recover, we must return to a vision of life-based on equality. To appreciate quality means from a cultural perspective, to return back to books while turning from the newspaper and radio and telephone. We must turn away from haste and hurry to tranquility and silence,
From diversion to paying attention,
From sensation to contemplation,
From virtuosity to art,
From snobbery to humility,
From excess to restraint.’
Brothers’ life journey on success has never been an easy push. It is a push-pull kind of game. I have experienced it in my own style, however, many of you might have more guts to explain it better than me.I’m glad to meet you today on this very special day. This day will reflect your decisions to follow success. I will be happy if you lend me your ears for this time briefly. To give you nuggets which will help you tackle your success in life.
To give you an idea so that you can burrow your head in an open battlefield of success and fight a good fight. It’s just a lesson that I learned and want to share with you, my people. It’s good to share back home since sharing is caring. Don’t dance when you see a star grass dancing, you don’t know what causes them to dance, it might be a snake. I didn’t bring you destruction. It’s success that I am going to spit out right into your intellects.
Since Chinua Achebe said in his book, Arrow of God, that a fly that refuses the advice of the old is buried with its corpse, I hope beyond doubt that you will follow every knot of my brotherly advice, and if you want to test the water, you will face the consequences yourself.
I would rather advise you to be silent since a fly will not enter a closed mouth. Follow me quietly and keenly. I am also battling with success, so we are no different. But that should not block you from getting what I am saying. I have a reason to live and you too have a reason but at the end we all want success.
Now, good people, the present world is not like in the past. We are in a mixed of crisis. We are in a world full of moral decay. We are in a world where sex and sexuality are considered a pleasure by the youths. We are in a world where the human heart is redefined.
We are in a world where fibs are more important than the plain truth. We are in a world where friends are turning out to be foes. We are in a world where there is no trust in ourselves.
We are in a world where a man has lost his identity. We are in a world where orphans and widows have no voice. We are in a world where family disintegration is the order of the day. We are in a world where the government is more concern in power than the life of the citizens. We are in a world where students have redefined education as a punishment for their wrong deeds.
We are in a world where even a class one pupil would want to drop out of school and prefer being in streets begging. We are in a world where the products of education are in quantity but not quality. We are in a world where our standards and abilities as students are measured by our level of certificates, diplomas, degrees, masters, and philosophy of high doctors. We are in a world where devil rules more than God.
It’s all woebegone. It’s all meaningless. It’s all like chasing after a wind. It’s a very tough world to survive and be successful. It’s a river that is breaking away at its weakest point. And for that reason, cross the river before you abuse the crocodile. You must be well informed before you go outside there to start enjoying this damn term called- life. You must understand the times we are in now as human beings that,
We live in times where we see many humans but not enough humanity;
We live in times where the rich have more rooms than the children and the poor have more children than rooms;
We live in times where smartphones bring you closer to those who are far but distance you from those who are close;
We live in times where we open Facebook more than our holy book;
We live in times where a single mother can look after ten children, but ten children can’t look after a single mother;
We live in times where the rich walk miles to digest food, while the poor walk miles to obtain food;
We live in times where women are paid to be naked, while others are fined to be dressed;
We live in times where our contact lists are huge, but our relationships are poor;
We live in times where our possessions are more, but our appreciation is less;
We live in times where we know how to earn a good living, but somehow forget how to live well;
We live in times where many know the prices of everything but we value nothing;
Those are the times we are in comrades. You need to understand what is happening around the world so that you can define success with a better terminology. So that you understand the position you hold in your own self before imparting change on the life of others. They are the worst kind of times. In fact, we are battling with these mayhems. So don’t sit on that bench thinking that everything is okay.
It’s not. You still have a long way to go. The journey is not tomorrow, the journey begins now. Put yourself together in one accord and begin trekking the dreaded journey now since an early bird catches the worm. Be like those spiders in person which when united can tie up a lion.
Don’t fear the storms that drove you back. Do not waste tears in the rain by regrets. Though yesterday your fortune crashed, this day holds a splendid vision. Remember no arm of fate can thwart your dreams if keep allure. Stick to the visions in your mind for a better future and press ahead with eager eyes. Don’t lose your will to strive for perfection. I know how tough the journey is colleagues.
In fact, to succeed in anything, you will go through long hours of hard work, disappointments, rejections, failure, patience, stress and discouragements. But remember always, as history has it, no situation is permanent, learn how to benefit from the easier times and how to survive in the harder times.
