A Congratulatory Message to Makwei Mabioor Deng and Amer Mayen Dhieu
The two social love birds – Amer Mayen Dhieu and Makwei Mabioor Deng, finally tied the family robe on Saturday, 14 0ctober 2017, at Emmanuel Jieng Parish with a reception at Freedom Hall, in Juba, South Sudan.
By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

November 1, 2017 (SSB) — On the 14th October 2017 in Juba; South Sudan the two known and brilliants Stars fused their hands in the marriage ceremony. Early on the sunup of that fine-looking and well attended day, Makwei Mabioor Deng and Amer Mayen Dhieu thudded the marriage drum as their relatives, friends, colleagues, and neighbours turned up in full-size to witness the laying on of their marriage and family stone based on Architectural certainty that the scene of strong and striking house is the pride of every house owner.
Watching the two gigantic global birds as their hand clinched together was the greatest harvest that the attendants was blessed with that evening. The marriage union of two academic giants with expanded knowledge in the modern world history was one of the rare and successful stories of the modern era that happened on that Saturday evening 14th, October 2017.
Makwei Mabior Deng as a Scholar, Writer and Analyst has wholly been rewarded with a GREAT CATCH, his hunting skill has precisely led him to resourceful hunting ground; CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH, their coming together as wife and husband was highly applauded by everyone including their colleagues in Thinking and Acting. The wedding of Makwei Mabioor Deng and Amer Mayen Dhieu was so unique in the sense that the two respected Thinkers and Social Analysts have reef knot their idealistic nets into ONE & SUPER GRADED ONE.
The union of two great and well-molded blocks results into straight, beautiful and vertical wall according to the engineering test kit.
Amer Mayen Dhieu with her well social and academic background has chosen the right setting; her academic and social journey has resulted in educational investment in Girl Child Education and she has been leading battles on social and traditional biases against girls.
Her superb dream and coordination is currently been implemented through her girls’ educational Initiative called Twic East Girl Scholarship Program (TEGSP) that gives 4 years scholarship to girls with highest marks in their KCPE Exams’ results in Kenya, particularly in Kakuma.
The sweat of their vow has been properly distilled into the clear water of humanity and socialization; having been colleagues in pen; their social and academic ladders will stand the strong social wind of devastation that they can collectively negate on through their social and academic networking and setting.
Having known what it takes to be socially fit, family of Makwei Mabioor Deng and Amer Mayen Dhieu together with their extended families will adequately enjoy the prettiness of nature where birds of the same feathers wing together
As they ascend higher and higher in their nest ring the watchful eyes of the cages builders continuously admire them as the two proudly navigate the hearty atmospheric trip to the venue of love conference.
While watching the two famous cranes dancing in the open savanna, one keeps on remembering the noble responsibility of every mankind as he/she roams the world of beauty, love, innovation, and happenings.
A time comes when one has to look back into his/her expedition and heartily calculate the miles walked on while returning to the warmest hut of hearts.
Precisely every mankind must exhume the root of his/her assignment under the conical Tree of Recreation and companionship.
Awuol Gabriel Arok, a Writer, and a Poet, has a Bachelor Degree in Social and Developmental Studies from the University of Juba, South Sudan, he is the author of unpublished book ‘‘The Wisdom Horn’’ and an Initiator of ‘‘Your Tribe is My Tribe’’ and ‘‘Giving Heart Foundation’’ initiatives. He can be reached via his email Address: jjmkamzeearokson@yahoo.com
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