Pres. Trump needs to independently review reports of Nikki Haley on South Sudan
By Emmanuel Monychol Akop, Juba, South Sudan

November 1, 2017 (SSB) — Nikki Haley, on meeting President Kiir said that “We have lost trust in the government of South Sudan. We now need to regain that trust, and the only way to regain that trust is through the actions of taking care of all of the people.”
In response, one Nyenagwek Manayom, former minister of information in the defunct Warrap State, who is strongly allied to the former political detainees responded on Haley’s Facebook Timeline: “You are the voice of innocent people of South Sudan we are just proud of what you are doing to our country is not you alone who lost the trust but we as well the government is only carrying for itself the suffering people are not its concerned as long as they are in power looting the country resources. Change must come by all means we are just tired of them.”
To be honest, my sister Nyenagwek is not speaking the voice of ordinary people, but the voice of power struggle. She is seeking a political change and hopes that the US will help her and her cronies, who are enjoying the hospitality of the US government, achieve this goal. In this regard, South Sudanese people and their government are also beginning to question the genuineness of the US government in resolving once and for all the South Sudanese political struggle.
The US is now being viewed as a player in the crises rather than a mediator. How could the US be saying it wants peace in South Sudan and they are giving sanctuary or hospitality to the rebels, right in American soil?
We would like to say that the successive US administrations have done little service to the people of South Sudan, not in the form of aid, but in the form of the types of diplomats, they assign to South Sudan.
For example, assigning individuals like Lyman, Kate, John, Nikki and their various organizations, has done nothing but cooperate with South Sudan’s terrorists, and then are misinforming the US Congress with wrong pieces of information about South-Sudan. If the US has no intention to destabilize South Sudan, then the nature of the diplomats the US Administration has successively sent to South Sudan need to be reviewed.
These diplomats are making the enemy of South Sudan, a country that should forever be grateful to the US, for her support helping South Sudan attain a meaningful independence. Instead of continuing in the same good path, these diplomats have done much worse,, that is, have hurt millions of South Sudanese with their misinformation.
And worse of all, they are controlling the media in the US. The US media backs up their misinformation with powerful editorials. Some of the media in the US and some Newspapers and radio stations sponsored by the US here in South Sudan are paid by some of these wicked ambassadors to demonize the government and the people of South Sudan. South Sudanese are portrayed as highly chauvinistic, parochial and xenophobic; this is done with the intention to keep away investors and to reduce the people’s economic growth – in order to portray the country as a failed state and the people’s government, a failing government.
Although US diplomats are misbehaving with their reckless speeches, South Sudan is not against the US government. In reality, since the White House takeover from Obama, several US leading government officials have resigned from their assignments and our diplomats and the media are not here writing about it, portraying the US government as a failed government in which honest civil servants and the US citizens have lost trust. Why because we believe that America is a friend, and we cannot act in ways that perpetuate the fall of their government.
As one concerned South Sudanese would say, our violent criminals in South Sudan, are just like violent criminals in America, but they do not represent the entire population of America – a lot of open shooting on black people, police brutality against the blacks we do not consider all these America, we consider them isolated cases of evil that the Trump administration must address.
Look at this case, Nikki Haley has refused to recognize the national dialogue and is busy threatening the President of the Republic of South Sudan, saying people have lost trust in President Kiir’s government. We do hope that Haley is not behaving like Susan Rice, who, years ago, bothered her secretary to report to her after every minute how many Facebook “likes” she has refused as she travels around the world, making careless misinforming comments. Ego is not leadership!
I agree with Nyenagwek, South Sudanese are tired of war and they need someone who will sincerely speak for peace, not the perpetrator of war. Blaming the government, who is the partner with the US in promoting the world peace and fighting terrorism, is bad irony on the side of the US diplomats.
I wish to state that the problem is not the government of South Sudan, the problem is the rebels who are not genuinely fighting for the common good of the people of South Sudan but for their own interests, which is achieving positions of power.
The US is aware of this, but I am surprised why our US diplomats have failed to take note of this situation, put the blame on the rebels, refuse to harbor them, or accommodating them in the US, and then after giving the rebels no choice but to accept peace, force the government to do what is reasonably right.
There is no way South Sudan government will achieve peace when the rebels are freely enjoying the US hospitability and the US diplomats are barking, sorry to say, at the government.
The US will achieve peace for South Sudanese if the US tries to support the government on the national dialogue, give the rebels no choice but to join the national dialogue and force the government accepts generally accepted principles of achieving a meaningful dialogue.
The author, Emmanuel Monychol Akop, is the Editor-in-Chief of The Dawn Newspaper and be reached via his email:
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