PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The wind of calmness enjoyed during the festive season should be maintained in 2018

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

Abel Alier and Philip Aguer picture by Mach Samuel

January 4, 2018 (SSB) — Peace of mind is the strongest expectation of progress that any human soul must adore, South Sudanese have engagingly and gracefully celebrated the Christmas season of 2017 and ONE-ONE  of this year with stability and happiness though with few incidences of disobedience. Safety was at its utmost score, level of performances was high, and generally, our security forces did a praiseworthy job.

Juba was secured by security elements that were very vigilance, supportive and well organized, on the sharing plate of happiness Christians were jovially joined by Muslims during and after the birth of Jesus towing together the New Year loaded cart of cheerfulness.

The ONE-ONE night which is the most supper night of the year was waited by many with activities and business, range of dealings that have interlink with happiness and stability of minds were approved and framed, some waited for 1/1 as it is famously known for heavy drinking and feasting, others pushed on their time with games such as chess and dominoes whereas some bravely dance it on until the clock tick 12:00 or 1/1/ of 2018.

Only a few individuals were tempted to slept before the tremendous appearance of the joyous 1/1 of the new year, many stayed awake on point pin and was believed to be the highest time to thank the Lord for keeping one alive and was also the best lively occasion in one’s life where individuals openly and thankfully witness the handing over of their personal’s coat of survival to the Prince of Life.

Congratulations to South Sudanese for gracing the best and great day with love, openness and togetherness; we should keep the stick pointing at the whitish end of the sky.

The past and the new year meeting and breaking spot is believed to be the best space for putting up the pillar of hope and where individuals can formulate plans for their life schedule, individuals recall pathways of their journey for the past number of years as they gladly glance into the coming space of fortune and pensiveness.

Funnily; on the morning of 1/1/2018 a comedian joked of having eaten a goat for two years from the night of December 31 to the morning of January 1.

The switching on the button for 2018 celebration in Juba was soft and flexible; it was celebrated with ululation and objects hammering than the frightening roars of guns as feared by many; that move alone has manifested the highest order of attention toward the chain of command.

Indisputably we (South Sudanese) have agreed that the year 2017 was full of ups and downs; today is the highest time to dissolve the ups and downs pasts with encouraging expectation of the year 2018, precisely thinking and doing good things in 2018 will definitely be the way to stay prolifically throughout New Year.

We have heard and have seen many positive happenings during the Christmas and deep into the night of 1/1. That positivity is what we have to maintain and the search for peace will be a reality, during the Christmas season the rough switch of negativity change all over even in social media, everyone was seen giving best Christmas and New Year Wishes together with the request for forgiveness for the wrong one might have done.

2018 festive season was gleefully celebrated; children were spotted roaming the City on foot from Checkpoint, Gurei, Hai Referendum, Jebel Dinka, Mia au Saba, Gudele,  Munuki, Mauna, Rock City, Hai Jebel, Newsite, Lologo, Suk sita, Malakia, Hai Thoura, Amarat, Thongpiny,  Juba Town , Gumbo, Shirikat, Konyokonyo to and from Custom.

The whole season was awesome as children merrily budged in groups though some naughtiness were noted from some teenagers who openly abused drugs particularly scotching drinks; that was the worse observation for the year 2017 and New Year 2018.

Our genre of sharing which was common is almost vanishing due to economic crisis and hardship was revived as children keep on knocking doors with season seven wordings of ‘‘yit yit mabarak lekum bara weele juwa’’.

The new year 2018 was coolly and delightfully welcome by many with exhilaration and hope, may the strength and love observed during the Christmas and New Year festive season coerce the people of South Sudan towards the attainment of Peace and stability in the Republic of South Sudan.

May the year 2018 shine our doors with Peace.

Awuol Gabriel Arok, a Writer and a Poet, has a Bachelor Degree in Social and Developmental Studies from the University of Juba, South Sudan, he is the author of the unpublished book ‘‘The Wisdom Horn’’ and an Initiator of ‘‘Your Tribe is My Tribe’’ and ‘‘Giving Heart Foundation’’ initiatives. He can be reached via his email Address:

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