PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Press Release: SSHURSA welcomes U.S. arms restrictions on South Sudan

Biel Boutros Biel, the Executive Director of the South Sudan Human Rights Society for Advocacy (SSHURSA)
Biel Boutros Biel, South Sudanese human rights lawyer and the Executive Director of the South Sudan Human Rights Society for Advocacy (SSHURSA).jpg

February 4, 2018 (SSB) — The South Sudan Human Rights Society for Advocacy (SSHURSA) welcomes the announcement made today 2 February 2018 by the United States Department of State to implement restrictions on the export of defense articles and defense services into South Sudan. Though this announcement has rather come far too late, still, it is a great step for a right cause. SSHURSA welcomes such announcement and urges the United States to move beyond words, to mobilize the conscience of the international and regional bodies to ensure with urgency the implementation of the full arms embargo on South Sudan.

SSHURSA urges the United Nations Security Council to speak with one voice on the sufferings and humiliating situations in which the ordinary South Sudanese are going through due to the effects of the ongoing civil war in South Sudan. SSHURSA specifically calls on China and Russia to value the humanity of the ordinary South Sudanese children, women and elderly persons who have been trapped in humiliating circumstances.  The people of South Sudan have been put into untold sufferings by their own failed political system and political elite; especially the Government of President Salva Kiir who instead of taking responsibility to bring about peace but working hard to frustrate efforts to restore sanity in South Sudan.

SSHURSA also condemns the sustained ongoing violations of the Agreement on the Cessation of hostilities, protection of civilians and humanitarian access. The ongoing violations by the parties especially that which is orchestrated by the government troops in Bieh, Yei, Western Upper Nile and several locations in South Sudan are unacceptable. SSHURSA calls on regional and international institutions and personalities to speak with one voice and condemn any side of the warring parties which frustrates efforts to bring peace and justice to South Sudan.

SSHURSA further urges African Union, United Nations, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, Troika members, European Union and the friends of South Sudanese people to stand together to ensure that arms embargo is fully implemented against South Sudan, ensure that powerful individuals who are spoilers of peace from any side are sanctioned, have their assets frozen and completely their movements stopped beyond South Sudan.

SSHURSA finally calls on the warring parties to approach in good faith the second phase of IGAD High-Level Revitalization Forum due in Ethiopia. They should seize the opportunity to restore peace in South Sudan. The region especially IGAD countries, should also overcome their preferred interests on South Sudan and join the world to surmount significant pressure with possible consequences on South Sudanese military and political leaders in order to end violence and sufferings of the ordinary South Sudanese people. Any further excuses remain costly to people.


About SSHURSA: South Sudan Human Rights Society for Advocacy (SSHURSA) was founded on 5 June 2007. Its Vision is a justice, peaceful, democratic, human rights and rule of law-abiding South Sudan. Its Mission is to train general public on human rights, rule of law, transitional justice, peacebuilding, child protection, youth and women’s empowerment. For more information on this press release or about SSHURSA, contact us through Executive Director Biel Boutros Biel: E-mail: Cell: +211922355200.

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