If you read the histories of famous legends on the globe, you will realize that they once failed but never remained there. They keep rising and rising until they make it to their final destination. If you failed an exam, that doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It’s just a system that is in place. That doesn’t grant you the failure. You can still make it in this bizarre life. Therefore, keep reading widely, read books.
Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are concealed right there. You know it’s recorded in the holy book that ‘my people die because of lack of knowledge”. Get knowledge brethren and you will have the understanding.
And if you decide to live in ignorance now, your children will also get the same ignorance and the foolish nature that is generational will multiplies. From generation to generation since you are supposed to be a good example to them by telling them the truth of life and speak wisdom into their life. Be cautioned.
Life is all about perseverance, supplications, dedication, and commitment. Never be thwart as a student that you cannot make it through that hole in the center of an endless circle of life. You have to know that a hunter in pursuit of an elephant doesn’t stop on the way and start to throw stones at the birds.
Don’t follow those lothario lads thinking that they are a solution to your problems, they are not. You are the only one responsible for your own self since you know you the way you know you.
Man is always the man and a man must live and press on with life. A man will never be a woman and neither will a woman be a man. Therefore don’t act like a woman. The modern man is what you should be, let alone the man in history, those times of ramapithecus, Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Homo sapiens.
Whatever you are doing now will be account into your future life. Get knowledge, I emphasize. Choose it so that you live well in these worst times that are shaking us to the roots of our existence, throwing us hither and thither.
Remember, the society with her problems is waiting for you to bring a change. Don’t think that if the society is quiet about you, you are safe, indeed you are not. You know when you see a quite snake; it is because it has swallowed another snake. Be ready to be swallowed up directly into the gastrointestinal system without being chewed. If you make a mistake now, everyone will suffer just because of your mere mistake.
Take charge of your own life and be careful. I know up to this level, change might be difficult since its personal, process and painful but still, you can change for the betterment of your unborn children. I know we are of different character but keep your identity and character tight. It’s difficult sometimes as a youth but that is what you need to do.
To those who are obstinate and would reject each and every rule of the school, the fact is, life will teach you and you will learn how to calm down your jarring nerves outside there when the laws of the land will land on you. Of course, the prison that is not a holiday camp will change you by exposing you to the jaws of the bitter venom of life.
Take the village out of you and be a freeman who can be an epitome of decorum in the society. Remember service is very important and you need to serve the humanity when you are done with your academic walks. So walk life journey and serve.
If lemon earns you life, make lemonade. Don’t be a victim to the law of compensation.
As you travel through life,
There are always those times,
Where decisions just have to be made,
When choices are hard and solutions seems scarce,
And the rain seems to soak your parades,
There are situations where all you can do is to let go,
And move on,
Gather courage together and choose a direction that carries you towards a new dawn,
So pack your troubles and take a step forward,
The process of change might be tough,
But think about the excitement ahead,
If you can be stalwart enough!
There could be adventures you never imagined,
Just waiting around the next bend and dreams and wishes,
Just about to come true in ways you can’t yet comprehend,
Perhaps, you’ll find friendships that,
Spring from new interest as you challenge your status quo,
And learn that there are so many options in life
And so many ways you can grow,
Perhaps, you’ll go places you never expected,
And see things that you have never seen in your village,
Or travel to fabulous faraway worlds,
And wonderful spots in between,
Perhaps you’ll find warm, affection in the near future,
And carries someone special,
Who is there to help you stay centered,
And listen with interest to stories and feelings shared,
Perhaps you’ll find comfort in knowing your friends are supportive,
Of all that you do,
And believe that whatever decision you make,
They will be the right choices for you,
Keep putting one foot in front of the other,
And taking your life day by day,
There is a brighter tomorrow,
Down the road on that beautiful shore.
As a student, it’s challenging but at the end, you will have it all by yourself. I would also say this to our teachers that they teach u the truth and train us to be independent of our own ideas in the long run. I would also urge our parents to believe in us that we can be successful in future. It’s a duty of each and every one of you to make a decision.
Candidates, success in your exams and the rest are ambassadors of success in this school and make it a home of peace not pain. I know victory doesn’t come by the sword but from the strength of the wielder of the sword. Repair those small cracks in your academic life and don’t be like the mosquito that bites the owner of the house. God bless you all.
(ADOL AKUEI, the author of the above speech is a second year student doing Bachelor of Science in nursing at Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya. He is the current secretary general of the Moi University South Sudanese Association (MUSSSA). He was the former vice chairman of the South Sudanese Association in Bungoma, Kenya. Besides, he is a poet and has written many poems. His poem ‘PANGS OF SORROW’ was published at African World books. He is a motivational speaker in counseling psychology. You can reach out unto him through the email;
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