PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Let support our small-scale vendors by buying their petty goods and services

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan


November 26, 2017 (SSB) — While strolling across the busy streets of Juba city slamming into a group of children and women selling a variety of items as vendors is a common scene.

Convolution is part of poky learning and teaching that leads to acceptance of new lifestyle, Juba city was famously known for huge cash and heavy spending, during those good goings days clusters of men and women order their foods in a competitive manner; sheya jidad/laam, shoruba laam/samak, kombo laam/samak was an ordinary order, quantity was not in a Juba jam-list, in those days what matter was quality and sweetness of the feast.

Those days were graced with a number of never-ending drinking in form of juices, sodas, milk, red bull, beer, cocktails and all sort of wines; that was when the political ball was still under the guarding arm of two historical and everyone delightful achievement, the referendum, and the Independence.

After the blast of the political boom in Juba on 15 December 2013 life hasn’t remained the same, hawking and roadside businesses which were previously known for foreigners particularly our brothers and sisters from Uganda immediately change lanes.

In a crystal view today there is a thrust shift toward the other side of the palm and with no doubt, our boys and women are doing great in the running of those businesses.

 Economic crisis that has badly hit the nation on both feet and arms has forcefully pushed everyone including the children into a roughly planning track, without exception all are worn down of what to eat,  what to wear and how to pay the school fees, this economic pinching has badly affected the most vulnerable groups within the society.

High market prices and continuous economic coil down has compelled many people to open small-scale businesses and as of today many are actively selling charcoal, washing car, shoe polishing and selling various household items in order to survive the greedy fangs of economic and political crisis.

Even Though some of the parents have been disarmed of their responsibilities by the economic stroke, majority of them have never surrendered to the dirty hand of anguish.

On the truthful side of nature, a crafty farmer could not watch his withering plants without thinking of what to do.

Glancing into an empty space of hope in front of their helpless parents’ many children have voluntary joined the workforce and as of today are involved in the running of petty businesses within Juba city as hawkers and are selling’s biscuits, ball gums, sweet, earrings and many more.

Women are not left behind in subsistence fulfillment; a great number of them is leading in the provision of family’s meal and paying off the school fees, with education as an important investment, majority of the parents have prioritized education and look at it as the only hope that can adjust their living condition and that of their children.

Women are largely involved in tea businesses, cakes making, mandazi and sliced bread selling, that is a lively struggle that requires everyone shore up by buying their petty items.

Importantly they are not interested in making the huge profit they are only there to get an equivalent of a simple meal, to cater for medical expenses in case of sickness and to pay for the school fees.

They never hoard for tomorrow and indeed they need to be supported for tomorrow, let buy from the street vendors in order for their families to have at least one meal a day.

Caring is everyone’s responsibility.

Awuol Gabriel Arok, a Writer, and a Poet, has a Bachelor Degree in Social and Developmental Studies from the University of Juba, South Sudan, he is the author of unpublished book ‘‘The Wisdom Horn’’ and an Initiator of ‘‘Your Tribe is My Tribe’’ and ‘‘Giving Heart Foundation’’ initiatives. He can be reached via his email Address:

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